This was also the reason why Wang Yun suddenly decided not to go to Yangzhou. Liu Ke's control over Yangzhou was already deeply ingrained.

He took Xiandi with him, what could he do?

It is impossible to continue to be a high official without real power, and he is not reconciled.

Therefore, he wanted to consolidate his power in Yanzhou while Cao Cao had no intention of caring about him.

It's a pity that Xun Shuang died too early, otherwise his nephew Xun Yu could take advantage of it.

Xun Shuang was one of Wang Yun's best friends. He had agreed to fight Dong Zhuo together, but unexpectedly died of illness.

Now, Wang Yun actually felt like he was fighting alone.

"Situ Gong, I have a plan!" Huangfusong said suddenly.

"But it doesn't matter." Wang Yun stroked his beard.

"Mr. Situ, can I ask for an imperial decree to let the Marquis of Dongyang lead his army into the country?" Huangfu Song said.

Crazy?It's hard to say not to go to Yangzhou, but to recruit people?

Huangfusong explained: "This can hit Cao Cao's momentum, facilitate our actions, and use the power of Dongyang Hou to deal with Dong Zhuo."

Kill two birds with one stone?

Wang Yun likes it, but such a big event can't be hidden from Cao Cao, sighing:

"I'm afraid Cao Mengde won't agree."

"We just need to put pressure on him based on Emperor Xian's safety." Huangfu Song vowed, "Let the Marquis of Dongyang be stationed at Hulao Pass."


Wang Yun clapped his hands, Dongyanghou was only responsible for guarding the Hulao pass, just in case, it was really good to use his fame to suppress the two tigers.

And only guarding Hulao Pass gave Cao Cao a chance to perform.

If you are awesome and defeat Dong Zhuo, you won't need Marquis Dongyang.

So Wang Yun asked Emperor Xian for two orders, one for Cao Cao, with a kind attitude, as if using a questioning tone, and one for Liu Ke, of course he was asking for protection.

When Cao Cao received the document, he was silent for a long time, and none of his subordinates would enter Dongyanghou, but the emperor's safety was also very important.

Now he and the court are still in the running-in period, and they should trust each other.

Liu Ke is only in charge of guarding Hulao Pass, which sounds like Liu Ke is helping Cao Cao.

So Cao Cao was soft-hearted and agreed.

just in case.

Cao Cao didn't think he would lose, but he had to guard against it.After Cheng Yu found out, he could only sigh, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Liu Ke was still trying to find a reason to help Cao Cao, even thinking of the excuse that he was the father of his apprentice Cao Pi.

Unexpectedly, the emperor's will came.

The will was right, so Liu Ke led an army of [-] to guard Hulao Pass.

It was the [-] people that made Cao Cao relax his vigilance. If he couldn't suppress the limelight of the [-] people in Dongyang Hou, how could he be a prince?

Obtaining the offering to the emperor is not what the princes and kings are.

Liu Ke immediately gathered his soldiers and horses, took Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong with him, and rushed to Hulao Pass in a hurry.

This time Liu Ke didn't let Dianwei go out to fight, but let him cultivate his mind.Bring him with him every time, and he will soon become the public enemy of all generals.

Besides, Liu Ke is also relieved that he will protect the mansion.

Dong Zhuo was also attacked. His [-] troops arrived in Luoyang and began a ruthless revenge plan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The original Luoyang was the capital of the world, but it was almost burned down by Dong Zhuo.

After Xia Houyuan took over Luoyang, he worked hard to govern, and finally let [-] people have a home.

Therefore, when they knew that Dong Zhuo was coming, they were furious and volunteered to join the defense of the city.

Cao Cao was overjoyed, and immediately recruited [-] strong men, and the number of defenders reached [-].

Although Luoyang is dilapidated, the city wall is still good. With one-half of Dong Zhuo's troops, it is enough to guard it.

In fact, Cao Cao was not so eager at the beginning, and he didn't need a civilian husband, but the news that the Marquis of Dongyang was coming made him very nervous.

No matter what, you can't lose face, right?

Luoyang has to keep it!

This is Cao Cao's only belief now.

Dong Zhuo came out with anger, and the army lined up under the city, inviting Cao Cao to come out and talk.

He sat on the grand teacher's chair, with umbrellas on both sides for him.

"Cao Mengde, I've treated you well. Why do you make me your enemy again and again? Do you really think you are Liu Dingfang?"

The corner of Cao Cao's mouth twitched, and Dong Zhuo was almost pissed off. In his eyes, only Liu Ke could bully him?

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