At the same time, the army at the foot of the mountain finally blew the horn of the general attack, and saw those soldiers who had already been eager to try, roaring and rushing up the mountain one by one.

In this battle, there is no longer any trickery to use, and everything has become head-to-head.

The strong win and the weak perish, which is most obvious at this moment.

Whether it is the attacking side or the defending side, they all abandoned the idea of ​​luck in their hearts.

They understand that there are only two paths in front of them now, defeating the enemy army and killing a bloody path.

Or be killed by the enemy, and die completely.

Therefore, when Ding Fengsha, who was guarding the first line of defense, rose up, he felt that the heavy armor was in the way.

He took off his coat directly, was naked from the upper body, and brandished short soldiers to charge and kill among the enemy troops.

On this narrow mountain road, it was like a whirlwind, sucking in all the approaching enemy troops, and tearing them into pieces.

Seeing that Ding Feng was so tyrannical and his attack was severely blocked, Zhao Yun immediately separated from the crowd and stepped forward.

Seeing that Ding Feng was still charging, he unceremoniously stabbed his spear at his vest.

Ding Feng felt a chill all over his body, and hurriedly turned around to block.

However, he was still a step too slow, Zhao Yun's spear had already struck while turning around.

In the end, a long wound was drawn under his rib, and blood flowed out from there instantly.

"Hiss!" The piercing pain made Ding Feng also have to frown.

In fact, if he was wearing armor, this attack would not have caused so much damage.

However, Ding Feng also became ruthless at this moment, and rushed towards Zhao Yun again regardless of the scar.

Seeing that he was so brave and fearless, Zhao Yun's heart was slightly shaken, but he would not show mercy.

So, the two fought fiercely again.

Although Ding Feng has put in all his strength, there is a big gap between his strength and Zhao Yun's, and he is naked to the waist.

So after more than a dozen rounds, Zhao Yun's wounds were all over his body.

Bleeding from those wounds made Ding Feng look like a bloody man.

Although Ding Feng's willpower is very firm, he can still grit his teeth and persevere in the face of the pain in the wound.

However, the continuous loss of blood in his body made him gradually lose his spirit.

After blocking Zhao Yun's attack again, he became dizzy and fell to the ground suddenly due to excessive blood loss.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ding Feng fell to the ground covered in blood, and his guards were all shocked when they saw this, they rushed over and carried him back to the cottage.

After the main general fell to the ground and his life and death were unknown, the surrounding soldiers were terrified when they saw this.

Zhao Yun saw the right time, and the force of the attack increased again, and finally defeated Ding Feng's defense line in one fell swoop.

Ding Feng was carried back to the camp with his body covered in bruises, dripping blood all the way, which really shocked Sun Quan.

Sun Quan hurried forward to check the situation. Such a tragic situation thought that Ding Feng had died in battle, which made Sun Quan burst into tears.

"Cheng Yuan, I didn't expect you to end up like this. I'm sorry for you! Someone, quickly clean up Cheng Yuan's body.

Keep the body well, and bury it in a grand manner after the army escapes from the siege! "

At this moment, a sharp-eyed general suddenly said: "Master, look, General Cheng Yuan seems to be breathing!"

Hearing this, Sun Quan hurriedly looked over, observed carefully for a while, and was surprised to find that Ding Feng's chest was still heaving slightly.

Although the breathing is very weak, almost gone, but there is still a breath.

He was so sad that he burst into tears instantly, and quickly called the accompanying doctor to bandage your wound.

While dealing with Ding Feng's injury, Zhao Yun's army had already reached the second line of defense.

This line of defense was guarded by General Quan Cong. When he saw Zhao Yun approaching, he immediately ordered the archers to attack head-on and face-to-face.

The feather arrows all over the sky struck, causing great damage to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun's offensive was finally temporarily stopped.

It turned out that Quan Cong defended a different position from Ding Feng.

The first line of defense that Ding Feng was in charge of was closer to the foot of the mountain, so the terrain was relatively flat.

Zhao Yun's army rushed to the front of the position without paying much price, and started hand-to-hand combat with it.

And Quan Cong was guarding halfway up the mountain. From here, the terrain had gradually become steeper, and Zhao Yun was quite strenuous to climb up.

Especially after he raised the position by another layer, it was even more difficult for him to move forward.

But Quan Cong was able to rely on the position and shoot arrows continuously, which caused Zhao Yun a lot of damage.

Zhao Yun retreated out of the range of Quan Cong's bow and arrow for the time being, and discussed countermeasures with Ling Tong and Tai Shici who arrived later.

However, they discussed for a long time, but there was no better solution.

After all, this Peach Blossom Mountain is different from the small mountain I experienced before, no matter if you go up the mountain from other directions or take a detour, it will not work.

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