The enemy army has not found it so far, maybe the defenders have already fallen asleep.In my opinion, let's try it out! "

Seeing that Quan Cong was determined, Ding Feng could only sigh and said, "Since that's the case, then this time you will lead the team to attack.

I took the rest of the people here to guard here, so the movement is quieter, and the enemy is not easy to be found.

Even if I find it, I can immediately support it, and finally guarantee to escape unscathed.I don't know what Zihuang wants? "

In fact, in Quan Cong's mind, of course he wanted to use all the troops he brought with him to rob the camp.

But now that Ding Feng has said so, he can't refuse anymore.

After thinking about it, what the other party said made sense, after all, his army really couldn't afford to continue to fail.

Therefore, after the two parties agreed, Quan Cong led people to move towards Zhao Yun's camp quietly.

Coincidentally, when they came to the open space, a dark cloud happened to pass by, covering up the moonlight.

Seeing this scene, Quan Cong burst into a smile, and said in his heart: "Even the heavens are helping this general, so what is there to worry about?

well!Cheng Yuan is still too conservative, so how can he eliminate the threat of the lord in one fell swoop!After the matter is done, he must change his temper! "

While thinking, Quan Cong continued to rush towards Zhao Yun's camp.

However, I don't know if it was because God didn't help, or because of luck, when Quan Cong's soldiers and horses were still a hundred paces away from the enemy, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly dissipated.

In this way, Quan Cong's army was like a group of people swimming naked in the sea, exposed naked to everyone's eyes instantly after the tide receded.

However, Zhao Yun's military management was extremely strict, and none of the soldiers on duty at night dared to be lazy easily, let alone dozing off.

Therefore, when they suddenly appeared in the open space in front of the camp, they instantly attracted the attention of the guarding soldiers.

Quan Cong's army also froze suddenly, and the two sides just stared at each other, as if time had frozen.

I don't know how long it took before both sides finally reflected at the same time.

Zhao Yun's defenders suddenly shouted, and the shrill voice instantly spread throughout the entire barracks.

"The enemy is coming, the enemy is coming! Get up and defend!"

As for Quan Cong, although he was discovered by the enemy at the last moment, he did not stop at nothing, shouted loudly, and led the soldiers to rush towards him.

This time, Quan Cong was betting that the opponent's reaction speed would be slower than his own charge speed.

In time, some defenders on duty at night are not afraid, as long as they can defeat the enemy camp in one fell swoop before the enemy's large forces react, it is still considered a success.

Therefore, Quan Cong led the soldiers and horses and rushed towards Zhao Yun's barracks, yelling.

The night watchman in the camp immediately led his people to the front of the camp to defend, but because of the large difference in numbers, he was about to be defeated in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the sleeping soldiers had just woken up after hearing the sound, and they hadn't fully woken up from their doze.

Seeing this, Quan Cong couldn't help but increase his strength, as long as he defeated these people in front of him, he could rush straight into the camp.

At that time, when a few fires are set off, those soldiers who have just woke up and dozed off will have no morale, and they will definitely flee completely.

However, these night watch soldiers are also elite soldiers. Although they are outnumbered, they are still gritting their teeth and sticking to it, and the number is getting smaller and smaller.

When Quan Cong killed the last night guard with a single shot, he couldn't help but let out a long roar.

As he said that, he would lead his troops directly into the camp and completely defeat the enemy.

However, just as he stepped forward a few times, a figure in white slowly walked over from the opposite side.

Although the man was alone, his aura was so powerful that it gave people a sense of oppression as if thousands of troops were rushing forward.

Even Quan Cong felt that his breathing was a little heavy.

No need to guess, he also knew the identity of this person.

Xu Shi Quan Cong felt that the atmosphere was too solemn, so he took the initiative to break it.

"Zhao Yun, you are at the end of your rope, surrender!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Quan Cong originally wanted to break the solemn atmosphere, so he said this sentence.

He thought that the other party's mind would be greatly affected when he heard this and saw the menacing army behind him.Maybe it will be defeated directly!

However, Quan Cong was wrong this time.

Because facing his aggressiveness, instead of being afraid, Zhao Yun continued to walk towards Quan Cong firmly.

There was even a sneer on the way.

Zhao Yun's snow-white teeth looked extraordinarily sharp under the moonlight, and this sneer made Quan Cong feel extremely uncomfortable.

He saw that Zhao Yun was still approaching him firmly step by step.

Unexpectedly, he said in a strange way: "You, don't come here again, or I will really be rude!"

Although Quan Cong's words seemed to be threatening, his expression and tone showed that he lacked confidence.

Not only did it not stop Zhao Yun, but it accelerated his speed.

After Quan Cong saw it, he couldn't bear it anymore.He yelled and rushed straight up.

Waving the spear in his hand, he stabbed directly at Zhao Yun.

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