Zhao Yu smiled, then took out a flute and played a little tune.

This is a brisk ditty, which Liu Ke likes very much.

"Do you like it?" Zhao Yu asked suddenly.

Liu Ke nodded.

"This is a course in a women's academy." Zhao Yu suddenly felt a little proud, because it took her only one class to learn this piece, and she mastered it. Seeing Liu Ke's puzzled expression, Zhao Yu said again, "Yan My son and sister taught me."

Liu Ke suddenly realized that it was Cai Yan who taught her... At Cai Yan's current age, it is not an exaggeration for Zhao Yu to call her sister.


Liu Ke understood and was very ashamed.

After parting with Zhao Yu, Liu Ke visited his father Liu Youyi.

Liu Youyi's body gradually gained weight, Liu Ke told Steward Liu, "I have to go out with the master for a walk no matter what!"

Butler Liu immediately showed a look of embarrassment, but fortunately Liu Youyi relieved him and said, "Dingfang, don't blame Butler Liu, it's just because father is too lazy."

Liu Youyi is also open-minded. Although he is addicted to wine and sex, his temperament is not bad.

Liu Keben was using Butler Liu to speak to his father. As the saying goes, a son never speaks of his father's faults. It is impossible for Liu Ke to demand too much from Liu Youyi.

"Dingfang, you came at the right time. It will take you a few months to go out, which is not easy." Liu Youyi said with emotion, the Liu family's current status is inseparable from Liu Ke's efforts.

He continued: "Father has already done what you asked, haha, Bo Jie agreed to the marriage."

"What did Yan'er say?" Liu Ke was most concerned about Cai Yan's opinion, and everyone else had to give in.

"Eh? Parents' order and matchmaker's words, she is a girl, can she still object?" Liu Youyi said with a cold face. Now the Liu family is not what it used to be. It is the Cai family who curry favor with them, so there is no humility.

Liu Ke knew that he was asking for nothing, and after greeting Liu Youyi, he went to Cai's mansion.

At this time, the Cai Mansion was full of people, and there was an endless stream of visitors.

Since Taixue students can become officials, Cai Yong is not just a teacher.

Seeing Mr. Liu Kegui's attire, one person couldn't help saying happily: "Dean Cai likes the poor and talented students who can write articles the most. Brother, it's not appropriate to dress like this."

Liu Ke glanced at him, but he didn't know him. He was sixteen or seventeen years old, very ugly, and he looked like a student in rags, so he asked, "My lord, Liu Ke, may I ask your surname, who is your name, and where did you learn from? "

"My surname is Pang Mingtong, and my style name is Shiyuan. I studied under Mr. Shui Jing!" Pang Tong said proudly.

Now, Liu Ke was really shocked, Feng Chu Pang Tong?


No, I want to be reserved.

"Hello, hello! May I ask why Shi Yuan is here?" Liu Ke asked.

"Well, it's unlucky to say that, Dean Cai Yong sent a letter to my teacher, saying that he would carry out some student exchange activities, so I sent him here." Pang Tong said depressedly.

The term "exchange student" was taught to Cai Yong by Liu Ke, and he didn't expect him to use it so quickly.In addition, last time, Liu Ke said that Xu Shu should go to Jingzhou to study abroad, so why did Cai Yong come here?

But it does get a big fish.

"Why didn't Kong Ming come?" Liu Ke asked casually.

"Huh? Do you know Junior Brother Kong Ming?" Pang Tong was puzzled.

"Of course, isn't his elder brother Zhuge Jin serving in Yangzhou? That's the prefect of Lujiang! Let me get to know his younger brother, what's the matter?" Liu Ke said.

Pang Tong thought, yes, but he became more curious about Liu Ke's identity.

"Kong Ming is eccentric, and the teacher likes him very much."

He didn't continue, but Liu Ke understood, didn't he just let you be an exchange student because he disliked your ugliness?

But Pang Tong...

Didn't even recognize me?Liu Ke was also surprised, it seems that Pang Tong is now stupid in reading.

However, Liu Ke didn't intend to disrupt their growth trajectory, first build a good relationship, and then harvest the leeks.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen Xu Shu for a long time, so isn't that too good.

"By the way, next time you send a letter to Kong Ming, remember to mention me!" Liu Ke said.

"Definitely!" Pang Tong cupped his hands.

"By the way, do you want to go through the back door?" Liu Ke asked.

Pang Tong looked at the long line, but still shook his head, we are civilized and orderly people.

Is it not easy to jump in line?Isn't it easy to enter the Cai Mansion as long as you take out the teacher's letter of introduction?

Liu Ke didn't make things difficult for him, and walked straight into Cai's mansion. Originally, the concierge wanted to stop him, but after a closer look, he was terrified, and quickly said, "Dongyanghou, please come in!"

What, Marquis of Dongyang?

Everyone came over, completely out of order, including Pang Tong.

Nonsense, he ran from Jingzhou to Yangzhou after all kinds of hardships, is it really just for pure learning?

The most important thing is to stand out!

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