A thought flashed through Dian Wei's mind, and he immediately thought of retreating.

Taking advantage of the fact that the two enemy troops had not succeeded in forming a siege and there was still a smooth road behind him, Dian Wei finally ordered loudly: "Retreat! The whole army returns to camp!"

After that, Dian Wei didn't hesitate any more, and hurriedly fled back to his camp.

Seeing the other party's distress, Zhang Fei couldn't help laughing. He felt that the accumulated resentment was finally vented after being blocked in Jiangling by the other party during this period of time.

After successfully driving Dian Wei back this time, Zhang Fei finally stopped wasting time and rushed to Jiang'an with Wu Ban.

During the period when Jiangling broke through the siege, Liu Bei, who was blocked in Lexiang City, also had a difficult time.

That time, he dispatched Chen Dao and Huo Jun out of the city to fight Gan Ning and Zhang Liao for a long time.

Although the winner was not decided, they also failed to repel the opponent.

Especially Zhang Liao, he has sent the letter to His Majesty Liu Ke, and now he must wait here for the arrival of Liu Ke's main force.

Therefore, during this period of time, Zhang Liao actually set up his camp ten miles outside the city of Le Township.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this distance is placed on the face of the other party.

So when Liu Bei heard about this situation, he was instantly furious.

"How dare Mr. Zhang Liao look down on the lonely king so much? Do you really think that the lonely dare not do anything to him?"

Seeing that Liu Bei was so annoyed, Fazheng stepped forward to persuade him, "Your Majesty, please calm down. I have nothing to fear from Zhang Liao.

It is nothing more than to block our army in Lexiang, and then wait for Liu Ke's main force to arrive and launch an attack together.

Although Liu Ke's main force will arrive soon, our army must grasp this opportunity before the opponent's arrival.

Isn't Zhang Liao trying to keep an eye on us?Then let him take a good look at it.

As far as I can see, tonight is the time to defeat the enemy!As long as a few large troops are arranged to surround Zhang Liao from all sides, his camp will surely be wiped out in one fell swoop! "

"Xiaozhi's plan is very clever, then I will entrust everything to the master!"

I have to say that Fazheng's vision is indeed very vicious.Because at this moment Zhang Liao's situation is at its weakest.

Originally, several armies were supposed to pursue Sun Quan and Liu Bei separately, so they had to be divided into two places.

Zhang Liao and Gan Ning, who stayed outside Le Township, also separated today.

It turned out that after Zhang Liao's letter was delivered to Liu Ke, the other party was going to raise troops to cross the river immediately.

However, the process of crossing the river was very dangerous. If Sun Quan lurked in the dark and suddenly arranged for a navy to intercept halfway, the loss would be too great.

Because Liu Bei originally had two powerful naval forces, one led by Tai Shici and Ling Tong went to look for Sun Quan's trace.

The other one was in the hands of Gan Ning, so he had to temporarily separate from Zhang Liao and go to the river to cover Liu Ke's army crossing the river.

So now only Zhang Liao's [-] soldiers and horses are left outside the city of Lexiang.

What he has to face is Liu Bei's more than [-] troops and the fortified city of Lexiang. From this comparison, we can also see the strength gap between the two sides.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Faced with such a situation, most generals may think of avoiding the edge temporarily, so as not to be caught by the enemy and crushed in one fell swoop.

But Zhang Liao decided to do the opposite.

But this is not because he is deliberately grandstanding, but because the situation is relieved.

Because judging from the current situation, even if Liu Bei escapes to Le Township, it is impossible for him to stay here for a long time.

Especially before it was clear that Liu Ke's army was coming, the ally Sun Quan had already fled, and if he continued to stick to Le Township, he could only be wiped out by Liu Ke's army.

Therefore, based on Zhang Liao's guess about them, Liu Bei's stay in Le Township was at most a temporary respite.

When the army was freed from the shadow of attacking the camp that night and their morale was rekindled, they naturally had to leave here quickly.

Such an action may be today or tomorrow, but it will not be too long.

So at present, for Zhang Liao, the biggest task is to restrain Liu Bei's footsteps, not to let him leave so quickly, and buy time for Liu Ke's main force to cross the river.

In this way, if the army is stationed far away from Le Township, even if the other side moves, he will not be able to respond quickly.

Finally, after taking all the circumstances into consideration, Zhang Liao finally made such a decision.

The army finally set up camp only ten miles away from Le Township.

However, Zhang Liao only considered that when the other party left, he could react quickly.

But he didn't calculate that Liu Bei would lose his mind because of his anger, and he had to teach Zhang Liao a good lesson before he left.

Liu Bei assigned this matter to Fazheng to implement it, just to ensure that nothing would go wrong, and Zhang Liao must be wiped out.

Fazheng is also very insightful about Liu Bei's thoughts, and after seeing the other party's request, he immediately responded in a targeted manner.

He only listened to Fazheng's instructions: "Huo Jun, Wu Yi, lead five thousand elite troops in equal parts to surround the enemy camp from the north and the south.

Chen Dao led [-] elite soldiers to attack the enemy camp from the front.Going out of the city at Haishi tonight, and launching an attack at Zishi, Zhang Liao must be wiped out in one fell swoop.

In addition, General Chen Shi led [-] elite soldiers to ambush on the bank of the river, but when the enemy arrived, he immediately launched an attack! "

Everyone understood the previous arrangement, but in the end they gave up blocking and went directly to the riverside to wait instead, which made people confused.

Especially Chen Shi, who took the order, was even more puzzled and said: "Military teacher, how can there be any enemies on the river bank?"

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