"My lord, why don't you tell Cao Mengde about this and ask him to meet Emperor Xian." Guo Jia suggested.

This suggestion can be regarded as a medium strategy. Cao Cao is a good choice when Yangzhou is unwilling to accept Emperor Xian.

Liu Ke was also inclined to this choice, saying: "If there is no better way, just follow Feng Xiao's words."

However, in fact, Cao Cao knew about Emperor Xian without Liu Ke notifying him.

Because Wang Yun and his party were hunted down, they couldn't escape, so they had to ask Cao Cao for help nearby.

Cao Cao's army guarding Luoyang was Xia Houyuan, who was bewildered when he received the request.Since Cao Cao was in Yanzhou, Xia Houyuan made his own decisions, sent troops to rescue Emperor Xian, and took him to Luoyang.

When Emperor Xian saw the dilapidated Luoyang, he had mixed feelings for a moment.

Xiahouyuan has worked hard to build Luoyang, but how can it be so easy to restore a century-old city.

"This is Dong Zhuo's sin!" Wang Yundao, by the way, instilled some ideas into Emperor Xian, such as hating Dong Zhuo.

Emperor Xian was speechless for a while.

Xia Houyuan was very careful in his work, and immediately prepared the place where Emperor Xian would stay. Before Cao Cao's attitude was not clear, he was courteous and thoughtful, with everything that one expects.

At the same time, he dispatched scouts from all walks of life to investigate the movement of Hangu Pass, for fear that Dong Zhuo would be furious.

Of course, the most important thing is to inform Cao Cao.

And Cao Cao is digging for talents, and after acquiring Yanzhou, his reputation has also spread.

A general led [-] horsemen to join Cao Cao. The man was surnamed Yu and named Jin. He was from Juping on Mount Tai.

Cao Cao was very happy to see Yu Jin, and poured wine for him himself, and the two drank very happily.

Later, Cao Cao found Mao Jie, a scholar, who was as happy as digging treasures.

It turned out that Mao Jie planned to join Liu Biao in Jingzhou, but later found that Liu Biao was a fool, so he turned around and joined Cao Cao.


These are all things that made Cao Cao proud. Later, Xia Houyuan's meteor horse came to report, which almost scared Cao Cao to pee. He thought Dong Zhuo was coming to attack.

After Cao Cao opened the letter, he was also very shocked. Emperor Xian ran away with Wang Yun and is now in Luoyang!

This news shocked Cao Cao, Xiandi!

He paced back and forth, wanting to analyze the pros and cons of this matter, for which he also called Cheng Yu and Xi Zhicai.

"My lord, Wang Yun has a good relationship with the Marquis of Dongyang, this matter has to be considered." Xi Zhicai said.

Wang Yun will definitely write a letter to Dongyang Hou!

Cao Cao's heart trembled, but fortunately Xi Zhicai reminded him, otherwise he would really be in bad luck.

"My lord, in my opinion, the Marquis of Dongyang may not be willing to welcome Emperor Xian to Yangzhou, because he is a monarch with a strong desire to control, and it is impossible for Emperor Xian to carve up his power. Similarly, his heart is very soft, and it is impossible to hold Emperor Xian hostage. "Cheng Yu said.

Cao Cao deeply believed that Liu Dingfang had such a character. To be honest, it was a bit ridiculous.

So, what is there to take advantage of?

"We should greet Emperor Xian with the greatest ostentation, and then give him the emperor's courteous treatment. We should do better than Dong Zhuo in this regard. No matter what happens in the future, there will be nothing wrong with this." Cheng Yu said.

Cao Cao nodded in agreement.

Then he embarked on an extravagant welcome tour.

Seeing such an extravagant frame, Wang Yun couldn't help complaining.And Emperor Xian seems to have come to heaven, this move is right!

"It is because of loyal ministers like you that the Han Dynasty will not perish!" Emperor Xian said to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was so happy!

Then a young eunuch read out the imperial decree on the spot, and made Cao Cao the shepherd of Yanzhou in public.

Cao Cao was so flattered that he almost knelt down. Fortunately, his heroic nature stopped him in time.

This welcoming ceremony is very perfect.

Counselor Mao Jie also took the opportunity to propose to Cao Cao the purpose of "serving the emperor to command the princes". Cao Cao quickly agreed and had an in-depth exchange with Wang Yun.

"Your Majesty is safe and sound, thanks to Mr. Situ!" Cao Cao started with a commercial bragging.

Wang Yun also cooperated and said: "Everywhere, Master Cao Cao rescued him successfully."

Cao Cao stopped beating around the bush and said directly, "Mr. Situ is going to Yangzhou?"

Of course Wang Yun wanted to go back to Yangzhou at the beginning, but now Cao Cao seemed to be a good choice, and the slogan "Feng Tianzi" was shouted out.

It's just that Cao Cao only has a small place like Yanzhou, which is too shabby.

But Cao Cao is not as overbearing as Liu Ke... For a while, it was so difficult for Wang Yun to choose.

Having difficulty in choosing, he reported to Emperor Xian.

After Emperor Xian heard this, he was silent for a long time, he was so embarrassed, how could he go back to see Marquis Dongyang?

Therefore, he decided to stay in Yanzhou and stay with Cao Cao.

Life here is also good, mainly because Cao Cao is relatively humble.

Will Dongyang Hou meet?

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