His complexion also changed drastically. He didn't know the truth, so he could only secretly pray for Zhou Shan in his heart, hoping that he would not be caught.

At this moment, Zhou Shan had already taken advantage of the chaos and left, and now he has run ten miles away.

This place was out of the search range of Liu Ke's army, so Zhou Shan breathed a sigh of relief, secretly glad that he acted in time, otherwise he would really be arrested.

He quietly came to the bank of the Han River, walked for a while, and finally came to a fisherman's house.

At this moment, the other party was still sound asleep, so Zhou Shan took advantage of his unpreparedness, pushed the fishing boat outside the door into the water, and drove away by himself.

However, Zhou Shan was born in a poor family. Before he left, he did not forget to put an ingot of gold cake at the door of the fisherman's house, which was counted as money for buying a boat.

With the boat, Zhoushan had already flowed down the river for dozens of miles at dawn.

But at this moment, the search on Zhao Yun's side was finally over.

It was just a night of intense searching but nothing was gained, and the last few generals had no choice but to report the results to Zhao Yun.

Although Zhao Yun's face was very ugly, he could only accept this fact helplessly.

However, the matter was so important that Zhao Yun didn't dare to decide on his own, so he hurried to report to Liu Ke.

"Someone left from the city?" Liu Ke was also very surprised when he heard that, his brows were tightly frowned.

At this time, it happened that Zhuge Liang came to report the military situation, and when the other party heard it, his face changed drastically.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this matter is definitely not ordinary!"

"Oh? What is Kong Ming talking about?" Liu Ke quickly looked at him and asked.

"If someone goes out of the city in the middle of the night, and there is only one person's footprint, it should not be a spy!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Why?" Liu Ke was a little puzzled.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly and explained: "If there are spies sent out to spy on the enemy or cause sabotage, then there must be only one person.

It is important to know that the greater the number of affirmations, the greater the possibility of success in the end.For one person, chance is too great, and Zhou Gongjin definitely did not do it.

Moreover, our army is well-organized. If it is a spies, a night's search should have found clues.

So judging from the current signs, I estimate that this person is likely to be a messenger, not a spy! "

After listening to Zhuge Liang's explanation, Liu Ke finally understood a little bit.

But now that the armies of Sun Quan and Zhou Yu have all been besieged in the city, where will the messenger go to deliver the news?

For these, even if Zhuge Liang is as clever as Zhuge Liang, he must not be able to guess them.

However, Zhuge Liang asserted: "If the other party is really a messenger, then he will definitely come back.

We just need to strengthen our defense and capture it in one fell swoop when it returns, then everything will be revealed! "

Liu Ke couldn't help but nodded when he heard this, "Well, what Kong Ming said is reasonable, Zilong, it's up to you to carry out this matter yourself.

Be sure to catch that person for me! "

Zhao Yun hurried forward to take the order. He felt guilty because he let the other party go before, so how could he not try his best this time?

Therefore, Zhao Yun immediately went down to make arrangements, and the generals were waiting inside and outside the camp.

Besides, Zhou Shan, since he broke through the siege, he traveled all day and night, and arrived in Yicheng, a hundred miles away, in the afternoon.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he landed, he was spotted by a group of patrolling soldiers, and he was arrested without any explanation.

Zhou Shan quickly revealed his identity, but the other party still didn't believe it.They still regarded Zhou Shan as a spy of the enemy army and did not let him loose.

As a result, Zhou Shan had no choice but to yell and call the general Pan Zhang by name, and even told a lot of internal information about Jingzhou.

The soldiers had to believe that he really didn't look like a spy, so they had to bring him to Pan Zhang.

At this moment, Pan Zhang is sitting in a wheelchair and supervising the construction in the shipyard. At this moment, he can see that there are four huge semi-finished buildings in the dock.

It turned out that in order to speed up the construction, Pan Zhang directly constructed the four ships together, but now it is almost completed.

Pan Zhang was a little displeased at being disturbed by others, but when he heard that it was someone from Xiangyang, he could only reluctantly go to see him.

When he saw Zhou Shan, Pan Zhang frowned, because he didn't know the person in front of him at all.

To send someone to pass the news at this time, at least one person who is familiar with each other is reliable, why is there a new face now?

However, although Pan Zhang didn't know Zhou Shan, Zhou Shan recognized him at a glance.

Thanks to Zhou Yu's deliberate training, he can basically recognize all the people with heads and faces from all over Jingzhou.

Zhou Shan hurriedly said: "General Pan, I am under the command of the governor. My nickname is Zhou Shan. This is my token!"

As he spoke, Zhou Shan took out a token from his bosom, which was a small chi button seal with several seal characters on it: Jianwei Zhonglang General.

Pan Zhang held it in his hand and looked at it, his expression changed instantly, and he immediately stepped forward to untie Zhou Shan himself.

It turned out that this seal was indeed Zhou Yu's token.

Although he now occupies the position of the Great Governor, when he first defected to Sun Ce, he was conferred this official position, and this seal was also his official seal at that time.

Jianwei Zhonglang General was actually placed by Sun Ce specially for Zhou Yu.

Only later, with Zhou Yu's rapid rise in status, the era of Jianwei Zhonglangjiang soon became history.

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