Cheng Pu was full of confidence at first, but when he saw Zhao Yun's response, his expression changed instantly.

It turned out that Zhao Yun's move was the only way to break Cheng Pu's Iron Ridge Snake Spear.

The opponent's attack was uncertain, and Zhao Yun responded with falsehood.

In this way, the opponent is also uncertain where he is, so he can only continue to attack from the middle.

But Zhao Yun would not sit still and just defend foolishly, but at the last moment, he suddenly took the shot.

It turned out that the second strike came first, and it stabbed Cheng Pu's throat first.

Seeing this, Cheng Pu's face changed instantly, and he hurriedly picked up the opponent's gun, and picked it away at the last moment.

But in this way, Cheng Pu fell short in an instant.

After all, he was the one who took the initiative to attack at the beginning, but in the end he was forced by Zhao Yun to return to defense. It was clear at a glance who won and who lost.

Both of them are masters of marksmanship, so after one move, the outcome will be decided.

Especially Cheng Pu, although he was not injured by this move, he saw that Zhao Yun, who was so much younger than him, had surpassed himself in marksmanship.

Can't help but be overshadowed and said: "Oh, I'm old!"

After Zhao Yun made one move, he had already passed by Cheng Pu. His original target was Zhou Yu, so naturally he would not continue to entangle here and waste time.

So he was about to leave immediately, only when he heard Cheng Pu's self-talk, his body was slightly shocked, but he still didn't stop, and continued to gallop away.

After a while, Zhao Yun finally arrived at the foot of the hillside where Zhou Yu was.

He looked up and met Zhou Yu's eyes on the top of the mountain.

Zhao Yun stared at the other party coldly, and suddenly stretched out the spear in his hand, pointing directly at Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu couldn't help being startled, being caught by Zhao Yun's murderous aura, she couldn't help taking a step back.

Although Zhou Yu is also experienced in many battles and is used to all kinds of big scenes, he would not have lost his composure in the first place.

But Zhao Yun's murderous aura was the result of real swords and guns. With just one finger, the murderous aura rushed straight away.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Murderous aura, it sounds very mysterious, but it is real.

When Zhao Yun raised his gun and pointed at it just now, Zhou Yu felt like a hare locked by an eagle, and the thought that he couldn't dodge even arose in his heart.

Zhou Yu was wrapped in the murderous aura covering his whole body from head to toe, and his face turned slightly pale.

However, Zhou Yu is not alone here after all.

When Zhao Yun broke through to the foot of the mountain, the other generals rushed up desperately, seeing that the governor was in danger.

Beside Zhou Yu, there were also fierce generals Zhu Zhi and He Qi guarding him. When they saw Zhao Yun coming, they immediately led their troops to the mountainside to block Zhao Yun's way up the mountain.

Because Zhao Yun was going uphill and the two had elite soldiers, they couldn't break through for a while, so they immediately forced him to go back down the mountain.

At the same time, several other generals finally came from around, immediately surrounded Zhao Yun, and attacked him together.

Zhao Yun was holding a bright silver gun. Although he was surrounded, he was not afraid. Instead, he took the initiative to attack Quan Cong who had just arrived and was not on his feet.

Quan Cong couldn't resist, and hurriedly retreated.

But in this way, the originally impenetrable encirclement immediately revealed its flaws.

Zhao Yun was relentless when he gained power, and attacked him repeatedly, and finally made a way out from Quan Cong.

If you were an ordinary person, if you were lucky enough to break out of the encirclement in the current situation, you would definitely run away immediately, lest the entire army be wiped out.

But Zhao Yun was not an ordinary person. After he broke through, he didn't think of retreating, but continued to go straight up the mountain to fetch Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu was instantly startled by such momentum, and he even drew out his sword, ready to deal with Zhao Yun who arrived at any time.

And Zhao Yun's performance also angered the other generals.

The other party behaved like this, as if they didn't take them seriously at all.

Therefore, all the generals headed by Cheng Pu shouted angrily: "Zhao Yunxiu is going crazy, let me take your life!"

Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Zhang Xiu and others will directly attack Zhao Yun, while He Qi is worried about Zhou Yu's safety, so he also rushes directly to defend Zhou Yu.

Seeing that Zhao Yun was about to break through to the mountain, Zhu Ran immediately fetched his bow and arrows in a hurry, and shot at Zhao Yun without caring about aiming.

Suddenly there was the sound of the bowstring vibrating in his ears, followed by the sound of a piercing through the air. Zhao Yun reacted quickly, and even grabbed the arrow in his hand with a single turn.

"A stab in the back hurts someone, what a hero! Hmph!" Zhao Yun threw the arrow out with displeasure on his face.

After being stunned by him, Zhu Ran couldn't say anything.

But after this delay, the generals finally caught up and surrounded Zhao Yun again, finally releasing Zhou Yu's immediate danger.

Seeing that Zhao Yun resisted the siege by all the generals with his own strength, and still did not lose the wind, Zhou Yu's face became more and more ugly.

At this time, He Qi who was beside him said anxiously: "Commander, that Zhao Yun is very brave, and his horse is as fast as the wind.

If the generals are a little careless, they will break out of the encirclement. For your safety, please leave here quickly! "

At this moment, Zhou Yu felt the murderous aura rushing towards his face, and he could no longer care about his stubbornness.

He nodded instantly and said: "Gong Miao is right, then General Lao will rush to Dangyang Bridge with me, and we will be safe when we cross the Zhangshui River!"

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