As soon as he said it, wouldn't it be Yuan Shao who was greedy for small profits and fell into Dong Zhuo's trick?

Nima, this Marquis of Dongyang's speech is really watertight, making it impossible to refute.

Can only suffer secretly.

Rebutting means that he is not as good as Dong Zhuo, and not refuting is like a "pig head" as Dongyanghou said.

Fuck, why is it so difficult to be the leader?

Don't do it, daddy!

"From now on, I will withdraw from the alliance and will no longer be the second alliance leader." Liu Ke said with a flick of his sleeve.

Yuan Shao's eyes widened, this is my line!

However, no one was surprised. After all, Liu Ke was unwilling to join the alliance at the beginning.

It's also very funny to say, Liu Ke originally wanted to fight soy sauce, but he fought all the key decisive battles.

In the first round, Hua Xiong showed off his might, but Liu Ke captured him alive.

In the second game, Sishui Pass was difficult to break through, and Liu Ke attacked and took Sishui Pass late at night.

In the third scene, Dong Zhuo escaped, and Liu Ke and Cao Cao jointly pursued and defeated the enemy.

It seems that what the Allied forces really fought was to take advantage of it, that is, when Liu Ke captured Huaxiong alive, Yuan Shao took the opportunity to march and defeated Dong Zhuo's [-] horses.

In the days before and after, I was eating and drinking, so happy.

What's the point of joining such an allied force?

Yuan Shao was so angry that he couldn't speak, you leave as soon as you want, do you have to say it in front of everyone?

Then, some people withdrew from the alliance intermittently, and Yuan Shao lost all face in an instant.

He persecuted Sun Jian just now and became "ruthless", and afterwards he persecuted the heroes and killed the donkey.

They believed that if the anti-Dong alliance had won half of the battle, Yuan Shao would be gone.

Everyone is a competitor, so let's not talk about the scene, each go back to his own house, each finds his own mother.

So the alliance fell apart.

Yuan Shao thought for a while, he didn't dare to trouble Liu Ke, but what kind of person is Sun Jian, dare to embarrass him?

So he sent a letter, telling Liu Biao, Mu of Jingzhou, that Sun Jian had privately hidden the jade seal and wanted to pass through your territory. You can figure it out!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke wanted to support [-] people, so he cut off the food of the allied army.

Many people ran to Liu Ke to make trouble. It was agreed at the beginning that the entire alliance would be supported by [-] gold.

Liu Ke's explanation was very simple. Since everyone stopped beating Dong Zhuo, why did he have to pay a large amount of food?

The princes were speechless.

However, there were still some people who were not reconciled and clamored for Liu Ke to spit out half of the gold.

At first they planned to fight Dong Zhuo for a few months, but now it's all done in less than half a month. Shouldn't they get some money back?

Among them, Gongsun Zan made the most trouble, followed by Wang Kuang.Because they feel supported, a lot of people feel this way, but they are afraid to say it.

Now someone is making a fuss, maybe you can really get half of it back!

Regarding their funny behavior, Liu Ke took out the black and white words, and moved back the order in which they passed the Sishui Pass.

Now everyone is queuing to pass the Sishui Pass. Xun You estimated that there will be no seven days to go.

The noise stopped abruptly, replaced by dissatisfaction with Liu Ke.

Yuan Shao even laughed out loud in his dreams, thinking that the money was worth it.To make Liu Dingfang turn against the princes, a little money is nothing.

Then, these princes found sadly that their food was not enough.

Therefore, people with less food naturally want to attack people with more food.

When they approached Liu Ke, Liu Ke always said directly, do you want to grab food from the common people?

Everyone retreated in spite of the difficulties.As for the use of force?They absolutely dare not, the blades of the Yangzhou Army are not generally sharp.

Before Yuan Shao was happy for too long, his younger brother Yuan Shu stabbed him.

Yuan Shu sells a lot of food in the camp, as long as he is respected as the leader of the alliance, it can be cheaper.

It's just a name, where is food important?Everyone promised.

Yuan Shu was a big grain farmer before, and before Liu Ke came, he undertook the task of transporting grain for the alliance.

With this advantage, he made a fortune and accumulated enough prestige.

Yuan Shao had been in the rumors before, and at this moment, everyone betrayed his relatives and officially announced his withdrawal from the alliance.

The princes from all walks of life also withdrew one after another, Yuan Shu was dumbfounded.

Let's talk about Liu Biao, who is more than eight feet long, with a gentle appearance and a strong appearance. He was well-known in the world when he was young, and he was listed among the "eight handsome men".

Jingzhou Mu, a clan member of the Han Dynasty, every title represents strength.

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