Ling Tong smiled and said: "Then there is Lao Zilong! Although the other party escaped, it can be seen that he fled in a hurry.

Even the traces are not clear at all, we just need to follow the traces left, and we will be able to track down the enemy! "

Tai Shici and Zhao Yun also stepped forward to have a look, and found that the trace did not seem to be fake.

The other party's panic can also be seen from the footsteps, so the three of them did not hesitate any longer, and immediately followed the traces and rushed to the distance.

At the beginning, the trail was relatively clear, and it was always heading east along the Lishui River.

However, after walking for about thirty miles, the trail in front of him suddenly changed into two.

One of them continued to head east, but the other one walked towards the river, and then disappeared on the bank of the Lishui River. It seemed that they should cross the water from here to the opposite side.

Such a discovery also caused several people to fall into entanglement instantly.

Because they don't know which of these two traces is the real trace of the other party.

Ling Tong frowned, and said slowly, "Ziyi, Zilong, what do you think?"

Zhao Yun's tracking ability is extremely strong, he immediately got off the horse and came to the place where the two traces were separated, squatting there to study it by himself.

After a long while, Zhao Yun finally said: "According to my experience, these two traces are true!"

"What? How is it possible?" Ling Tong and Tai Shici all looked puzzled when they heard this.

But after Zhao Yun got up, he still said firmly: "It is true, there is absolutely nothing wrong."

"Could it be that Sun Quan's subordinates saw that the general situation was over, so they parted ways from here and fled for their lives?" Tai Shici couldn't help asking.

When Ling Tong heard this, his eyes lit up, and he immediately echoed, "Zi Yi's words are right, so we can't hesitate any longer.

Maybe Sun Quan has already become a loner, if we catch up quickly, we will definitely be able to capture him alive! "

But Tai Shici said, "But which of these two belongs to Sun Quan?"

"That's hard to say. If the opponent divides his troops, we should also divide our troops into two groups!"

"Would this be too risky? If the opponent's plan is suspicious, wouldn't we have fallen for it?" Zhao Yun was a little cautious.

But his words were answered by Ling Tong and Tai Shici in unison.

"Zilong, just now you said that these two traces are true, why did you change your name to be suspicious of the soldier's plan now? Isn't this self-denying yourself?"

Zhao Yun was left speechless by what the other party said, so he had no choice but to agree: "Okay, then I will obey the majority and follow your plan!"

Therefore, Ling Tong discussed with them for a while, and decided that he and Tai Shici should cross the river and pursue southward.

Zhao Yun led the soldiers and horses of the headquarters to continue tracking eastward along the Lishui River.

If you still haven't seen any traces of the enemy after chasing for tens of miles, then turn back and join the other road.

In this way, the suspicious soldiers set up by the enemy can also be avoided to guide them deliberately and wrongly.

So the three said to each other how much they valued, and then quickly split up and chased in different directions.

These two traces are actually left by Sun Quan's escape at the beginning and Pan Zhang's retreat yesterday.

After Pan Zhang and Quan Cong fled here, the traces of the road were too obvious.

So he decided to cross the river from here and turn to the south.

In this way, the enemy can also be misunderstood and chased away by Sun Quan.

After Ling Tong and others saw it, they really fell for it.

Rather, Ling Tong originally analyzed that Sun Quan should be the one who crossed the south of the Yangtze River, so he chose this direction to pursue.

After all, after crossing the river, it can delay the enemy's pursuit and take the opportunity to clear many traces.

However, what he didn't know was that this side was actually left by Pan Zhang and Quan Cong.

The so-called false is real, and real is false. Pan Zhang used this art of war to the fullest.

The direction the other party thought was precisely not where Sun Quan was.

But Ling Tong didn't know that after crossing the river, he followed him very quickly.

After walking not far, the traces left on the road became more and more obvious. It seemed that he had just walked not long ago.

Ling Tong was overjoyed when he saw it and said: "It seems that the enemy is approaching, the soldiers should speed up.

Your Majesty has an order, whoever can capture Sun Quan alive will be granted ten thousand households and will be rewarded ten thousand gold, and everyone else will be rewarded heavily! "

This sentence instantly mobilized everyone's morale, and the exhaustion from chasing all the way was instantly swept away.

And Tai Shici approached Ling Tong and asked quietly: "Gongji, when did His Majesty say it, why didn't I hear it?"

Ling Tong smiled mysteriously, and said in a low voice: "This trick was taught by His Majesty himself to quench thirst by looking at plum blossoms!"

Tai Shici was taken aback when he heard this, and then finally realized it, but he didn't point it out.

After all, the morale of the soldiers is so high now, how can I fight it?

In this way, the speed of the army was very fast, and finally found the traces of the enemy before dark.

When the scout who went to the front to explore the road returned with injuries all over and reported the battle situation to Ling Tong and the other two, they instantly became refreshed.

"Haha, it seems that Emperor Tian pays off! Sure enough, we have caught up! Let's see where Sun Quan can escape this time?"

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