Zhuge Liang had already arranged everything, and immediately said: "Return to Your Majesty, now that you know Sun Quan's plan.

Then we just need to count on it.Then the first step is to get rid of Pan Zhang in Yicheng.Then replace it with ours.

In this way, it is impossible for the opponent's navy to appear anyway.But when Sun Quan got the signal to leave the city, he found himself besieged on all sides.

What is ushering in is not the reinforcements, but the enemy. At that time, the opponent will panic, and the battle of Xiangyang will be sure! "

"Well said! According to Kong Ming's plan, Ling Tong will personally lead an army of [-] sailors to attack Yicheng downstream!"

After Liu Ke made arrangements, Ling Tong did not hesitate and went directly downstream.

As for the blockade outside Xiangyang City, Gan Ning's troops were in charge.

Ling Tong drove all night, and soon arrived at a city named Liqiu, which was only forty miles away from Xiangyang.

He sent people to investigate and found out that Sun Quan's naval forces were all gathered here, and they were training at the moment, waiting for Pan Zhang to build warships.

Thinking that the enemy is on land, I may have the advantage of the navy, but I can't wipe it out.

Therefore, Ling Tong did not take the initiative to provoke the other party, but continued to go downstream before he found out.

After traveling another hundred miles, Ling Tong finally came to the vicinity of Yicheng.

Before approaching, Ling Tong saw the shipyard on the edge of the Han River.

There is a lot of people here, and there are endless shuttles, and various raw materials are constantly being transported, and then processed immediately.

In the downstream of the shipyard, there are already three huge large-scale ships parked on the water, and the appearance seems to have been completed.

It's just that there are still many craftsmen working on the deck, perhaps there are still some details that have not been completed.

As the general of the navy, Ling Tong could tell at a glance that although the opponent's place had just been established, it was built at this speed.

I'm afraid it won't be long before another powerful navy force is born.

Therefore, at this moment, he couldn't help but be thankful that the Prime Minister discovered it in time, otherwise he might really fall into a passive position if he was caught off guard.

After Ling Tong investigated the situation here, he stopped hesitating and finally officially launched an attack on the opponent.

However, before rushing forward, the boat in the front was suddenly shocked and stopped on the water.

The huge movement also alarmed Pan Zhang immediately, and the other party hurriedly sent someone to check.

When Pan Zhang saw a large army coming from the water, his spirits lifted.Can't help but murmured: "Sure enough, it's still here!"

However, although Pan Zhang was a little shocked on his face, he was not worried in his heart.

Because he had already expected that the other party might come back to investigate, so he set up some guards along the route.

So as long as there is a big ship approaching, Pan Zhang will be able to spot it immediately.

Seeing that the opponent was about to break through the barrier and come forward, Pan Zhang immediately ordered his men to board the ship to fight.

After all, the large ships built here were destined for Xiangyang. Due to the long distance, most of the navy was stationed in Liqiu.

However, some actual controllers are still needed here, and these people are naturally Pan Zhang's navy troops.

Although there are not many people, they are all elite.

These people immediately boarded the new building boat that had just been built, and then sailed into the water to face Ling Tong's water army.

Although Pan Zhang injured a leg, he still boarded the main ship and had to command in front of the battle.

Before my side was destroyed by the warship, I was bullied by the opponent's navy very badly.

Now that the warship was finally rebuilt, Pan Zhang finally had the opportunity to feel proud.

Pan Zhang sat on the bow of the boat, waving the battle flag in his hand, and shouted: "Soldiers, the whole army will attack, and all future enemies will be wiped out."

Five or six warships and one building boat were dispatched immediately, and together they rushed to Ling Tong who was coming upstream.

At this moment, Ling Tong finally cleared all the obstacles by the river, and when he saw that the opponent boarded a boat to fight, he immediately became vigilant.

Water battles in this era are actually very simple. It is nothing more than shooting at each other from a distance, and then fighting on board when they are close.

The one who sticks to the end is naturally the winner.

When Pan Zhang fought against the opponent before, he suffered a disadvantage. The outer layer of the opponent's warship was covered with iron, and ordinary arrows could not go in.

So when building a new ship, he also deliberately added such a layer of iron on the surface.

So the two sides shot at each other from a distance, but they couldn't break each other's defenses, and they couldn't get much results at all.

Seeing this, Ling Tong waved his hand and rushed directly downstream.

He has a lot of people this time, so naturally he doesn't need to be afraid of the opponent. Since the long-range attack has no effect, he will simply take the side.

I saw the warship going down the current at a very fast speed, rushing straight towards Pan Zhang's troops located downstream.

Pan Zhang was shocked when he saw this.

Because there is a huge and hard dragon head on the bow of the opponent's ship as a ramming angle, as long as it hits, the small boat will capsize immediately, and the big ship will also hit a big hole.

So Pan Zhang hurriedly directed the boat to dodge on the water to avoid being hit head-on by the opponent.

Pan Zhang's response was not inflexible, but he ignored the gap between the enemy and us.

You must know that the warship Ling Tong was on was not an ordinary ship, it was designed and built by Liu Ke himself.

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