An ancient capital that had been passed down for hundreds of years was destroyed in one fell swoop.

A piece of ruins, shocking.

A fire by Dong Zhuo burned all the accumulation of the entire city to ashes, and millions of people lost their homes.

Even if they arrived in Chang'an, where would they settle down?

The fire burned so badly that even the city walls were pitch black, and in some places it still didn't stop.

Billowing smoke obscured the clear sky, and the fire spread fast and was difficult to control.

Tai Shici repeated what he saw and heard to Liu Ke.

After hearing this, Liu Ke could only sigh back.

Dong Zhuo is cruel and ruthless. If he knew earlier, he should use all means to get rid of him. Now it is too late.

When Liu Ke came to Luoyang, Sun Jian's army was still fighting the fire, but the effect was minimal.

"General Sun, have you ever found any traces of the common people?" Liu Ke asked.

"No." Sun Jian replied, his eyes dodged for some reason.

Liu Ke didn't think too much, but thought that Sun Jian was rather tired at the moment.

When Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and others heard the news, they also rushed over.Before that, Sun Jian had already withdrew his troops, looking devastated.

"My lord, after hearing about the tragedy in Luoyang, our army is so distracted that we can no longer fight. Please allow me to return to the army to rest." Sun Jian said.

At this moment, Yuan Shao was also deeply moved, and there was no shortage of Sun Jian's tens of thousands, so he nodded to express his agreement.

Sun Jian immediately bowed and retreated, leading the army to withdraw from Luoyang.

Liu Dai, a clan member of the Han family, was also stunned by the tragedy in Luoyang. This is the foundation of the Liu family!

At this moment, his eyes were dim with tears.

And Liu Bei started to cry a long time ago, claiming that he was sorry for the emperor, and even more sorry for the ancestors.

"The children and grandchildren are not filial, so they cannot defend Luoyang!"

Tears flowed down.

Liu Ke was stunned all of a sudden, a man, where did so many tears come from?

Yuan Shu got excited all of a sudden, looking at Liu Ke, his eyes seemed to say: "Liu Taiwei, why don't you cry?"

Liu Ke replied with the word "idiot".

Although he failed to save the city of Luoyang, the worst had been avoided.

At least there were no casualties.

"Everyone, we can't take it lightly. We should pursue the victory and defeat Dong Zhuo!" Cao Cao said calmly.

Only Cao Cao can make the most correct judgment in such a sad environment.

Even Yuan Shao's mind went blank for a while, he looked around, and finally replied "we will discuss this matter again".

Cao Cao was immediately disheartened, and couldn't help looking at Liu Ke. Liu Ke was silent, as if thinking about gains and losses.

Tai Shici saw Luoyang being burned down with his own eyes, and hated Dong Zhuo, so he said: "My lord, Dong Zhuo is not benevolent. Even for the sake of the people of Luoyang, he must not be allowed to escape!"

"Brother, we also want to fight. Luoyang has a population of more than one million, and Dong Zhuo is now driving them to Chang'an like pigs and dogs... Even if we get to Chang'an, I'm afraid we won't have a good life!" Dian Wei said.

"Our army is short of troops, and this matter still needs to be discussed in the long term." Liu Ke said, initially agreeing to pursue.

Cao Cao was overjoyed and decided to join forces with Liu Ke before inviting the princes.

At this moment, Xun You stood up and said, "Master, our army is going to battle, and we need someone to guard Sishui Pass."

This point reminded Liu Ke, after all, Sishui Pass was the gateway to Luoyang, and someone had to guard it.

It cannot be handed over to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and others.

Liu Ke called Zhang Liao and said, "Wen Yuan, I'll give you two thousand troops to guard Sishui Pass."

Two thousand horses?This is too little too.

Zhang Liao didn't complain and took orders immediately.

But how could Liu Ke not have considered this?

He personally found Tao Qian and asked for help, Tao Qian immediately agreed.You dare not chase him, but you can still defend the city.

In this way, Sishuiguan will be safe.

However, Liu Dai, Liu Bei and others insisted on fighting the fire and were unwilling to pursue them. Sun Jian was exhausted...

Suddenly, Cao Cao couldn't find an ally to pursue, and couldn't help feeling:

"Heroic husbands have great ambitions, have good plans, have the opportunity to hide the universe, and those who have the ambitions of the world."

He added: "Today's hero, only Dongyang Hou'er! The rest are mediocre villains!"

These few words, somehow, reached Yuan Shao's ears. Yuan Shao was very angry, and he was even more unwilling to send an army to pursue him.

Where there is Marquis Dongyang, there is no him, this is what Yuan Shu said.

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