Xu Sheng and Chen Wu had already planned, and when Lu Bu appeared, they immediately attacked from above.

Unexpectedly, when the other party actually appeared, what happened made him turn pale with shock.

It was seen that Lu Bu did not walk from the valley at all, but went directly to the east mountain where Chen Wu was.

Seeing this, Chen Wu had no choice but to abandon the defense line at the top of the valley and turn to defend the direction down the mountain.

As for Xu Sheng on the other side, since he was still some distance away, he couldn't reach him, so he could only watch him being attacked by Lu Bu.

It should be said that Chen Wu occupies a high place, condescending, it should be easy to defend.

But this time he met Lu Bu, the God of Killing, whose attack was extremely sharp.

Chen Wu shot all his bows and arrows, but due to the dense forest in the mountain, they were all big trees as thick as a man.

With the help of the cover of the big tree, Lu Bujun leaned up little by little.

Seeing this, Chen Wu had no choice but to rush up to stop the enemy.

However, Lu Bu unexpectedly brought another army under the cover of others, and quietly touched it from the other side.

When Chen Wu noticed it, the other party had already touched him.

Lu Bu suddenly jumped out from beside him, and directly stabbed Chen Wu with Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand.

Chen Wu turned pale with fright, and hurriedly dodged. With the help of a big tree, he escaped being killed by him on the spot.

However, led by Lu Bu, the opponent's morale was high, but it was our own side, and we don't know how many enemy troops came up.

In addition, it was a defeated army, and after a little contact, it immediately began to collapse.

The changes on Dongshan were very fast, when Xu Sheng and Huang Gai noticed it, Chen Wu's defeat was already unstoppable.

Moreover, if Dongshan is lost, Lu Bu can pass through there directly, and the defense line they built will be completely useless.

Therefore, Xu Sheng and Huang Gai didn't hesitate anymore, they left the original defensive area and rushed towards Dongshan from behind.

Trying to work with Chen Wu to block Lu Bu's troops on Dongshan Mountain, so as to buy precious time for Sun Quan's army to retreat.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chen Wu, who was on the east mountain, tried his best, but he was still defeated by Lu Bu. In a blink of an eye, the top of the mountain was occupied by Lu Bu.

Seeing this scene, Xu Sheng who was on the west mountain and Huang Gai who was holding hands in the valley were shocked instantly.

They had all fought against Lu Bu before, and they knew each other's strength very well.

Therefore, everyone naturally understood that with the soldiers and horses in Chen Wu's hands, even if they were several times larger than Lu Bu's, he might not necessarily win.

Not to mention the lack of troops.

Therefore, Chen Wu's situation is also extremely critical. I am afraid that he will be wiped out by Lu Bu in a short time.

Therefore, Xu Sheng and Huang Gai left their positions at the same time, and both rushed towards Dongshan to rescue Chen Wu.

As for the valley that was going to ambush the opponent, it lost its value in an instant.

The two finally met at the foot of the mountain. They looked at each other and saw worried expressions on each other's faces.

Xu Sheng said with a sad face: "Old General Huang, Lu Bu has a strong army and horses, and he is also outstanding in military strength.

I'm afraid that gathering the three of us may not be able to restrain each other!

At this moment, the lord has not rushed to Dangyang, if we are breached, it will really ruin the big event!

Xu only hated his lack of strength, but he was still willing to fight with his life to buy time for the lord.

It's just that I'm afraid it still can't solve the root cause. General Huang, you have been on the battlefield for a long time and have rich experience. I hope you can come up with an idea! "

After hearing Xu Sheng's words, Huang Gai also had a sad face.

It is true that he has been battle-tested for a long time, but experience does not represent strength. He was defeated by Lu Bu several times the day before yesterday, how could he turn defeat into victory at this moment?

However, in desperation, Huang Gai's eyes suddenly brightened, and he finally thought of an idea that could slightly alleviate the urgent need.

But there are still big shortcomings, so he thought for a long time, but he didn't know how to talk about it.

Seeing that the battle on the mountain was getting more and more critical, and Xu Sheng who was at the side couldn't wait any longer, Huang Gai finally made up his mind.

"Hey! Wen Xiang, the old man has a plan, but the execution of this plan is very dangerous, so..."

"Old General Huang, your eyebrows are already burning, so don't let yourself be fooled. As long as you can save the Lord, even if you go through fire and water, I, Xu, will not frown halfway!"

"Okay! Since Wen Xiang is so determined, I won't hesitate anymore. The old man's plan is actually very simple. That is to divert the tiger away from the mountain!"

No matter how powerful Lu Bu is, he still has only one head and one body. We will not deal with Lu Bu later.

As soon as the other party arrived, we immediately separated and fled in different directions. I went east to Yamen, and you went south to Jingcheng.

Lu Bu didn't know the geography of this place, so he could only follow the direction in which we were fleeing.

But I don't know that the opposite has already happened. By the time he finds out, the lord has already arrived in Dangyang. If this is the case, won't the crisis be resolved? "

When Xu Sheng heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed and said: "What a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain! Just follow the old general's words!"

Huang Gai was not as excited as he was, but worried and said: "Although the plan is good, it is very dangerous.

If he is caught up by Lu Bu before entering the city, he will be isolated and helpless, and facing strong soldiers, there will be more disasters than good luck, and Wen Xiang needs to be cautious! "

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