"But Dongyang Hou's tent? Why do you want an unrighteous teacher?" Huang Gai said.

"Hmph! At the appointment of Jingzhou Shepherd Liu Biao, come here to meet with the rebellious minister Sun Jian!" Gan Ning said.

Huang Gai wanted to say something big, but was interrupted by Gan Ning, saying: "Don't talk to me, if you are a man, use the knife in your hand to talk!"

"It's that big boat, brothers, come to me!" Gan Ning pointed at Huang Gai's big boat.

The boat approached slowly, the distance was still two meters away, but Gan Ning couldn't wait any longer and jumped on it.

With a loud roar, like a wild beast, it grabbed a soldier's head and slammed it into a wooden post, splashing red and white things.

Even though the soldier was dead, his limbs were still twitching.

Looking at his colleagues who died so tragically, none of Sun Jianjun dared to step forward.

When Gan Ning saw this, no matter how many people were on the opposite side, he rushed over with a big knife, and they were often cut in half, blood spilling all over the deck.

Beheading dozens of people in a row, the bravery is incomparable.

"Thief, don't try to be fierce!" Zu Mao stepped forward to face Gan Ning.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gan Ning boarded the ship and defeated Sun Jian's army with two or three blows. As the second most powerful general in the army, how could Zu Mao tolerate it?

Immediately flew into a rage.

Gan Ning suddenly felt a chilling air, he couldn't help looking for his reputation, and seeing Zu Mao rushing towards him, he shouted:

"How brave!"

Zu Mao felt that there seemed to be a mighty force in the voice, and the momentum was a little weaker.

The two killed each other.

Gan Ning swung his saber, Zu Mao turned sideways to avoid it, only heard the sound of piercing the air, and the whole deck appeared to be chapped.

Good guy!

No wonder he dared to rush onto the enemy ship alone.

One is called overreaching one's abilities, and the other is called being bold and skilled. Gan Ning obviously belongs to the latter.


There was a loud sound of weapons clashing.

Gan Ning swayed and stood still, Zu Mao took three steps back, yelling crazily to raise his momentum.


The Yangzhou navy boat finally leaned up, and countless sailors rushed to the bow to fight with Sun Jian's army, and the scene became extremely chaotic.

It is obvious that the Yangzhou army was superior and defeated Sun Jian's army steadily.

"Go away!" Gan Ning shouted, falling into a state of madness.The one he scolded turned out to be one of his own.

"This person is mine, you go to another place!"

He was so arrogant that he didn't take Zu Mao seriously.

Gan Ning attacked swiftly, and the sword was fatal.

Feeling the counter-shock force from his right arm, Zu Mao complained endlessly.

Huang Gai, who was on the same boat, could see it clearly!

But he wants to command the whole army to fight, and he doesn't care about other things, but he still encourages him with words: "Da Rong, hold on for a while, and soon I will be able to let go and fight!"

Now that the two armies have contacted a small part, Huang Gai will not have to command when the melee occurs.

However, what Huang Gai didn't expect was that his words did not hurt Gan Ning, but aroused his blood.

One Zu Mao is so hard to deal with, wouldn't there be no chance for another Huang Gai?

Gan Ning remained calm, and instead used two hands to hold the knife, and when he made a move, it was thunderous.

Zu Mao tried his best to stop him, screaming.With Huang Gai's guarantee, he spared no effort and devoted himself to the battle.

Blocking Gan Ning's swiping sword, Zu Mao forcefully forced Gan Ning back, revealing several flaws.

This guy is also a fake!

Zu Mao seized the opportunity, stepped up and attacked suddenly.

Gan Ning smiled strangely, twisted his body strangely, and slashed at Zu Mao.

Zu Mao turned pale with shock, and quickly blocked it with his sword.


Zu Mao's sword was cut in two, and he himself was cut in half.

Before he died, he showed a look of disbelief.

The moment he fell, Gan Ning cut off his head.

Huang Gai couldn't help closing his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes flashed, and he said:

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