Xu Sheng was very anxious, seeing a mountain not far ahead, he immediately ordered: "Hurry up to the mountain and defend it.

Lu Bu wants to annihilate our entire army, so we are not vegetarians. Even if we lose, we must teach him a lesson! "

All the soldiers under him had already lost their minds, so they could only go to the mountain to occupy the enemy according to the arrangement of the general.

As soon as the army had ambushed in the mountains, Lu Bu had already appeared in sight, rushing towards this side without stopping.

Xu Sheng couldn't help holding his breath, waiting for Lu Bu to enter his ambush circle.

When he came to the foot of the mountain, Xu Sheng finally let out a loud roar, and all the soldiers under his command immediately got out of the forest and shot at the killing arrows.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The random arrows shot out suddenly, and Lu Bu's men were caught off guard, killing and injuring many people in an instant.

Even Lu Bu was almost shot in the chest by an arrow. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and reached out to grab the arrow before it shot in.

Throwing away the arrow in his hand forcefully, Lu Bu couldn't help but be thankful for his reaction. After chasing all the way, he didn't expect the opponent to fight back?

Therefore, Lu Bu was furious, and immediately led his troops to charge up.

He yelled violently in his mouth: "Xu Sheng, do you dare to plot against me? Watch me take your dog's head!"

Bingzhou iron cavalry are also all fierce characters. Under the leadership of the general, they are all brave and fearless. They pick up their shields to block and rush up the mountain.

Xu Sheng didn't expect that after a round of arrow rain, the opponent would dare to take the initiative to attack.

He was so frightened that he quickly ordered his soldiers to defend, and countless stones were pushed and rolled down.

But such a battle still failed to stop Lu Bu.

I saw him running, taking the bow and arrow from the back of the horse, shooting repeatedly, and everywhere he went, all the arrows pierced through his heart.

And the soldiers under him were also proficient in cavalry and archery, and it was true that Xu Sheng's soldiers were killed and injured by shooting.

Seeing this, Xu Sheng became more and more anxious.

Originally ambushing the opponent, I didn't expect that apart from gaining some gains in the first round, the latter would be more and more disadvantaged.

With a stern heart, he directly led the remaining soldiers and horses to charge Lu Bu, ready to die on the battlefield.

Xu Sheng yelled to boost morale, and the soldiers under him also knew that they would die at this moment, so they simply fought with each other.

Therefore, two powerful soldiers and horses collided together in an instant.

And Xu Sheng naturally approached Lu Bu directly.

He is a proud warrior, even if he dies, he must die in the hands of the enemy with dignity, and he must not just fall in obscurity like this.

So for Xu Sheng, as a unparalleled star in the world, Lu Bu's death under his hands is not considered an insult to him.

When Lu Bu saw Xu Sheng rushing towards him, he snorted coldly in his heart, and immediately grabbed Fang Tian's painted halberd to meet him.

Xu Sheng stabbed forward with the spear in his hand, but was blocked by Lu Bu with a halberd. He even continued to move forward, and the side branch blade instantly drew a scar on Xu Sheng's arm.

Xu Sheng was injured by one move, but still without hesitation, he turned around and stretched out another spear.

Lu Bu didn't expect that the opponent was not afraid of getting hurt, and still fought with him.

So he hurriedly blocked, only to hear a crisp sound of ding, and the weapons of both sides collided again.

This time, Lu Bu used [-]% of his strength, and Xu Sheng intuitively felt a bull bumping towards him.My heart felt heavy, and I almost couldn't hold the spear.

Seeing his expression, Lu Bu knew how the other party was feeling at the moment.

He grinned, showing a serious expression, and struck down again with a halberd.

In fact, after chasing him for so long, Lu Bu still didn't see Sun Quan's army. He knew in his heart that he might be chasing the wrong person.

So he didn't have time to continue entangled with him at all, he just wanted to make a quick decision and rushed to the east to find Huang Gai.

This halberd was different from the previous attack, Lu Bu had already used all his strength.

Before the halberd arrived, the sound of the wind had already made Xu Sheng unable to open his eyes.

Xu Sheng lamented in his heart: "It seems that today I will lose my life here!"

However, the moment Fang Tian's painted halberd fell, there was a loud noise in Xu Sheng's ears, and he immediately opened his eyes in shock.

I saw a figure jumping out from nowhere, and when it came up, it brandished a big knife and fought with Lu Bu.

Xu Sheng looked again carefully, and was finally overjoyed.

It turned out that the person who arrived at the critical moment was Sun Yu, the guard of Jingcheng.

This man is Sun Ce's cousin. He followed his father Sun Jing since he was a child, and followed Sun Jian and Sun Ce to fight in all directions. He is also a famous general with outstanding martial arts.

In fact, the mountain where Xu Sheng set up an ambush was called Zhangshan, and after crossing this mountain, he arrived at Jingcheng.

Sun Yu had heard that Sun Quan was defeated and fled to the south, so he sent people to guard outside the city for several days.

On the one hand, if Sun Quan arrived, he would come out to greet him immediately, and if the enemy army chased here, it would be better to take precautions in advance.

Therefore, when he heard that the two armies were fighting north of Zhangshan, he immediately understood that the flames of war had finally spread to Jingcheng.

Without hesitation, Sun Yu immediately led his troops to this side, unexpectedly, it was just in time to save Xu Sheng from Lu Bu.

However, Sun Yu had never met Lu Bu, so naturally he didn't know how powerful he was.

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