But in order to prepare for tomorrow's attack, the catapult was directly transported to the front line.

In the darkness, the enemy army didn't see the movement here, and the opponent was already exhausted, so there was no action tonight.

Early the next morning, the air was filled with thick fog again.

However, this did not affect Gan Ning, because he had already adjusted the catapult overnight.

When the hour of Chen arrived, Gan Ning impatiently gave the order to launch.

The whistling boulder flew from the dense fog and bombarded towards Lexiang, but when the enemy couldn't see the situation clearly, the boulder fell down.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the early morning, Le Township was still shrouded in thick fog. Looking out from the city wall, there was only a vast expanse of whiteness in front of us.

Even Liu Ke's army, which is all over the sky, has been hidden under the thick fog and cannot be seen at all.

"Such a thick fog, how can we attack later?" The soldier on the city wall muttered.

"I said you can have fun secretly. The fog is heavy, and the enemy army can't see the situation on the city wall, so naturally they won't attack easily.

Wouldn't we have a little more security in this way?Could it be that you kid is addicted to killing and still want to show performance?

I remember some people were almost shot through the crotch by an arrow yesterday, and turned into the father-in-law in the palace, hahahaha..."

Under the man's teasing, there was a burst of laughter around.

The little soldier who spoke at the beginning blushed and was about to refute when he heard a whistling sound and hurriedly looked up into the thick fog.

"No, this sound is wrong, listen!"

Under his guidance, everyone hurriedly raised their heads to look out of the sky, and indeed heard a faint whistling sound.

"Then, what is that? Could it be that the enemy launched an attack?" Everyone exclaimed nervously.

Only the person who just teased this person deliberately showed off, and said with a proud face: "You don't understand anything now.

Hahaha, this whistling sound is not the sound of an enemy attacking, but Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng, understand?

The sound of the strong wind blowing across the river and passing the peaks on both sides, no one is attacking by the enemy..."


After a loud noise, everyone's faces instantly turned pale!

I saw that while the man was explaining, a huge rock fell from the sky and hit the top of his head directly.

That person didn't even have a chance to snort, and he was already turned into a meat paste.

This scene frightened everyone in front of them, and immediately ran down the city in a panic.

Now that the boulders are all in front of them, naturally no one believes what Jiang Feng said.

And that man also lost his life for his theory.

As the first boulder fell on the city, more and more boulders fell from the sky.

The originally peaceful city suddenly became restless. Under the threat of the boulder, the soldiers ran away in fright, looking for a safe place to hide.

But so many boulders are thrown into the city, where can they hide?

I saw that the whole city was trembling and shaking violently, and it might collapse at any time.

As early as when the first boulder fell into the city, Liu Bei had already been awakened.

It didn't take long for him to come down to the temporarily dug basement surrounded by his personal guards.

As soon as Liu Bei walked in, he saw that many people were already here.

When they saw Liu Bei, Fazheng and others hurriedly said concernedly: "Your Majesty, are you alright!"

Liu Bei waved his hand and said, "You don't have to worry, you're fine. I just didn't expect that Liu Ke would mobilize the catapult so quickly, and caught our army by surprise!"

When he said this, he couldn't help but glanced at Fazheng.

Because the day before yesterday was Fazheng, and he swore to guarantee that the other party would never have any large siege equipment.

But today's scene seemed to slap him in the face naked.

Seeing Fazheng's face blushing slightly, Ma Su beside him felt indescribably proud.

Ma Di thought to himself, the other party's defeat caused the king's dissatisfaction, and naturally it was time for him to play.

So Ma Su immediately stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, although the army's attack looks fierce at this moment.

But in the end, it is necessary to occupy the city, so it is necessary to lead troops to charge.

As long as we place the soldiers first and reduce the casualties during the bombardment, we will definitely give the enemy a head-on blow when they charge. "

Liu Bei was anxious. Hearing what Ma Su said made some sense, he nodded and said, "What You Chang said is quite reasonable. But how should we hide it?"

As soon as this remark came out, Ma Su stopped asking.

He has always been only good at talking on paper. Although he may be full of economics, he often has great incompatibility with the actual situation.

Now that Liu Bei suddenly asked such a practical question, Ma Di was speechless for a moment.

Seeing this, Liu Bei already understood, so he didn't continue to ask, and instead discussed the follow-up strategy with others.

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