Now that Tai Shici was prepared, how could he succeed?

Seeing that Zhu Ran's bow hadn't been drawn yet, Tai Shici rushed forward like a gust of wind.

"Drink!" Zhu Ran yelled, the bow was finally drawn into a full moon, and it was about to be shot.

However, before he could shoot, Tai Shici had already rushed in front of him.

He swung the short halberd in his hand and slashed in front of him. With a click, Zhu Ran's fine carved bow was cut in half by him.

The power originally accumulated on the bowstring was released in an instant, almost strangling Zhu Ran's fingers.

Zhu Ran looked in horror at the carved bow that had already been broken in two, and couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart.

However, Tai Shici never gave him a chance to regret, another short halberd had already swung over.

Zhu Ran had no choice but to throw the broken bow at the opponent, taking advantage of this opportunity to take his long spear, and confronted Tai Shici head-on.

However, Zhu Ran's arrow skills are indeed top-notch, but his marksmanship is not worth mentioning at all.

Facing Tai Shici in just over twenty rounds, he couldn't hold on anymore.

Fortunately, Xu Sheng, who was closest to Zhu Ran's defensive position, rushed to help when he saw the situation, and thus avoided Zhu Ran's defeat.

The defenders on Sun Quan's side are supported by other generals, how can there be no one on Tai Shici's side?

Zhao Yun and Ling Tong saw that the other party wanted to rely on the strength of their numbers, so they rushed forward unceremoniously.

"Ziyi, we are here to help you, and let the other party see our strength!"

Ling Tong shouted unceremoniously, and rushed to Tai Shici's side to fight side by side with him.

As a result, the scene in front of them is getting bigger and bigger, and Jingzhou's elite will besiege Zhao Yun and the other three together.

However, whether it is Zhao Yun, Ling Tong, or Tai Shici, they are all people with extraordinary strength.

Even in the face of the strong siege of the enemy, it still did not lose the wind.

Standing on top of the camp, Sun Quan frowned as he watched the fierce battle below.

He couldn't help sighing: "Liu Ke's subordinates are as fierce as a cloud, and now only three of them have come out, and they have forced my Jingzhou soldiers into such a mess.

With such strength, it is too difficult to compete in the world! "

Even so, it seemed a bit depressing to say it from Sun Quan's mouth as the lord of Jingzhou.

When Bu Zhi beside him heard this, he immediately said, "My lord, don't be distressed, although Liu Ke is powerful, he only has a superficial appearance.

My lord, we can see that Wang Mang usurped rebellion back then, so what if he was sitting on a million soldiers?If you don't cultivate benevolence, you will cause resentment in the world.

In the final battle of Kunyang, I was defeated by Emperor Guangwu's less than [-] Green Forest Army, and the world was settled in one battle.

No matter how powerful Liu Ke is, is he stronger than Wang Mang?Sooner or later, after the world sees Liu Ke's true face, the people will inevitably betray their relatives and be determined by our army in a battle! "

Although what Bu Zhi said was a bit exaggerated, it finally made Sun Quan's complexion slightly better.

And the battle on the defense line is finally in sight.

This time, Jingzhou put out all the elite regardless of the cost, and finally achieved some results.Until it got dark, Zhao Yun still failed to break through the last line of defense.

In this way, the two sides used this line of defense as the dividing line and fell into a confrontation, preparing to continue fighting after dawn tomorrow.

That night, Sun Quan gathered his generals in the city to discuss how to retreat from the enemy.

But there is no good strategy right now, only by repelling Zhao Yun's pursuers can they take the opportunity to retreat.

Otherwise, the mountain road would be difficult, and it would be impossible to escape the opponent's pursuit.

As a result, Sun Quan had no choice but to say: "Soldiers and soldiers, now has come to the moment of our life and death.

To be able to survive this catastrophe depends on tomorrow's battle, I am here to ask everyone! "

Quan Cong immediately stood up and said, "If my lord says this, it will really discourage me from waiting.

We have long been loyal to the lord, and the survival of Jingzhou is also related to our rest. Tomorrow's battle is not only for the lord, but also for all of us! "

Under his leadership, everyone expressed their attitude of fighting to the death, and Sun Quan felt a little relieved.

On the second day, the battle broke out again without any surprise.

This time Zhao Yun and the others also came prepared. Although they didn't have large siege equipment, they used bows and arrows to launch the first round of attacks before they arrived.

Zhao Yun's bow and arrow troops are powerful, and with the assistance of the strong bow, they caused great casualties to the enemy troops on the ground.

Then he was ready to rush up under the cover of bow and arrow.

But this trick was used yesterday, and the defenders were naturally prepared.

Watching Zhao Yun rushing up, he pushed countless huge boulders directly from the position, some of which were wrapped with gun cotton, ignited into a ball of fire and rolled down the mountain.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun hurriedly hid to the sides.

But because there were too many rocks, and the mountain boosted it, the speed was so fast that the rumbling sound echoed throughout the mountain.

This time, Zhao Yun's soldiers suffered heavy losses, and the original monstrous momentum was finally suppressed a little.

When Sun Quan saw this step, his spirits were lifted instantly, and he couldn't help applauding and laughed: "Hahahaha! That's it!

Let those enemy troops see the strength of our Jingzhou athletes! "

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