With the double cooperation of the strong bow in the rear and the powerful crossbow nearby, Zhang Liao's bravery finally broke through the enemy's obstruction and came to the city wall.

How could the defenders on the city have thought that the opponent would advance so quickly, they had already become a little flustered because of the shock.

But Zhang Liao saw the timing, and immediately took the lead to rush over. Wherever the sword went, all the soldiers blocking it were spared.

Seeing that the defenders were about to collapse completely under Zhang Liao's charge, Chen Dao hurriedly mobilized his men and rushed over together.

As soon as he saw Zhang Liao, he immediately shouted: "The thief general is going crazy, Chen will meet you when he arrives!"

"Hahaha! Rat, you finally dare to come out! I thought you would also know some sneaky tricks!"

Chen Dao's attack on the camp last night not only failed to achieve the expected success, but was put on by Zhang Liao, feeling unhappy.

At this moment, being ridiculed by the other party as a sneaky person, he was even more furious.

Immediately he came out more and stabbed Zhang Liao with his spear.

Seeing that the spear was sharp, it hit Zhang Liao's throat like a ray of silver light, Zhang Liao quickly swung his knife to cut it open.

However, this move still made Zhang Liao's heart tremble, and he said involuntarily: "I didn't expect to see you overnight, your marksmanship has improved a lot!"

It turned out that although Chen Dao only fought Zhao Yun for a few short moves last night, he was greatly shocked.

In fact, Chen Dao is not a stupid and lazy person. On the contrary, he is very diligent and studious, but he has no choice but to come from a humble background and has not received much formal guidance.

Aside from the superficial aspects of marksmanship that he learned earlier, all of his marksmanship was honed out from the battlefield and he was self-taught.

However, although this kind of marksmanship has been tempered by blood and fire, it has never been systematic and cannot exert its due power.

However, none of the generals in Yizhou was good at spears, only Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear was a little close.

However, there is still a slight gap between the attacking thinking of the snake spear and the long spear, which also makes Chen Dao's marksmanship remain at the primary stage and has not been improved.

However, after witnessing Zhao Yun's lightning-fast marksmanship last night, he suddenly became suspicious and was greatly inspired.

Therefore, in today's battle, he used it unknowingly, which caught Zhang Liao by surprise.

However, Zhang Liao is not an ordinary person, he has always held down Chen Dao in the previous battles.

Now Chen Dao only had some inspiration, and he was still far away from the perfect marksmanship, so apart from the beginning, he was finally suppressed by Zhang Liao again.

Zhang Liao brandished a broadsword step by step, and gradually opened up an area of ​​his own on the top of the city.

Chen Dao greeted him bitterly, but still couldn't withstand Zhang Liao's attack, so he had no choice but to grit his teeth and persist.

However, fortunately, Liu Bei, who was sitting in the city, was not idle. The soldiers he sent out were investigating the situation of the battle in various locations, especially the progress of the main battlefield in the east, which was kept in real time.

When he heard that Chen Dao's army was about to lose his hold, Liu Bei couldn't help but change his face.

He originally thought that with the current arrangement, it would be no problem to stick to it for a few days, but he didn't expect that within two hours of the battle, Chen couldn't stand it anymore.

For the entire defense line, a breakthrough at any point would cause the entire line to collapse, so Liu Bei made a decisive decision and quickly dispatched a reserve army.

"Kong Shan, hurry up and raise [-] troops to support Shuzhi, and you must drive Zhang Liao out of the city!"

After one of the soldiers got the order, he rushed out.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Bei also arranged those scouts to continue monitoring the battle on the east wall.

Deng Fang's arrival finally stopped Chen Dao's retreat. Seeing Zhang Liao's bravery, he immediately joined forces with Chen Dao to deal with it.

His joining finally stabilized the situation on the east wall.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With Deng Fang and Chen Dao joining forces, although Zhang Liao was still not at a disadvantage in one against two, his subordinates were different.

Because all of Liu Bei's army was huddled in the city, and there were countless troops behind the defenders on the city wall to continuously replenish.

The speed of their reinforcements naturally far exceeded the speed of Zhang Liao's men climbing the city wall.

So as Liu Bei continued to send troops to support, the line of defense that had been loosened just now was finally stabilized again.

However, Liu Bei's frown still did not relax.

Because he knew very well in his heart that the relaxation in front of him was actually just a temporary situation.

In fact, because Liu Ke attacked very fiercely, the casualties of the soldiers were very heavy.

The vitality in the city is naturally decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there will always be a moment when the soldiers in hand will be exhausted.

And, more importantly, he is not staying here to be buried with Lexiang, but to wait for Zhang Fei's arrival.

In other words, Liu Bei will always have to break through in the end, so the more troops he consumes now, the higher the risk of his breakout.

The confluence of various contradictions made Liu Bei's brows furrowed and never eased.

As for Liu Ke, he was also a little puzzled.

If he and Liu Bei get along in a different place, he will definitely not love to fight in this lonely city, but resolutely abandon him to avoid the edge temporarily.

Liu Bei has been on the battlefield for half his life, and it is impossible not to see the situation in front of him.

However, he just did so, which is really puzzling.

I saw Liu Ke said slowly: "My dear friends, tell me, why does Liu Bei stick to this worthless city of Lexiang?"

Liu Ke's question baffled everyone, even Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu and others who were the most resourceful among them were all stunned and silent.

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