Because the city wall battle can't be won, those people still go up.

During the pause in the battle situation, Liu Ke ordered to continue cleaning up the corpses.

Countless corpses were thrown from the city wall, making Dong Zhuojun lose his nerve.

Li Ru sighed, he knew that it was pointless to continue the battle.

But Dong Zhuo still refused to give up, saying: "Send five thousand elite flying bears!"

Li Jue took the order and personally led the flying bear army to climb the city wall.

In the current situation, we can only use the elite against the elite!

Sure enough, the Feixiong army did not disappoint Dong Zhuo, occupying a corner of the city wall in an instant.

"Let them come up!" Xu Chu kept ordering the troops to retreat to make more room.

When the Feixiong army had gathered more than [-] people, he rushed up alone without giving any signal.

The soldiers were speechless at once, this cunning general has a bad conscience!

Xu Chu yelled wildly, swung his sword, and chopped off dozens of people, leaving broken arms and limbs all over the ground.

The soldiers behind him also screamed and rushed towards Feixiong's army.

When Xu Chu saw the head-snatchers approaching, he became even more brave. He rushed into the enemy line alone and killed everyone he saw, blood splashing all over the city wall.

"What a warrior!" Cao Cao couldn't help clapping his hands.

It's a pity that I passed by such a warrior.

At the same time, he envied Liu Kelai.

"Die!" Xu Chu beheaded the enemy with a single blow.

Li Jue, who had just climbed to the top of the ladder, had blood all over his face. He was frightened to death just by poking his head.

Nima, it's really terrible.

Then he kicked the soldier under his buttocks, saying: "Hurry up and get down, it's blocking my way!"

The soldier looked confused, General, shouldn't we charge up?

Seeing that there were no enemies here, Xu Chu went to other battle groups again, often solving the predicament with three strikes, five divisions and two divisions.

The Feixiong army is very strong, but the Yangzhou army is even better in one-on-one.They also have one of their biggest weaknesses, that is, they don't have peerless generals!

With these soldiers with average martial arts skills, how could it be possible to break through the solid defense line of Liu Ke, Zhao Yun, Xu Chu, and Huang Zhong?

It's just death!

Li Jue came back disheartened, knelt on the ground to plead guilty, and said, "My lord, we are no match! Unless an army of [-] flying bears attacks the city without stopping."


Dong Zhuo's face twisted, and he said, "Do you know how many troops we lost in this morning's work? A total of [-] people!"

Li Jue didn't speak anymore, it was only the first day, who else could afford such a loss except the rich and powerful lord?

The main reason why the lord does not let the Feixiong army go is to protect them, after all, this is the most powerful force in his hands.

Therefore, it can only be ordinary troops who are sent to death.

"Don't worry, my lord. We have captured a group of people from Luoyang's strong men and the people nearby, and our army strength has returned to [-]. As long as we work harder, we will soon have an army of [-]." Li Rudao.

This is good news.

Dong Zhuo's face brightened a bit, he could only be alive, and those who could pick up weapons were all his soldiers.

In this regard, how can Dongyang Hou compare with him?

His [-] Yangzhou army will be exhausted sooner or later.

After Xu Chu's berserk, Dong Zhuo's army retreated, not forgetting to take Luoyang people with him before leaving.

"My lord, we took advantage of the chaos to rescue [-] people." Chen Gong said.

"That's right." Liu Ke said, even if there were [-] piglets, it would be difficult to drive them away, let alone the common people who wanted to escape.

Now, Cao Cao's army has been completely convinced.

After this battle, Dong Zhuo may have a shadow, and he will never dare to attack the city easily again.

"Dongyanghou has always fought like this?" Yu Jin couldn't help asking.

"Wen Ze, your luck is good. The Marquis of Dongyang doesn't care about you, otherwise you will be miserable." Cao Hong joked.

"Hahaha, how could the Marquis of Dongyang remember such a small person like me, he must not remember!" Yu Jin suddenly said optimistically, and Liu Ke who passed by later took a look at him, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

"Dongyanghou! This battle is thanks to you!" Cao Cao saluted with a smile.

The boss bowed his head, how could the others remain indifferent?They all saluted Liu Xing.

This time, the Yangzhou Army stole the show.Even if Dong Zhuojun was given a step, so what?

Today, I can't turn it over.

In turn, Cao Cao's army was a little ashamed, and they were defeated by Dong Zhuojun.

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