Kuai Liang suggested: "My lord, this move can inspire people's hearts, and we should welcome the envoy as soon as possible."

Cai Hao also flattered and said: "Liu Dingfang has lost the hearts of the people, and the rise of the lord is just around the corner!"

Rise?Half of Jingzhou is lost!For the other half, Sun Ce is watching!

Liu Biao sighed and said, "The envoy has come from afar, so we should welcome him. Let's talk about it when we get to Xiangyang!"

"My lord, how can this be done? The envoy represents the emperor, and we should go straight to the river to greet him, so that it looks grand."

"Yes, yes!" Cai Mao echoed.

Really want to meet?

Liu Biao was in doubt, but both civil and military sides said it, so let's go!

So Liu Biao prepared the frame and went to meet the envoy.

However, what makes people sad is that what is coming is the banner with the word "Dong".

This is the Holy Angel?Or Dong Zhuo's emissary?

But now that it has come out, Liu Biao just bite the bullet and go directly.

Fortunately, the two sides got along fairly well, and finally Liu Biao was appointed as Zongzheng.

The messenger said with a smile: "You are Zongzheng now, and the Marquis of Dongyang will definitely not be able to dance in front of you!"

Both Cai Mao and Kuai Liang were overjoyed, almost bursting out laughing.

Liu Dingfang will definitely not be able to make waves!

Liu Biao was also quite happy at first, but Wenpin, the general guarding the north of Jingzhou, suddenly said: "My lord, absolutely not! This is Dong Zhuo's treacherous scheme! This is to drive apart the clan of the Han Dynasty!"

Wenpin is the general guarding the north of Jingzhou, this time the envoy passed by his jurisdiction, so he also came.

"What alienation? My lord has already given Liu some face, and he doesn't appreciate it!" Cai Mao sneered.

"If the lord uses Zongzheng's identity to bully the Marquis of Dongyang, what will Liu Yan of Yizhou think? What will Liu Yu of Youzhou think?" Wen Pin argued vigorously.

Will it also bully them in turn?

Liu Biao suddenly came to his senses, hurriedly sent the envoy away, returned to his lair, and thought carefully about Wenpin's words.

It's better to wait and see how it turns out!

However, the scene of Liu Biao welcoming Dong Zhuo's envoy was already seen by Mi Heng. He has a big mouth and spreads the matter everywhere.

Even Liu Biao dared to welcome the envoy with Dong Zhuo's banner!

Immediately, the whole Jingzhou was furious, and they didn't expect their state shepherd to be so unscrupulous.

When Liu Biao found out, he wished he could kill Mi Heng, but he didn't dare.

At a young age, he is a celebrity in the world, and he never swears softly.

What's more, people are not afraid of death!

Kuai Liang quickly issued a statement that they were welcoming Han envoys, not Dong Zhuo's envoys.

However, when people knew Liu Biao's official position, they laughed even more. When will Dong Zhuo be able to appoint Zongzheng?

Don't you feel ashamed for a big family to let an outsider appoint your patriarch?

What's more, this family is still the first in the world, the emperor's family!

Liu Biao was addicted to gossip and gossip, unable to extricate himself.

The Zongzheng position has instead become a hot potato!

Liu Biao had no choice but to ask Ji Wenpin, who said, "Since it's a hot potato, why don't you throw it to someone else? I think Marquis Dongyang is good, and we can use this to ease the relationship."

I have to accept that Wenpin's words are still very reasonable.However, Cai Mao and Kuai Liang opposed each other firmly, and these two men forced each other to death to keep Liu Biao's Zongzheng position.

Then Wenpin sneered, saying: "Just this official seal, you stamp it down and see if someone will carry it out!"

Cai Hao and Kuai Liang stopped talking, but this was used to pretend, how could they just throw it away?

Just when Liu Biao was making a fuss because of his reputation plummeting.

Sun Ce quietly developed the four counties. He firmly believed that he would successfully capture Jingzhou within one year, and then use four years to develop military affairs.

The first opponent is Liu Biao, and the second opponent is Dongyanghou!

Sun Ce firmly believed in this.

And Zhou Yu, a good friend, also silently supported him.

Brothers are united, and their profits break gold.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke and his party returned to Yangzhou on a large boat. Now he and Zhuge Liang are quite familiar, and they can occasionally joke a few words.

When passing by Lujiang County, Zhuge Jin came to visit, and even confessed everything about the induction of Shanyue, even Liu Ke was surprised.

If it weren't for the Zhuge Jin brothers' betrayal, Yangzhou would be in chaos for a whole year, causing Yangzhou to be smoky.

This will undoubtedly delay the pace of Yangzhou's development.

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