Therefore, Zhang Liao swung his saber and charged at Chen Shi again.

This time the attack was even stronger than before, and before it arrived, Chen Shi, who was forced by the blade alone, couldn't open his eyes.

Fortunately, this Chen Shi rolled over from the sea of ​​swords and blood. Although his strength is not very good, he has a keen sense of danger.

So at the moment Zhang Liao's attack hit, the whole person hurriedly dodged to one side, and even narrowly escaped the opponent's attack at a critical moment.

As soon as Zhang Liao missed the shot, he immediately showed a suspicious expression, and when he looked at Chen Shi again, his expression became more dignified.

"Although this Chen Shi's strength is not very good, he was able to avoid the fatal blow of this general. It's really strange!"

In fact, Chen Shi could see the situation very clearly, knowing that he was no match for Zhang Liao, so he only cared about defending and procrastinating, and waited for Chen Dao, Huo Jun and others' army to catch up.

Therefore, under Zhang Liao's attack, Chen Dao kept dodging. Although it was extremely dangerous, he did drag Zhang Liao here.

Zhang Liao became more and more anxious, and his attacks became more and more sharp, but he still couldn't deal with Chen Shi quickly.

At this moment, the footsteps behind him became more and more rapid. Zhang Liao looked back and saw a large group of soldiers and horses approaching him from a distance.

Under the shroud of night, it twists and turns like a winding dragon approaching.

Zhang Liao was startled when he saw this, because he didn't need to guess, the ones who came must be Chen Dao and Huo Jun's pursuers.

The faces of the soldiers beside him also showed panic expressions, surrounding Zhang Liao like ants on a hot pot.

"General Zhang, how should our army respond?"

Zhang Liao had a solemn face, although he was equally anxious, but he still had to keep calm in front of the soldiers.

He said slowly: "Now that the enemy army is attacking from two directions, our army has no danger to defend here, and it is bound to suffer heavy losses.

Now the only option is to build a line of defense around them to entangle with the opponent, and send an emergency signal to General Gan Ning on the river for support.

Since they were not guarding the river, they must have been patrolling the river.

As long as General Gan Ning sees the signal from us, he will definitely come here as soon as possible.

We just need to ensure that we will not be defeated by the enemy before the arrival of General Gan Ning! "

"However, General, how could a line of defense be built in such a short period of time?"

Zhang Liao frowned and said: "Now I don't care too much, and gather all the supplies except those directly related to the battle.

Set up in front of the formation as a defensive backing, don't worry about losses at this time, first defend the enemy first. "

Under Zhang Liao's order, the soldiers under him acted very actively out of the desire to survive.

Some people put bags of grain and grass directly in front of the formation, and some simply knocked down the vehicle and stood in front of them.

Driven by the desire to survive, before Chen Dao's pursuers arrived, he actually forcibly built a temporary line of defense between the two armies.

When Chen came to the front, he looked at the line of defense with a look of astonishment. He didn't expect the opponent's actions to be so fast.

Just as he was in a trance, a row of bows and arrows shot over in an instant.The front pursuers were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

When Chen Dao saw this, he became even more furious, and immediately ordered loudly: "Send the order, the whole army will attack the enemy!

Anyone who can rush into the enemy camp and capture and kill Zhang Liao will be rewarded with ten thousand gold! "

Under Chen Dao's huge reward, the morale of the soldiers immediately increased, and they launched a fierce attack on Zhang Liao's position.

Therefore, the battle had just started, and Zhang Liao was already in a hard fight.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"General, the enemy's offensive is too fierce, and our army is almost unable to hold on!"

"General, please send troops to support the defense line in the east, otherwise the enemy will break through!"

All kinds of urgent requests came one after another, making Zhang Liao's heart even more anxious.

At this time, he hurriedly urged: "Have the fireworks for help been lit?"

"General, the fireworks have been lit, but it's not very obvious in the dark night, I'm afraid General Gan won't notice it!"

Zhang Liao frowned, and said after a long time: "If one is not good, order two, if two are not good, then three. In short, make sure the reinforcements see it!"

His arrangement stunned his subordinates.

Because different numbers of fireworks represent different meanings, the greater the number, the stronger the enemy you encounter.

If four fireworks are set off in one breath, it means that the enemy army exceeds at least [-].

With such a huge number of enemy troops, even if reinforcements want to come to support them, they have to weigh whether they have the strength to do so.

However, at such a critical moment, Zhang Liao could no longer take care of so much.

Under his strong request, the four fireworks soared into the sky. Under their mutual reflection, they were very conspicuous in the dark night, so there was no need to worry that the other party would not be able to see them anymore.

Prior to this, Yizhou soldiers and horses had experienced the enemy's method of transmitting signals through fireworks during the Battle of Hanzhong.

Therefore, when Chen Dao saw the sky-high fireworks rising from the center of the enemy line, he immediately became alert.

He said to Huo Jun, Wu Yi and the others: "Generals, the fireworks lit in the enemy camp are no small matter.

If Liu Ke's other soldiers and horses see it, they must come to support, we must work harder, so as not to be destroyed by the opponent's reinforcements! "

The rest of the people also said solemnly: "What Uncle Zhi said is very true, let us work together to defeat Zhang Liao!"

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