"My lord, the Marquis of Dongyang refuses to save him when he sees death, this is not the kind of tolerance a clan member of the Han family should have!" Cai Mao said.

In his eyes, Dongyanghou is just a wage earner, whoever works wherever he goes.What kind of reputation does a wage earner need?

Kuai Liang also put forward his strategy again, saying: "My lord, we should have invited Yuan Shao a long time ago. If you don't listen to me, it's okay now?"

Liu Biao walked away, and his subordinates were making sarcastic remarks, which he really didn't want to hear.Now he also regrets it, why didn't he scold his subordinates that day and apologize, so that nothing will happen?

This time he firmly refuted the two, and called Kuai Liang's brother Kuai Yue.Kuai Yue is a man of profound wisdom, much more reliable than Kuai Liang.

"Prepare a generous gift to pay homage to Marquis Dongyang and mend the relationship between the two families," Liu Biao said.

After taking the order, Kuai Yue prepared gifts and went straight to Sima Hui Academy, attracting countless students to watch.

"Meet Dongyanghou!"

Kuai Yue clapped his hands and said with a very respectful attitude.

"What's the matter?" Liu Ke asked.

"My lord knows very well that I'm sorry for Dongyanghou, so I specially sent him down to apologize." Kuai Yue didn't hide anything, and said straight to the point.

The Marquis of Dongyang doesn't like to be wordy, this is something all the envoys know.

The first to bring in was gold, silver and jewelry, and the second to bring in all kinds of beauties.

It attracted the exclamation of countless students, this is life!

Seeing this, Liu felt even more disgusted, saying:

"Enough! If Liu Jingzhou has the heart, why doesn't he come by himself? Is my status too low?"

"Don't dare, it's just that my lord is busy with military affairs..." Before Kuai Yue finished speaking, Liu Ke interrupted him.

"Let's go, the academy is a clean place, don't defile it!"

Liu Ke is too thick-skinned, before he went to Taixue to spend money to recruit students.

However, his words were recognized by all scholars in the academy, especially Sima Hui.

The celebrities in ancient times paid attention to poverty and tempered themselves, how could they be so rich?

If only I could...

Kuai Yue had no choice but to go back and report, Cai Mao roared again and again, saying:

"This Marquis of Dongyang doesn't know what is good or bad, so he just does not stop doing nothing and leads troops to capture him. Are you afraid that Yangzhou will not send troops to deal with Sun Ce?"

"What about after Sun Ce is dealt with? Then force Yangzhou to surrender to us? Or kill Dongyanghou directly? How do people in the world think of me?" Liu Biao scolded angrily, "Let's not mention this for now, what if I just run away?"

Cai Mao was speechless after being questioned, even if there was some unreasonable reason, he did not dare to attack the lord directly.

Liu Biao shook his head, is this the fate of Jingzhou?

On the other hand, Huang Zu's fate was miserable. As the main murderer of Sun Jian, he was divided into five horses by Sun Ce.

The body was also thrown into the wilderness, and it is not known whether it was eaten by wild dogs.

When the news reached Xiangyang, Cai Mao and others were even more desolate, as if he was the next one.

Everyone is afraid, and Liu Biao is no exception.

The [-] army was almost completely lost, and they had no strength except defense.

However, under Zhou Yu's suggestion, Sun Ce avoided strong cities like Xiangyang and attacked the southern part of Jingzhou, referred to as Jingnan.

The first stop is Changsha.

Sun Jian once served as the prefect of Changsha and won the hearts of the people, so Sun Ce planned to start from here.

Sure enough, after the army entered Changsha, the people lined up to greet them.Sun Ce soon expelled Liu Biao's forces and established his own rule.

With Changsha as his base, Sun Ce can attack, retreat and defend, and the soldiers have a more sense of belonging.

Sun Ce's expansion plan did not stop because of this, but intensified.

As the saying goes, the mourning army must win, and Zhou Yu took advantage of this to take Guiyang County in one go, smashing the enemy's [-] troops, and taking over [-] remnants.

At this moment, after Liu Ke packed his luggage, he began to return to Yangzhou.

He took away Sima Hui's academy and the most important backbone of Jingzhou, but Liu Biao didn't know it.

This time, Liu Ke lost a little reputation by sending troops, but earned a college. Generally speaking, it was worth it.

Moreover, Liu Ke released Huang Gai and his [-] soldiers unconditionally.

Sun Ce was overjoyed. With Huang Gai's [-] troops joining, and some patchwork, he still maintains the number of [-] troops.

This number is devastating to the counties of Jingzhou who are unable to hold on and do not go for reinforcements.

As a result, the imposing Sun Cejun captured Lingling County again.

It's not easy at all!

Because they were too disappointed with Liu Biao.

The arrival of Marquis Dongyang has brought hope to Jingzhou. Everyone knows that if Marquis Dongyang goes out, he will definitely succeed.

What can a mere Sun Jian do?

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