Unfortunately, Li Jue and Guo Si led the troops to kill them, which made things worse.

Cao Hong took off his armor, exposing the shocking wounds on his body, and carried Cao Cao across the river.Cao Cao survived.

Afterwards, Cao Ren and others also led the remnant soldiers to rescue, and all the generals escaped safely.

After returning to the camp, only [-] remnants of the [-] soldiers remained.

When Liu Ke heard that Cao Cao was defeated, he rushed over immediately. Seeing Cao Jun's distressed appearance, he was taken aback and asked, "Brother Meng De, why are you here?"

He hurriedly ordered the doctors in the army to diagnose and treat Cao Cao.

Xiahou Dun suddenly shouted at Liu Ke:

"It's not you, why not rescue? Why?"

Thirty thousand soldiers suffered heavy casualties.After fighting for two hours, there was not a single reinforcement.

Liu Ke glanced at Cao Cao, who blushed and remained silent.

Xiahou Dun thought that Liu Ke was wronged, so he went even further and said:

"Dongyanghou, don't you think we are easy to bully?"

"Yuan Rang, step back!" Cao Cao ordered.

However, such an order made Xiahou Dun even more upset. Due to Cao Cao's affection, his tone was not fierce, but he still refused to give up, crying:

"That's [-] brothers... just two thousand came back, they are so brave and fearless... They don't deserve to die!"

"Yuan Rang, that's enough!"

Before Liu Ke could speak, Cao Cao's temper exploded. He was now afraid that Liu Ke would stand up and explain.

If the explanation is clear, where will he put Cao Mengde's face?

Cao Cao was suffering in his heart, all this was his own doing.

Liu Ke was also puzzled, it was agreed that it would be fine to pretend to be defeated, and the entire army would be wiped out directly, wouldn't the price be too high?

But he, who has not experienced this battle, has no right to speak.

Maybe there was some special situation that caused Cao Cao to bump into him head-on.

"Xiahoudun, right? Is he still capable of fighting?" Liu Ke asked.

Xiahou Dun was taken aback. Could it be that Dongyanghou wanted to challenge him to prove his innocence?

Isn't it just fighting, who is afraid of whom!

"The power of ten battles!"

Liu Ke asked one by one again, except for the injured person, he asked all of them, and the answers he got were all in the affirmative.

"Well, follow me to fight and avenge you!"

His meaning is very simple, the loss is irreparable, why not rescue, not explain, but revenge.

"But... our army is newly defeated, so we can't fight anymore!" Xiahou Dun was ready to move, but he was still rational.

"I am the vanguard of the Yangzhou Army!" Liu Ke said impassionedly.

If he didn't dare to fight, wouldn't it mean that Cao Cao's army was afraid?

What Xiahou Dun can't stand the most is timidity!

So, he looked at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao closed his mind tightly at this moment, waiting for the military doctor to draw the arrow.

Suddenly there was a muffled shout, and the blood on Cao Cao's shoulders rushed out, and it hurt to look at it.

Liu Ke couldn't believe what he would look like when he was injured, and he would definitely not be better than Cao Cao.

After the arrow was pulled out, Cao Cao cried out in a low voice. Fortunately, the blood stopped. After applying the ointment, it was cold and the pain subsided a lot.

After returning to consciousness, Cao Cao immediately said: "Yuan Rang and Miao Cai, you two should follow Dongyang Hou's command, don't let me down!"

At the thought of revenge, Xiahoudun's heart was filled with enthusiasm, and he handed over his promise.

When the troops were mobilized, the setting sun had already set.

Seeing Hua Xiong who was in despair, Liu Ke couldn't help comforting him, "I didn't expect Dong Zhuo to be so ruthless, I'm sorry."

"My lord, don't worry about it, I'm destined to die like this." Hua Xiong clasped his hands.

"Follow me from now on!" Liu Ke patted Hua Xiong's shoulder and said.

"But, I'm just a rough person..." Hua Xiong said, his eyes slightly dodged.

"You were a rough person in the past, are you still the same now? Ever since you followed me, your present is quite different from the past." Liu Ke said.

When Hua Xiong heard this, he thought of how relaxed and happy he was in the Yangzhou military camp, and finally hope was ignited.

"My lord, the last will fight!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke gathered [-] troops and set off overnight without waiting for dawn.

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