Then there are two possibilities before the two of them.

One of them is that the two did not chase in the wrong direction, Sun Quan had indeed fled forward, and what he encountered now was actually only the last team left behind.

But besides this, there is a more serious possibility, that is, the two of them chased in the wrong direction at all.

Sun Quan did not cross the Li River and went south, but continued east along the river.

In this case, they were chasing in the wrong direction completely, maybe Sun Quan had already escaped to ascend to heaven by this moment.

Each of the two ideas analyzed by Ling Tong and Tai Shici is possible, which also made the two fall into a difficult choice instantly.

According to the first possibility, if you continue to chase forward, if your analysis is really wrong, then you will really let Sun Quan go.

But now turning around and returning, and worrying that Sun Quan is really in front, wouldn't it be a failure?

In the end, the two struggled for a long time, and finally made up their minds. They decided to continue to follow Pan Zhang's footsteps and go ahead to see the situation.

Anyway, there is still a team of Zhao Yun's troops on the other side, and they are also quite large.

Even if Sun Quan's army cannot be wiped out, there is still strength to entangle the opponent.

So after the two made up their minds, they continued to chase Pan Zhang forward.

Pan Zhang had just escaped from the mountain and continued to flee to the south, when he heard movement behind him, the enemy continued to pursue him.

However, this made him a little relieved.

Because this time Pan Zhang himself was the task of attracting the enemy and covering Sun Quan's escape.

The faster the enemy pursues, the more successful his mission is.

So Pan Zhang immediately ordered: "Soldiers don't worry, just follow the general and continue on the road, the enemy will not affect us in any way!"

It's just that Pan Zhang's words are not convincing enough.

At this moment, the army is running all the way, the only reason is because the enemy army is chasing after them, and the soldiers have a desire to survive from the bottom of their hearts.

It has nothing to do with what he said for the lord, for the elders of Jingzhou, or even for the common people in the world.

So, Pan Zhang and Ling Tong behind him chased after each other and headed straight to the south.

In the other direction, Zhao Yun has also been chasing for a long time. Although he has not seen the enemy yet, the traces left along the road do not seem to be fake.

That's why Zhao Yun's confidence in continuing to pursue him has been strengthened.

This time, Zhao Yun finally made the right bet, because if he pursued further, he would be able to catch up to Sun Quan's main force.

At this moment, Sun Quan's main force was fleeing all the way, but they were not far in front of them.

At this time, Sun Quan said with some lingering fear: "Where is the enemy army? Have they caught up?"

Zhu Ran hurriedly said: "My lord, I haven't seen any traces of the enemy army yet!"

And Quan Cong also stepped forward and said: "My lord, the last general and Wen Gui split up before, and he forged the scene halfway, crossing the river and heading south.

After seeing the traces, the enemy soldiers who pursued there would inevitably mistakenly think that the lord was marching south, and turned to pursue across the river.

Seeing that the enemy army has not arrived yet, it should be the plan to go south! "

Hearing this, Sun Quan finally nodded with some relief: "I hope so.

No matter which direction the enemy pursues, they will never give up.This time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Wen Gui. "

While talking, the people continued on their way, and they came to a mountainous area, and the road became more and more rough and difficult.As a result, the speed of the army is also affected.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Quan's army fled eastward all the way, and now it has entered the mountainous area, and the road is rough everywhere.

This also made Sun Quan slightly worried. After all, under the influence of such conditions, the marching speed slowed down, and the enemy might take the opportunity to catch up.

So Sun Quan hurriedly said: "I command you to go on, order the soldiers to hurry and get ready for battle at any time!"

Then he called Ding Feng again and made arrangements: "Cheng Yuan, you lead a team of troops to guard behind the team, and if you find the enemy army, you must block it.

Otherwise, if the opponent charges straight up, the soldiers may collapse immediately after being frightened.This matter is extremely important, I hope you can understand! "

Ding Feng could also see the urgency of the situation this time from Sun Quan's dignified face.

So he didn't have any extra words, and the leader turned around and walked back.

When Sun Quan thought of this arrangement afterwards, he always felt that he had thought carefully and considered it thoroughly.

Therefore, it was precisely because of the presence of Ding Feng's army that Sun Quan's deserters were prevented from directly contacting Zhao Yun, and naturally the opponent's entire army was annihilated.

In front of Sun Quan's army, a series of hills stretched into the distance.

Among them, the mountain directly in front of him has already gone halfway, and there are still several mountains behind him to climb over.

Originally, there was no need to climb so many mountains, but because of the continuous rain, several lakes below the mountain became one piece.

The previous road was submerged by continuous lakes, and some places turned into muddy swamps, making it difficult to get off.

Finally, in desperation, Sun Quan could only choose a very rugged mountain road. At least the stones on the mountain would not become muddy like those below.

It's just that the only disadvantage of this is that the speed of the journey is too slow, which is very affected.

After Ding Feng climbed over the first mountain, he simply stationed on the top of the mountain. On the one hand, he covered Sun Quan's departure, and at the same time, he was able to guard from here.

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