"Does Dongyanghou only dare to act fiercely at night in a sneaky way?"

"Mice, come out!"

Xu Chu was very upset when he heard the shouting in the city, and said, "My lord, let me fight!"

Liu Ke nodded, and Xu Chu hurried out.

Seeing the city gate wide open, Wang Fang felt very refreshed, as he still has the ability.His eldest son, Wang An, asked Zhan: "Father, this big man looks stupid, let me deal with him."

Seeing this, Wang Fang was even happier, feeling that his son had finally grown up.

"Go ahead, I'll leave the first battle to you, don't lose face as a father."

Wang An cupped his fists, and then rode out.


Xu Chu raised the knife and dropped it, Wang An's head flew to the ground.

"An unknown person, dare to be arrogant?"

"Dare to kill my elder brother? Watch me kill you!" Wang Fang's second son had a reckless personality and rushed forward.


The two exchanged blows, and Wang Fang's second son was oppressed by a huge force and fell off the horse.

The head just hit a rock, and red and white things were everywhere.

Wang Fang was terrified and chased after him with anger.He raised his big knife and slashed at Xu Chu's head.

Xu Chu swung his knife to block, and the two passed by each other.

Wang Fang's arm was numb, almost shattering his tiger's mouth, his face finally changed, and he recognized the truth.

This is a peerless fierce general, not something he can beat!

However, he couldn't be distracted at this moment, he picked up the big knife and rushed towards Xu Chu, planning to use the next wrong body to escape.

Xu Chu slashed at him, and Wang Fang's horse walked a long way before he fell down slowly. Looking at his separated lower body, he couldn't believe it.

The twitching body made Dong Zhuojun panic.

What a sharp knife!What a fast knife!

"Steady! With me here, what are you afraid of?" Niu Fu stood up and said calmly.

The death of the three Wangs was too shocking.

Cheers came from the city walls, drums were beating loudly, and the morale of the defenders was boosted.

The thumping drum made Dong Zhuojun even more flustered, and even retreated involuntarily.

Niu Fu almost lost control of the situation, his face flushed, and he called out his names directly: "Go!"

Li Meng who was named could only bite the bullet and go up.

Niu Fu had high hopes for Li Meng, after all he had defeated Sun Jian and was a rare general.

"Cheer up for General Lee! Beat the drums!"

With the sound of drums, the Xiliang army also stabilized.

Niu Fu suddenly felt something was wrong again, if Li Meng lost, wouldn't morale drop to the bottom?

So he sent three more lieutenants up.

"Go and help General Li!"

Li Meng finally gained a little confidence when he saw the deputy general Qi arrived, and went directly to Xu Chu.

One person can't beat you, but four people can't beat you to death?

Xu Chu is very bachelor, no matter how many people are facing him, he will charge fearlessly.

The five fought in a group, suppressing Xu Chu for a moment.

"Haha! General Li Meng is doing well!" Niu Fu said.

All the soldiers also gave Li Meng a mouthful.

However, in the next second, Xu Chu suddenly exploded, beheading one of the lieutenants first, and then targeting the next person.

That person was glanced at, as if being stared at by a prehistoric beast, he immediately ran away.

Seeing this, Xu Chu didn't pursue, and went directly to Li Meng, who sold the last lieutenant directly.

Click and wipe, clean and neat.

Li Meng fought a few more rounds and found a chance to escape.

Dong Zhuo's army's morale plummeted, and it's fine if he loses or not, but now he has lost all face.

"The thief misled me!" Li Meng complained first.

Niu Fu ignored the lieutenant general's begging for mercy, and directly killed him in public.

"Running away, that's what happens!"

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