Seeing Zhang Fei spitting out the letter with a poisonous snake, the Zhangba Snake Spear was like a snake letter, stabbing fiercely at Dianwei's face.

But Dian Wei didn't panic, and immediately slashed down diagonally. While interrupting the opponent's attack, he made another backhand move, hitting the opponent's abdomen.

The attacks from both sides are very sharp, outsiders may not be able to see anything, but a knowledgeable person like Cheng Pu can see the crisis at a glance.

Therefore, his fingers were clenched tightly, and the palms of his hands were sweating, and at the same time, he was ready to go out to help Zhang Fei at any time.

However, Zhang Fei and Dian Wei are similar in strength, so it seems thrilling, but in fact they are both within the controllable range of the two.

Another hundred rounds passed, and the two still couldn't win each other.

After fighting for so long, they also had to stop there to take a rest.

"Ha, haha! Why, no, are you out of strength?" Zhang Fei said slowly, but he himself was not much better.

Dian Wei held his breath, and replied without giving in: "Hmph, take care of you first, yourself."

Suddenly, his eyes froze, and he rushed up again.

It turned out that he saw that Zhang Fei was exhausted and couldn't hold on anymore.He wanted to use his last bit of strength to kill him.

It's just that Dian Wei underestimated the opponent's physical strength, even though he was panting there, he seemed to be exhausted.

In fact, there was still a bit of strength in his hand, waiting for Dian Wei to give him a backhand blow when he rushed forward rashly after being blinded by himself.

Sure enough, Dian Wei was deceived by Zhang Fei's false appearance, and with all his strength, he slashed head-on at the top of Zhang Fei's head.

However, at the last moment, Zhang Fei's spirit was shaken suddenly, and his whole body seemed to have returned to his peak. Suddenly, with both arms, he stabbed the Zhangba Snake Lance directly at Dianwei.

Dian Wei struck at the top of Zhang Fei's head, while Zhang Fei stabbed at his heart.No matter who is recruited, they will die instantly on the battlefield.

Zhang Fei wanted to fight for his life in this way, as long as the opponent hesitated, he would definitely gain the upper hand, and then he would go all out to defeat Dianwei.

But Dian Wei saw that the opponent completely ignored the coming tomahawk, and was determined to pierce his heart, so he planned to exchange his own life for another.

But Dian Wei is also a ruthless person, ruthless to others and even more ruthless to himself.

Since Zhang Fei dared to do this, he didn't give in. After the fierce force came up, he roared and continued to chop at the opponent, without any intention of blocking halfway.

I believe that in the next moment, the two of them will probably injure the enemy army twice, and both of them will perish on the battlefield.

The two of them are so red-eyed that they can attack recklessly.

But Cheng Pu, who was watching the battle in the city, could not allow such a thing to happen.

If Zhang Fei was killed, he would be the only one left guarding the city, and he might not last long.

Therefore, he and Zhang Fei are actually grasshoppers on the same rope.

Therefore, when Cheng Pu saw the intention of the two, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly took a strong bow from his side.

The steps of bending the bow, nodding the arrow, aiming, and shooting were completed almost instantly, and a sharp arrow shot towards the battle group like lightning.

At the moment when Zhang Fei and Dian Wei were about to come into contact, the mount under Dian Wei's crotch suddenly let out a shrill roar, and ran to the other side without Dian Wei's control.

The two people who were about to collide also staggered in an instant, and neither of them touched each other.

Dian Wei tried his best to finally control the guard's horse, but he was very puzzled because this horse had been with him for many years.

The two sides have already formed a tacit understanding, how could it suddenly lose control?

However, when he observed carefully, he finally discovered that there was actually a feathered arrow stuck in the thigh of the war horse.

I wanted to come to the staggered moment just now, when I was shot, I lost control because of the sting.

Dian Wei looked according to the direction the arrow was coming from, and saw Cheng Pu draw his bow vigorously.

Instantly blurted out: "A stab in the back, what kind of a hero?"

Zhang Fei finally came to his senses, seeing that it was Cheng Pu who made the move, so he couldn't say anything.

Because Dian Wei's mount was injured, there was no way to continue the fight, and the battle ended hastily.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhang Fei returned to the city with a gloomy face, only to find that Cheng Pu was already waiting to welcome him at the gate of the city.

The two fought side by side in Jiangling during this time, and their relationship has become very familiar.

If Cheng Pu took the initiative to greet him, Zhang Fei would naturally thank him politely.

But because of what happened just now, Zhang Fei was so angry that he ignored Cheng Pu's location and walked straight into the city.

Seeing this, Cheng Pu was not annoyed, but followed slowly.

All the way to the Jiangling government office, Zhang Fei sat on his seat, but his face was still worried.

Cheng Pu walked in slowly, and smiled lightly when he saw this, "Yide, are you mad at me?"

"Brother Demou, I was about to kill Dian Wei, but you suddenly shot a cold arrow and ruined the overall situation. This, this, alas!"

Zhang Fei complained there with resentment, but Cheng Pu was still smiling.

It wasn't until Zhang Fei finished venting that Cheng Pu finally said: "Don't be angry with Yide. The reason why I shot the arrow just now was really because I didn't want to see you and the other party suffer.

Now our Sun and Liu families are still fighting Liu Ke in Jiangjin. It is precisely because Jiangling is still in our hands that Liu Ke has scruples.

He didn't dare to attack Jiangjin with all his strength.If you die unfortunately, I will be alone, and Jiangling will be destroyed sooner or later.

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