"Oh? Why did you go to Baqiu?" Sun Quan was a little surprised when he heard this. He originally thought that Zhou Yu would try his best to persuade him to go south.

But Zhou Yu said: "My lord, Baqiu is located at the confluence of the Xiangshui River and the Yangtze River, and there are eight hundred miles of Dongting as a barrier, so the situation is very important.

The land and water roads have developed transportation, and it is an excellent place to advance and attack, and to retreat and defend. "

After listening to the final explanation, Sun Quan was finally tempted.

He thought about it for a while, and finally said: "Okay, according to Gongjin's words, the army will set up the camp immediately and march towards Baqiu!"

Speaking of which, the threat of Liu Ke's army is still very effective.What originally took half a day was completed in an hour.

Then Jingzhou soldiers and horses set off to Baqiu mightily.

At this time, the three soldiers, Ling Tong, Tai Shici, and Zhao Yun, who broke out one after another, finally converged at the foot of the Dingshan Mountain where Ding Feng had been defeated before.

After this battle, the three-person team suffered a lot of losses. Even if they catch up now, they may not be sure of defeating each other.

Ling Tongtong said with a frustrated face: "Oh, I didn't expect that after working for a long time, I still let the Sun Quan rebel escape.

Does God really want to continue to allow such people to exist? "

But Tai Shici persuaded: "Don't be discouraged by Gongji, then Sun Quan is just a temporary fluke. When His Majesty's army arrives, he will be invisible like a scorching sun and melting snow."

"But we can't bother His Majesty with everything, wouldn't it make us seem too useless!"

Ling Tong's words instantly choked the other two speechless.

It took a while for Zhao Yun to finally say: "Alas! What Gongji said makes sense, if anything, His Majesty must do it himself.

Then how can we as courtiers have the face to live in the world?In my opinion, it is better to continue to follow up, even if it cannot be defeated in one fell swoop.

You must always entangle the other party to make him useless, so that your majesty can concentrate on dealing with Liu Bei! "

"But with our current military strength, if we are not careful, we will burn ourselves! Unless there are reinforcements, it is really too risky!"

Tai Shici is a prudent person and does not agree with the other party's views.

Just when the two were at a stalemate, a rush of horseshoes came from afar.

Ling Tong's face suddenly changed: "Not good, the enemy is catching up, hurry up and get ready!"

The soldiers were in a hurry to organize their formation, but the sound of footsteps approaching was very fast, and they had arrived in an instant.

Zhao Yun was the first to rush out, and was about to make a move, but when he saw the leader, his eyes lit up instantly, and the moves in his hand stopped abruptly.

The visitor was startled at first, but after seeing Zhao Yun, his face was also full of excitement.

"Zilong, I didn't expect to see you here!" As he said that, the man stepped forward and hugged Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun also said with some emotion: "Yes, Fengxian, long time no see!"

While they were talking, Ling Tong and Tai Shici, who were ambushing on both sides of the mountain road, finally saw the situation and rushed up excitedly.

"Fengxian, it's you, haha! Why did you suddenly appear here?"

Lu Bu said with some shame when he heard this, "Oh, I'm telling you the truth. Your Majesty arranged for me to pursue Zhou Yu earlier.

Unexpectedly, the other party was cunning and cunning, so he arranged for me in Jianli, leading me to continue chasing eastward.

But he took the opportunity to cross the south, and when I realized it, I hurriedly chased him, not wanting to meet the three of you here.

By the way, have you ever seen Zhou Yu's child? "

After listening to Lu Bu's words, the three finally understood why Zhou Yu suddenly appeared.

Ling Tong immediately said: "It's not just that I have seen it, we are now like this because of him!"

Looking at the soldiers behind the three of them, Lu Bu seemed to have guessed something.

He immediately said: "Unexpectedly, if you hurry up, you will be one step too late, and you will be ambushed by the other party.

But now that I'm here, I can't let him go.Please tell me the location of the other party quickly, I will catch up and avenge you now! "

Zhao Yun smiled and said, "Haha, Fengxian, you underestimate us! Are we relying on others for revenge?

The lost face must be regained by oneself.You came just in time, we are about to pack up our troops and attack again.

That being the case, go with us! "

When Lu Bu heard this, it was naturally impossible to give up this powerful reinforcement, and immediately said excitedly: "Okay, good, good!

Let's set off together, the enemy army will be destroyed! "

In fact, Zhao Yun was still arguing with everyone before, but after Lu Bu joined, he immediately made up his mind and told his own arrangement.

In this way, Ling Tong and Tai Shici couldn't refuse anymore, so they could only set off together.

This team also gathered some of the most powerful generals under Liu Ke's command. If it can't solve Sun Quan, it really can't be justified.

Under the leadership of Zhou Yu, Sun Quan's army quickly set off in the direction of Baqiu.

There was no enemy raid on this road, but if you want to reach Baqiu quickly, you may have to cross Dongting Lake.

This required a lot of boats, so Zhou Yu immediately sent people to the lake to collect the boats.

He hurried to Dongting with Sun Quan and finally arrived the next day.

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