Therefore, Chen Dao tried his best to keep pressing Zhang Liao, trying to beat him back.

During the fight between Zhang Liao and him, Gan Ning finally came back again.

When he saw Zhang Liao's figure in the distance, he was overjoyed and said, "It turned out that Wen Yuan rushed from the side. Haha, since that's the case, I can't be idle anymore!"

Speaking of which, Gan Ning led his troops to rush to the enemy's position again, and once again launched an attack on the opponent's defense line.

The guard here has been changed from Chen Dao to Huo Jun. Although Huo Jun's strength is also good, compared with Chen Dao and his subordinate Bai Mubing, he is still a little bit worse.

Coupled with the attacks before and after this moment, the soldiers under him were also greatly affected, and their strength was greatly restricted.

So this time, Gan Ning finally succeeded in rushing to the enemy's position under the momentum of breaking the boat.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Huo Jun had to grit his teeth and rush forward to fight Gan Ning, but he still couldn't regain the upper hand.

After panting for a while, Wu Yi finally eased up. Seeing that Huo Jun was in crisis, he rushed to help.

But he was only focused on supporting Huo Jun, but he didn't notice that Chen also fell into a passive state and became more and more dangerous.

Helplessly, the other party lacked the skills to take care of one end, but could not take care of the other end.

While he was helping Huo Jun, Chen Dao was finally defeated by Zhang Liao's attack.

After Zhang Liao repelled Chen Dao, he rushed towards Huo Jun and Wu Yi without hesitation.

The two had just withstood Gan Ning's impact, but they were suddenly attacked by Zhang Liao in the rear. The already precarious lineup finally couldn't hold on any longer.

Under the double attack of the enemy, the soldiers under him finally collapsed and fled towards Liu Bei's base camp.

Huo Jun and the two saw this, but it was too late to stop them, because they found that even Chen Dao was retreating.

So they sighed helplessly, and finally gave up their position and fled to the main formation.

In this way, with the cooperation of Zhang Liao and Gan Ning, Liu Bei's defense line was taken down in one fell swoop.

Since then, the entire defense line that the enemy has painstakingly managed has changed hands, and it has no meaning anymore.

Gan Ning rushed up to Zhang Liao, and said excitedly, "Wen Yuan, thanks to you for arriving in time! Haha, the enemy has already escaped, why don't you catch up and wipe them out!"

Gan Ning was anxious and was about to stop Zhang Liao from pursuing him immediately.

But Zhang Liao said: "Don't worry about Xingba, Liu Bei has his own achievements and Ziyi to restrain him, so he won't be able to escape even if he is late.

But we have more pressing things to do right now! "

"What's the matter?" Gan Ning looked puzzled.

"That is of course to report the situation of the battle here to His Majesty, please cross the river early and completely determine the victory!"

After hearing this, Gan Ning finally didn't feel as anxious as before, and instead said seriously: "Wen Yuan's thought is still meticulous. Then this matter will trouble Wen Yuan!"

Zhang Liao nodded, and casually called one of his cronies over, gave him some careful instructions, and ordered him to rush to Jiangbei immediately.

After doing all this, he finally chased Liu Bei's camp together with Gan Ning at ease.

At this moment, Liu Bei was also very anxious, because he had just sent the two generals Huo Jun and Wu Yi to the front line, and immediately heard the shouts of killing from there.

This scene also made Liu Bei admire Fazheng's arrangements even more, and then he was always paying attention to the battle situation on the front line, ready to support at any time.

At first Liu Bei was quite relieved when he heard the news over there.

But when Zhang Liao suddenly rushed out, the direction of the wind changed instantly.

Liu Bei's face changed suddenly when he heard about it, and he immediately sent more people to the front line to support the defenders.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a small soldier ran in anxiously and said: "Your Majesty, something is wrong, the southern camp was attacked!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Bei was about to send people to support the front line, when a bad news came suddenly, his expression changed suddenly.

"What? Tell me clearly!"

Xiaobing didn't expect the king to be so anxious, so he hurriedly said tremblingly: "My lord, the southern camp has been attacked by the enemy and is now in a difficult battle."

Hearing this, Liu Bei sat down on his buttocks, and said solemnly: "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Liu Ke's army is advancing so quickly!

By the way, what happened to Sun Quan? "

At this time, Liu Bei could no longer hear the shouts of killing coming from Sun Quan's camp, so he hurriedly asked.

Because if Sun Quan is still insisting, then it is naturally impossible for the enemy to dispatch all of them, and he can still send people to strengthen the defense line on the river bank.

But if Sun Quan was defeated and fled, all the pressure would fall on Liu Bei alone.

No matter how confident he is, it is absolutely impossible to resist Liu Ke's hundreds of thousands of troops by himself!

After a while, news came back that Sun Quan's camp was already empty.

The scouts found out that a Jingzhou general had picked up the fleeing soldiers everywhere, saying that he was going to take them to Chanling.

Upon hearing this, Liu Bei's expression changed again.

After hearing this, all the soldiers in the hall were filled with righteous indignation.

Especially Ma Su, couldn't help but cursed: "Sun Quan is a villain, we are here to support them.

Who would have thought that they would be so useless, not to mention that they could not withstand the enemy's surprise attack, and even escaped without saying hello to us in advance.

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