"Boy, yes, if I hadn't been injured before, you would have died a long time ago!"


Sun Ce was stunned, and Zhang Hu looked injured all over his body. He immediately realized that he had been cheated.

Furious, he attacked Zhang Hu.

Zhang Hu breathed a sigh of relief, and resisted Sun Ce for a few more rounds, and it seemed that he was about to fail.

Seeing this, his colleague Chen Sheng flew a horse to help, and said from a distance: "I'll give you a helping hand!"

In desperation, Sun Ce repelled Zhang Hu, and then distanced himself.Seeing that Sun Ce took the initiative to distance himself, Zhang Hu couldn't ask for more.

After closing his gun, Sun Ce took out his bow and arrow and aimed at Master Chen's face.

Zhang Hu thought that Sun Ce was going to run away, so he didn't stop him. He didn't know something was wrong until he took out his bow and arrow. It was too late to stop him, so he quickly reminded:

"Beware of backstabbing!"

Ying Xian fell off the horse, and Chen Sheng fell to the ground.

Zhang Hu was taken aback, the arrow technique was so precise?

Looking at Chen Sheng again, there was a feathered arrow stuck in his face, his head was smashed, bleeding profusely, his body was twitching, he definitely couldn't live.

"How dare you! How dare you stab someone in the back!" Zhang Hu shouted angrily, and fought again with his gun.

Sun Ce fought with Zhang Hu for more than ten rounds, and he drew his strong bow again, [-]% of his strength had been consumed.

However, Zhang Hu was even more unbearable. Although he was a little older, his strength was also drained by wine.

At this moment, he was fighting with all his vigor, and his moves were completely out of order.

Sun Ce found a gap, attacked with a long spear, and directly provoked Zhang Hu.

He killed two generals of Huang Zu in one fell swoop, witnessing a youthful miracle.

Huang Zu gasped, his face paled from morning to night in shock.

How does Nima play?

Many people in the army saw this scene, and their morale plummeted.

The two generals couldn't even take care of a little baby?

So disappointing.

"Good! The general is mighty!"

On the other hand, Sun Ce's army is as imposing as a rainbow.

"Kill!" Sun Ce gave an order, and the whole army was mobilized.

Seeing Sun Ce galloping towards him, Huang Zu was frightened and galloped wildly on his horse.

Sun Ce chased him for a few blocks, but he lost it after all.

It turned out that Huang Zu threw away his helmet, cloak, and even his horse, and fled among the infantry.

His footsteps were fast and vigorous, and he ran away without a trace.

Sun Ce had no choice but to kill the Jingzhou soldiers on the spot, killing everyone in fear.

In the end, Huang Zu fled to Hanshui, and the pursuers were temporarily out of sight.

He breathed a sigh of relief and was extremely annoyed. Under such circumstances, how should he explain to the master?

So, he gathered [-] remnants and defeated generals on the spot, and then went to Liu Biao crying in despair.

Huang Zu was ruthless enough, with more than a dozen wounds all over his body, it was shocking.

Seeing this, Liu Biao couldn't bear to scold him.

"How could the army be defeated? Didn't you promise to wait for me to act together? It's only been a few days?" Liu Biao's series of questions made Huang Zu dumbfounded.

He couldn't answer a single question, so he kept crying.

"My lord, I'm sorry for you, I failed your expectations of me!"

"My lord, if there is an afterlife, I will repay you!"

As he spoke, he was about to bump into the stone pillar, but fortunately Cai Mao stopped him and comforted him: "Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, just work harder next time!"

For Huang Zu, Cai Mao was still very disdainful, and he lost to Sun Jianjun?

That day, how and why Sun Jian was defeated by himself, like a dog who lost his family... How did Huang Zu turn upside down?

Kuai Liang also pleaded for Huang Zu: "In the midst of the chaos, it's not bad that Governor Huang can still gather [-] remnants of soldiers. My lord, don't blame him."

Liu Biao sighed, he knew this was the result.

At the beginning, when he airborne Jingzhou, he encountered many difficulties.Fortunately, he was resourceful and persuaded many aristocratic families to pledge their allegiance to him.

He even married Cai Mao's younger sister as the second wife, in order to buy people's hearts, so that the state shepherd's position under his buttocks can be secured.

But they colluded together, which is also particularly troublesome.

Cai Mao represents the family, Kuai Liang brothers represent the family, Huang Zu represents the family...

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