The only difficulty is the rolling stones along the way, but if you want to avoid the fate of annihilation, you can only take a risk! "

When everyone heard this, they immediately fell silent.

Because they had witnessed the scene when Wei Yan led his troops through before.Even with a shield in hand, he still suffered heavy casualties from being hit by rolling stones.

Now that the shields have already been brought to the front line by the opponent, what is the difference between passing through now and going up the mountain of swords or going down into the sea of ​​fire?

However, at this moment, Liu Bei finally spoke.

He said decisively: "Since that's the case, gather the whole army and set off quickly. You must be at the forefront of the team!"

Everyone wanted to persuade them again after hearing the words, but Liu Bei waved his hands to stop them.

I saw him facing the crowd with his hands clasped, and said with a sad face: "Everyone, the lonely king is incapable of bringing you into such a desperate situation.

This time, Gu will open the way for everyone.If God is merciful, I can escape from this place by luck, and continue the righteousness of monarchs and ministers with you alone. "

After speaking, Liu Bei strode forward recklessly.

When everyone heard Liu Bei's words from the bottom of their hearts, they couldn't help but burst into tears. Seeing that Liu Bei had already set off, they also hurriedly followed up together, with expressions of seeing death as home.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Your Majesty, be careful!" The crowd shouted and chased after Liu Bei together.

However, Liu Bei had made up his mind, and he walked towards the exit very firmly. The crowd surrounded Liu Bei, carefully guarding the surrounding enemy troops.

As the shouts of killing got closer, everyone's hearts gradually lifted.

When Liu Bei came here, he couldn't help being shocked, because he saw countless falling rocks and rolling logs scattered on the ground not far in front of him.

Except for these fallen rocks, what is left is densely packed corpses.

Seeing this scene, Liu Bei couldn't help crying, and said sadly: "Soldiers, you have traveled thousands of miles from Yizhou to Jingzhou.

I wanted to protect my family and retreat from the enemy, but unexpectedly died here, homeless.Now Gu wants to lead the remaining soldiers to break through.

Because of the obstruction of the enemy army, you didn't even have a chance to collect the corpses, and you could only fall into the belly of birds and beasts in the end.

How can Gu feel sorry for you?Are you sorry for your wives and children?Are you sorry for the people of Yizhou? "

At this time, Fazheng stepped forward quietly and said, "Your Majesty, in order to prevent the dead soldiers from being eaten by birds and beasts, I suggest setting a fire before leaving.

Even if these people are cremated, they can still block the enemy's pursuit..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Liu Bei's eyes turned cold, and his whole demeanor changed.

Then he finally changed into a sad tone and said: "Xiaozhi, in order to prevent the soldiers from being desecrated, let's do as you say!"

When Fazheng heard the words, his eyes rolled, and then he understood Liu Bei's true thoughts.

In fact, Liu Bei had this idea a long time ago, but it is false to prevent the corpse from being desecrated, and it is true to block the footsteps of the pursuers.

But such words cannot be said openly, there must be a reason to prevaricate.

Just now Fazheng accidentally slipped his mouth, and was immediately scolded by Liu Bei.

After arranging all of this, he went further to the enemy's falling rock blocking area. Liu Bei stood on the edge, took a deep breath, and finally took this step firmly.

Everyone's hearts have already been raised in their throats, especially those guards who are closer to Liu Bei.

He wanted to protect Liu Bei comprehensively, but he was still worried about his own life, and his heart trembled every step he took.

However, to everyone's surprise, Liu Bei had already entered the rockfall area for a certain distance, but there was still no movement above his head.

Such a scene not only did not make everyone happy, but even more frightening.

One by one, they were thinking in their hearts, could it be that the enemy deliberately pushed themselves deeper to prevent themselves from escaping?

So with this kind of mind, everyone walked forward while looking around at the surrounding situation, for fear that when the boulder would fall down, they would die without knowing why!

Among them, Liu Bei is the only one who has been very firm in his steps. He has already focused on nothing else and has no distracting thoughts.

This time he has nothing to do with life and death, only the front is in his eyes.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the Yizhou army became more and more depressing, coupled with the louder and louder shouts of killing in front, it was even more breathtaking.

In this way, the army moved forward step by step, Liu Bei suddenly looked up, and went further to the slope that Gao Shun had built temporarily.

At this moment, Zhang Fei's soldiers and horses could even be seen fighting fiercely with the trapped camp on the hillside.

Ordinarily, at this position, the enemy army ambushing on the top of the mountain should have thrown the boulder down unceremoniously.

But there was still no movement at the top of the head.

This time, Liu Bei's face finally softened, and he shouted happily: "Soldiers, God protects you.

The threat on the mountain has been lifted, and now the only ones standing in front of us are the enemy troops on the hillside.

But under the attack of Yide, they have already become precarious.

Everyone rushed up with the solitary, killed the enemy, and then the sea was wide and the fish jumped, and the mountains were high and the birds flew! "

Under Liu Bei's instigation, the long-suppressed morale of the crowd finally rose again.

Moreover, even the enemy troops have not smashed down the rolling stones when they came here, which means that there may be no one on the mountain for a long time.

Therefore, the army finally rushed up the hillside roaring.

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