"Your Majesty, you are too modest, I don't have confidence in myself, but in you, Your Majesty.

With your martial arts and martial arts, it is no longer a problem to rule the country. Didn't you tell your ministers that the world is actually very big.

There are seven continents in the world, and even when the Han Dynasty was at its peak, it only occupied one-fifth of a continent.

Your Majesty, you have already set your sights on the universe, how can you be trapped by the little Jiangnan? "

Liu Ke heard the words and burst out laughing instantly: "Hahaha, what Kong Ming said to me is still fresh in my memory.

That's right, how can a small Jiangnan stand in the way of my soldiers?I want to lead the athletes under my command to sweep across Europe and Asia, and conquer America and Africa.

Let the people in the world have only one country, and that is the big man! "

At the end of the speech, Liu Ke's eyes gradually became sharper, exuding a breathtaking aura.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Bei finally returned to Le Township, and immediately closed the city gates to guard against the enemy.

As soon as he had arranged everything properly, Zhang Liao's army had already arrived at the city.

After discussion, Zhang Liao and the others decided to divide the troops into two groups, one of which was led by Zhang Liao and Gan Ning, and rushed to Le Township to contain Liu Bei.

The other army led by Ling Tong and Tai Shici continued to pursue Sun Quan.

Last night, because of Liu Bei's side, Sun Quan was lucky enough to escape.

However, in order to prevent the army from fighting, Sun Quan suddenly returned and disrupted the overall plan, so Sun Quan must not be let go.

Even if you can't surround him, you still need to know his position and keep abreast of his movements.

Therefore, Ling Tong immediately followed Sun Quan's escape trail after dawn, leaving Zhang Liao and Gan Ning here to deal with Liu Bei.

At this moment Liu Bei was in a very bad mood, pacing back and forth in the hall over and over again.

Everyone didn't dare to say much when they saw this, the atmosphere was very dignified.

It was not until a long time before Liu Bei finally opened his mouth and said: "Living in a happy hometown for a long time is not a long-term solution. Do you have any good suggestions?"

The voice fell to everyone, but no one dared to answer easily, because they didn't know what Liu Bei was thinking.

If you want to continue fighting, but you propose to retreat, or if you want to leave, but you say attack, you will easily offend Wang Jia.

Therefore, no one dared to touch this bad luck before catching a clear wind.

But Liu Bei took the initiative to speak, but no one answered. Such an embarrassing situation made him even more unhappy.

He couldn't help saying coldly: "Aren't all the ministers usually quite talkative? Why are you silent when you ask each other alone now?

Could it be that he is unwilling to make plans for Gu Chuan? "

This sentence was very serious, and everyone who was frightened hurriedly stood up to plead guilty, which calmed Liu Bei's anger a little bit.

At this time, Ma Di finally couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, the current situation is extremely unfavorable to our army.

From what I see, it is better to return to Yizhou as soon as possible, and it will not be too late to attack after reorganizing the soldiers and horses. "

Liu Bei nodded noncommittally, but did not clearly express his approval or disapproval.

This also made Ma Di's heart thump, and finally sat back on his seat helplessly.

Then Deng Zhi also expressed his thoughts: "Your Majesty, it is easy to retreat, but it is difficult to enter the world after returning.

Now that Hanzhong is occupied by the enemy, if Jingzhou falls into the hands of thieves again, the land of Yizhou will really be completely surrounded in the southwest corner.

At that time, it will be difficult to protect ourselves, let alone sweep the world.Now it is only a temporary defeat, and the main force of the army has not been damaged.

Retiring at this moment has instead planted the seeds of fear of the enemy in the hearts of the soldiers. Even if they encounter the enemy again, their combat power will definitely be greatly reduced.

Therefore, the minister thought that he could not retreat, and continued to entangle with the enemy in Jingzhou.

Most of the land in Jingbei is an endless plain, which is naturally conducive to the deployment of the enemy's army.

But in the south of Jingzhou, it all became continuous mountains.The enemy's maneuverability will be greatly reduced.

Our army's Wudang flying army can show its full strength there, and it is still unknown who will win and who will lose by then! "

In the end, Liu Bei finally showed a smile on his heavy face.

Seeing this scene, everyone instantly understood that Liu Bei still wanted to continue fighting in his heart.

However, there was only Ma Di alone, and his face was a little embarrassed for a moment.

Because I thought I was smart, I misunderstood Liu Bei's thoughts, and finally became a foil for others.

On the other hand, Fazheng, Sun Qian, and others sat upright, making Ma Di secretly scold the other party's old fox in his heart.

Now that Liu Bei's thoughts had begun to show signs, everyone on the field finally dared to speak.

At this time, Li Yan got up and said: "Your Majesty, I agree with Bo Miao's opinion, now we can go south before Liu Ke's main force arrives.

Dealing with the enemy in the mountains, consuming the opponent's strength little by little, under the ebb and flow of each other, the situation will be reversed in a short time! "

Fa Zheng also finally spoke, and he continued the other party's words: "Your Majesty, going south is certainly a good strategy.

It's just that before going south, we have to meet the two generals Guan and Zhang.General Guan and Zhou Yu went eastward to Baqiu, but nothing happened for the time being.

However, General Yide is still trapped in Jiangling, so it is better to bring him to Jiangnan early. "

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