Finally, after Ling Tong asked the craftsman who had just climbed ashore, he understood what was going on.

It turned out that as a ship, the bottom boards were all spliced ​​with wooden boards brushed with tung oil.

Since it is splicing, there will naturally be a gap in the middle.

According to the general method, these gaps will be filled with lime and hemp silk, and then brushed with tung oil, so that water will not leak naturally.

Unexpectedly, because Pan Zhang assigned heavy tasks to everyone and punished them harshly, the craftsmen started the next process before the inside was completely dry when brushing the oil in order to catch up with the work.

Although it can't be seen on the surface, once you get into the water, you will know the truth and falsehood, but at that time, it will be too late, and it is impossible to save it.

After saying this, the craftsman kowtowed on his knees, begging Ling Tong's forgiveness.

It turned out that he thought that Ling Tong wanted to arrest him to take the blame.

Unexpectedly, after hearing his explanation, Ling Tong suddenly burst out laughing.

"Get up quickly, I will not only not punish you, but also reward you greatly! Hahahaha..."

Ling Tong laughed and left, leaving only the craftsman with a confused look on his face.

It turned out that Ling Tong saw the scene of the ship sinking and thought of a plan to destroy Liqiu's navy.

As the purpose of this inspiration, Ling Tong naturally wanted to reward it.

Ling Tong was going to build a batch of leaky boats and coax the Liqiu sailors to board the boats. When all the opponents boarded the boats, it would be too late.

Therefore, according to Ling Tong's request, the craftsmen acted immediately and began to tamper with those ships.

A few days later, when everything was ready, Ling Tong led the army and set off with the tampered empty ships.

When the fleet arrived at Liqiu, it really caught the attention of the people on the shore.

However, since the ships came from the lower reaches, although the people on the shore were curious, they were not too nervous, but were very interested in them.

Because the people on the shore discovered that many of the ships in the fleet were new and wore the same clothes as themselves, so they should be friendly troops.

So, someone immediately rushed to tell the general, and after a while, a man dressed as a general came to the shore.

One of them shouted loudly: "Who is on board? Report your name!"

Ling Tong walked out of the cabin when he heard the sound, and said without blushing, "I am the captain of General Lou Chuan. Today, I am sending the newly built ship here."

The people on the shore heard the sound and looked at the row of brand-new ships behind them, very happy.

These people are all sailors, but because all the warships were buried in the Battle of Hanshui, they finally became a sailor without ships.

Now that I saw the warship again, how could I resist this temptation?

So these people didn't have any doubts at all, so they started sending people over to receive them.

At this time, Ling Tong said again: "General, the warships on General Lou Chuan's side are about to be completed, and we will attack together according to Lord Inspector's arrangement.

That's why General Pan said, after receiving the ship, please immediately start to practice near Yicheng.

One is to be familiar with the operation of the new ship, and the other is to be ready for battle at any time, so as not to be in a hurry when it comes to the real battle. "

At this moment, the handover of the new ship has been completed, and dozens of experienced sailors sent by the man checked the ship from top to bottom, and found nothing abnormal.

So after hearing Ling Tong's words, the opposing commander immediately smiled and said, "Haha, thank you brother for reminding me. I'll tell you the truth.

My brother has had enough of life without a ship for a long time, now that he finally has a warship, how can he bear it?

Brothers, go back and pack your things, and get on the boat to practice immediately! "

Following this person's order, everyone on the shore immediately took action, and after a while, they began to line up to board the ship.

Ling Tong looked at the busy figures of these people with peace of mind, except for the smiles in the corners of his eyes, he couldn't see anything unusual.

After half an hour of busy work, half of the sailors boarded the warships, and every warship was fully loaded.

Ling Tong then said: "Generals, this place is too close to Xiangyang, and the enemy navy may patrol here.

However, in order to ensure surprise and unpreparedness, before the official attack, the enemy must not be allowed to hear half of the wind.

So please follow the general to practice downstream together! "

Then he said to the people on the shore: "Soldiers who haven't got the warship don't need to worry. Please wait patiently for a few days. They are already rushing to work overnight."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When the Liqiu sailors heard Ling Tong's words, every sentence made sense, and they all believed his words.

In addition, he just got a new ship at this moment, and it was the time when he was in the best mood, so why was he half suspicious?

So, under the leadership of Ling Tong, these people drove downstream in a mighty way.

The general of this water army was named Yang Hong, who was originally a subordinate of Yuan Shu. After he surrendered to Sun Ce, he was incorporated into Pan Zhang's team because he was proficient in water warfare.

At this moment, he was leaning on the side of the boat, where his nose smelled, there was the fragrance of tung oil.

Yang Hong's mood also became better. After all, he spent half his life as a soldier, almost all of which was accompanied by this smell.

I haven't smelled it for a while, but I still feel a little uncomfortable.

Now back on the boat again, I finally got back the old feeling.

At this moment, the sailors on the ship have already started to act according to their respective division of labor, so although it is a new ship, they are not in a hurry, but everything is so sophisticated.

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