The so-called expert looks at the doorway, Zhang Fei, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, can tell the level of the enemy's combat effectiveness only from the spirit of the enemy.

So the only remaining intention of underestimating the enemy in his heart finally disappeared.

However, paying attention does not mean being afraid, this hair actually aroused Zhang Fei's fighting spirit.

I saw Zhang Fei said seriously: "Mr. Wen, your mission is over here, and I will leave it to Lao Zhang!"

As he said that, Zhang Fei dropped the shield directly, and was the first to charge up with the snake spear in his hand.

At this moment, the enemy is waiting for the opponent to climb the slope so that he can take advantage of the opening and shoot at him.

Unexpectedly, a big black man with a leopard head and eyes around suddenly jumped out, and the shout in his mouth was like thunder, which made them stunned.

It wasn't until Zhang Fei had arrived at the center of the slope that the defenders finally regained their composure, bent their bows and set up arrows, and shot at Zhang Fei.

Seeing this, Zhang Fei immediately swung the snake spear in his hand, spinning rapidly in front of him like a hot wheel.

In this way, no amount of arrows could penetrate Zhang Fei's resistance at all, and he continued to move forward without being affected at all.

Infected by the general, the soldiers brought by Zhang Fei also dropped their shields one by one, shouting and rushing towards Gao Shun's defense line.

Seeing this, Gao Shun hurriedly ordered his men to continue to shoot arrows to stop it, but this temporary earth slope built with stones was not high at all.

Coupled with Zhang Fei's firm determination this time, he was much faster than Wei Yan, who was cautious before, without fear of death or injury.

Therefore, Gao Shun's archers only had time to shoot three rounds of arrows, and Zhang Fei had already arrived.

After Zhang Fei arrived, he immediately stabbed the archer closest to him with a spear.

However, before the Serpent Lance arrived, he saw two shields coming out from his side suddenly in front of him, just in time to protect him.

This is the cooperation of the trapped camp team. It seems to be just a row of archers who can no longer fight back, but in fact there is an entire team behind them.

Such a scene was naturally unexpected by Zhang Fei, and it also made him really feel the difficulty of the enemy army in front of him.

In fact, this is only the first step, and the ultimate move of the squad is still to come.

As long as this sudden shield blocks the enemy's attack, the enemy will be startled, and then react a bit slower.

At that time, the spearman hiding behind the shield will immediately stab forward, causing great damage in an instant.

In the last attack, Chen Dao encountered such a routine, which made his attack very uncomfortable, and he had no choice but to withdraw it.

This time the old trick was repeated, and it was used on Zhang Fei again.

However, Zhang Fei's strength was different from Chen Dao's. When he saw the shield appear, he was only amazed by the opponent's tight cooperation.

But it didn't affect the movements of his hands at all.

This thrusting move seems simple, but it is one of Zhang Fei's unique skills, and it is called the golden hairpin dialing the lamp.

It is like a golden hairpin that moves the wick. It looks straight and straight, but it hides a mystery.

The snake spear swayed slightly from side to side in the air, looking for the weak point of the prey like the snake letter of a poisonous snake.

Finally, Zhang Fei's snake spear arrived and inserted it through the gap between the two shields.

Then there was a scream, the archer who couldn't retreat in time was doomed, and died on the spot with an inconceivable face.

However, the opponent is well-trained, and although the scene in front of him is a bit unbelievable, he still firmly continues to execute according to the formation.

I saw that when Zhang Fei stabbed the snake spear, two long spears rushed from behind, reaching his vitals.

Zhang Fei's face changed when he saw this, he quickly drew back the snake spear, and then swept across in front of him at the critical moment.

Not only was the enemy's spear stopped by him, but even the two shields were split in half under Zhang Fei's sharp attack, and the arm of the shield bearer fell to the ground with the shield.

Without the defense of the shield, the strength of this squad dropped by [-]% in an instant.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Fei rushed forward again with a loud shout.

This will really be like a tiger descending into a flock of sheep, killing all the remaining team members.

This scene has been talked about for a long time, but it actually happened between lightning and flint. From the beginning to the end, Zhang Fei used at least five extra tricks.It just so happened that Wei Yan, who had just rushed up, had a panoramic view.

Wei Yan originally chased all the way to remind Zhang Fei of his opponent's strength again.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yan saw this scene just one step too late, and Wei Yan's expression was instantly stunned.

He couldn't help but recall that Chen Dao was fighting against such a small team by himself before.

However, after fighting for a long time, they couldn't break it, and finally retreated helplessly when more enemy troops charged up.

He was similar in strength to Chen Dao, so he could naturally feel the lethality of these teams.

So the scene in front of him made him feel even more incredible.

In the end, he couldn't help but blurted out: "General Zhang is really a great general!"

Zhang Fei grinned when he heard the sound: "Haha, do I really have three heads and six arms when I am an enemy? So it is so vulnerable!"

Originally, when Zhang Fei rushed forward with a loud shout, he was very conspicuous, which attracted Gao Shun's attention all the time.

This time, seeing the other party break through the attack of the trapping camp so easily, he finally couldn't help but rushed forward immediately.

"Who are you? Report your name!"

"Haha, Zhang Yide from Yan is here, if you are afraid of death, quickly get out of the way, otherwise it will be your death later!"

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