Zhijiang Guard General Shi Gan is a loyal general, but his strength is not very good, and he may lose it after a long time.

The strength of Sun Quan's troops is not much different from what Bu Zhi said, but half of them are newly recruited, and the combat effectiveness may be compromised. "

"Wei Du, you have worked hard this time. But now I have to wrong you again, and continue to hide in the folks with this identity. I have no arrangements!"

When Hu Ji heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then immediately nodded and strode away.

It was not until he heard about the movements of Liu Ke and Sun Quan's army from Hu Ji that Liu Bei finally believed it, and then began to arrange.

Liu Bei's position now happens to form a triangle with Liu Ke and Sun Quan.

And Zhijiang is located in the center of this shape, and it is also the first city where Liu Bei's army entered the Jianghan Plain from the mountains. The location is very important.

Therefore, Liu Bei is very tempted by Zhijiang. It can even be said that whoever can control Zhijiang can take the initiative in this battle.

Without Liu Bei taking the initiative to speak, Fazheng, as the first counselor, could see through his mind.

He immediately said: "Your Majesty, Zhijiang is about to face the attack of Liu Ke's army, and the defense in the city may not be able to stop Liu Ke's attack.

Our army has just arrived here, if we can quickly support Zhijiang and repel Liu Ke's army, it will definitely boost the morale of Jingzhou's soldiers and civilians.

It also makes the people of Jingzhou know the strength of the king, and the people's dissent will be subtly affected. "

Liu Bei was very satisfied with Fazheng's words. After all, it was impossible for him to say such words on his own initiative.

Now that Fazhengyi is leading the way, everyone in the venue immediately understood, and hurriedly echoed: "Xiaozhi's words are very true!"

"Brother, leave this task to me, and I promise to take Zhijiang down!"

"The three generals did not take Zhijiang, but supported Zhijiang. If Sun Quan's troops can defend Liu Ke's attack, it will be great.

Only when the other party fails to defend and falls into Liu Ke's hands, can we come forward to recover! "

Zhang Fei felt confused when he heard Fazheng's convoluted words.

Just about to refute why the other party was so troublesome, he just took it from Sun Quan's hand, but when he looked at Liu Bei's stern eyes, he finally didn't say it.

Seeing this, Liu Bei withdrew his gaze in satisfaction, and then said, "Yide, can you keep Xiaozhi's words in mind?"

"Brother wrote it down!" Zhang Fei said obediently.

"Okay! As long as you promise to carry out what Mr. Xiaozhi said, Gu will entrust this task to you!"

"Really?" Zhang Fei looked at the other party in surprise, and when he saw Liu Bei's affirming eyes, he finally burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha! Brother, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task successfully this time!"

At this time, Fazheng reminded again: "There is one more thing that the three generals should keep in mind, before the fall of Zhijiang, we must not show our feet.

Only by catching Liu Ke's army by surprise can Zhijiang be taken down smoothly! "

Zhang Fei, who had successfully received the task, was very happy, and naturally accepted Fazheng's words completely, and even patted his chest to assure him.

The reason why Liu Bei and Fazheng valued this operation so much was actually besides the important geographical location of Zhijiang.

Then there is another layer of ambition.

Being so active this time is because he wants to take advantage of Liu Ke and Sun Quan's attack on each other, so that he can get a share of it, otherwise, wouldn't it be in vain?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although Liu Bei has benevolence and righteousness spread everywhere, it does not mean that he has no self-interest and selfless dedication to benefit others.

The premise of all this is that he can profit from it.

Whether it is gaining fame, gaining the hearts of the people, or being able to get land, in short, Liu Bei must not do business that loses money.

Although he now occupies Yiling, Sun Quan temporarily lent him for this alliance.

In Liu Bei's heart, it already belongs to him, and he will use this as a basis to obtain a larger territory.

Of course, as a nominal ally, Liu Bei naturally cannot snatch it from Sun Quan directly.

But if Sun Quan lost it and he snatched it from Liu Ke, then there would be no psychological burden.

That's why Liu Bei asked Zhang Fei not to act rashly before the fall of Zhijiang.

After Zhang Fei took the order, he was worried that his elder brother would change his mind midway, so he led the troops of the headquarters to set off on the same day.

The army marched downstream along the north bank of the Yangtze River. After walking for a day, they heard a report from scouts that a fleet of ships had come from the lower reaches.

Zhang Fei recalled Liu Bei's instructions before, that he must not show his feet before doing anything, and Liu Ke will find out, otherwise he will miss a big deal.

So he was afraid that this was Liu Ke's fleet, so he hurriedly led people to hide in the dense forest on the shore.

Just after doing all this, the fleet finally came to the water in front of them.

There are three warships in front of you, moving forward in the shape of a character. The front warship looks obviously more upscale than the last two.

There is also a large flag hanging on its mast, with small horizontal characters on the top: Jingzhou Water and Land Governor, and a big Zhou character in the middle.

Seeing this, there is no need to guess the identity of this person.

"Zhou? Zhou Gongjin? Why is he here?"

This place belongs to Yidao County and is not far from Yiling. If it is said that this place has been handed over to Liu Bei, Zhou Yu should not come to intervene.

But now that they came suddenly, there must be other circumstances.

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