Ling Tong saw Sun Quan's deserter from a distance, and said to Tai Shici, "Ziyi, I will catch up first, and I will destroy them by the Lishui River!"

As he spoke, Ling Tong led the cavalry and quickly chased after him.

Seeing this, Sun Quan was really anxious this time.

Because they haven't reached the designated place yet, if they are caught up by the other party at this moment, all previous efforts will be wasted.

He hastened to order: "Cheng Yuan, hurry up and stop it, you must wait for the army to enter the designated place!"

Ding Feng understood that this was the most critical moment, so he promised to lead his troops to stay behind to meet Ling Tong.

Ling Tong caught up and fought directly with him, while Sun Quan took the opportunity to speed up his advance.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In order to cover Sun Quan's departure, Ding Feng gritted his teeth and insisted on fighting Ling Tong.

But Ling Tong pursued all the way, and it was the time when the momentum was like a rainbow, and the fighting power was also very strong.

Therefore, the battle didn't last long, and Ding Feng gradually became exhausted.

But at this moment, Sun Quan had not yet escaped into the encirclement, and nearly half of the soldiers and horses were still on the way.

If they had withdrawn at this time, Ling Tong's pursuers would have caught up with those people in one fell swoop and defeated them.

You must know that for the sake of confidentiality, except for Sun Quan and a few high-level officials, no one else knew about this plan at all.

Although this ensures that the plan will never be leaked before it succeeds.

But this made the ordinary soldiers panic when they encountered the urgent situation in front of them.

Sun Quan's troops had already passed the ambush area, but the rest of them were crowded on the small road and walked with difficulty.

Since Zhu Ran wanted to select this area before, he took a fancy to the danger of this place.

Coming out of Chanling is a plain, very wide and flat, but because of the existence of Lishui River and Huangtou Mountain, it suddenly becomes narrow.

It is as if this area has been strangled into a gourd, and this is the narrowest position in the middle of the gourd.

When those soldiers saw the pursuers not far behind, they were anxious one by one, pushing each other forward.

But when we got here, the road narrowed suddenly, and there was no room for so many people to pass through.

But the people behind were still pushing and pushing, so some soldiers standing on the edge stepped on the ground during the pushing and pushing, and fell into the Lishui.

The scene became very chaotic for a while, which made Ding Feng, who was blocking Ling Tong's pursuit at the rear, even more impatient.

At this time, Sun Quan had just passed by, and Pan Zhang was already waiting for him there.

Pan Zhang went up to meet him and asked concernedly, "My lord, are you all right?"

Sun Quan waved his hand and said, "Wen Gui, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Okay! Then I'm going to attack!" Pan Zhang said and was about to leave.

"Slow!" Sun Quan suddenly stopped him and said, "There are still many soldiers who have not come, and there are still many soldiers who have not passed at this moment.

Moreover, the enemy army has not stepped into the encirclement, so this is not the best time to attack.

If you attack rashly at this moment, not only will the enemy army be alarmed, causing the opponent to escape early, but it will also hurt the army behind.

So it's better to ambush for the time being, and wait for those people to pass before acting! "

Hearing Sun Quan's words, Pan Zhang had no choice but to say: "Obey, my lord! The general will go down and prepare. To be on the safe side, my lord, please go ahead!"

Then Pan Zhang returned to the ambush site, watched Sun Quan leave, and patiently waited for traffic conditions.

At this moment, Ding Feng had already worked his life out, made great sacrifices, and finally succeeded in waiting for the last team to pass by.

Now there are no Jingzhou soldiers and horses north of the ambush area.

Ding Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it, and hurriedly ordered: "My lord's army has left safely, retreat now!"

As he spoke, he led the remaining soldiers to rush forward without looking back.

Seeing this, Ling Tong would not let him go.

Because from Ding Feng's performance just now, it can be seen that Sun Quan's situation at the moment has reached a precarious situation.

Now is the perfect time to take advantage of the other party's panic and annihilate them in one fell swoop. Naturally, they cannot easily let the other party escape.

So Ling Tong didn't wait for Tai Shici to arrive, and immediately chased after him.

"Ding Fengping, don't leave if you have the guts, stay and fight this general for another hundred rounds!"

Ding Feng didn't reply a word, and rushed to the narrow road without stopping.Turn around the Huangtou Mountain on the left and disappear.

Seeing that the enemy army was about to disappear, Ling Tong was even more anxious, and hurriedly urged the soldiers to speed up and chase there.

After a while, I finally came to the small road sandwiched between Huangshantou and Lishui.

Looking at this narrow passage, there are many flags and armor left by the enemy scattered on the road.

Although Ling Tong was more confident in destroying the opponent, he suddenly felt palpitations.

He even had a bad idea that if he continued to chase, he might even be in danger.

However, Ling Tong was unwilling to let go of such a good opportunity, so he turned his head and put the bad thoughts behind him.

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