All of a sudden dispatched seven cavalry, really shameless?

Yu Jin couldn't stand it anymore, so he hurriedly called for a fight, and many generals of Cao Cao's army also asked for a fight.

Cao Cao was very embarrassed and looked at Chen Gong. Chen Gong curled his lips and turned his head away.He looked at Zhao Yun again, Zhao Yun said:

"My lord likes to fight, so there is nothing we can do about it. Mr. Cao, prepare the whole army for an assault."

Army assault?In other words, Dongyang Hou is sure to defeat them?

Cao Cao nodded and stopped insisting.

Although Zhao Yun looked calm and calm, he kept an eye on the changes in the situation on the field at any time, and if Liu Ke fell into a disadvantage, he would directly kill Liu Ke.

Facts have proved that he was overthinking.

As soon as Liu Ke's five tigers' soul-breaking guns were fired, they directly picked off the three of them in a head-on effort. When Niu Fu saw this, he still hit Nima?

Why are these so-called lieutenant generals worse than the chief soldiers?

He turned his head and walked away, very simply and neatly, showing a wonderful equestrian skill.

"Stop him, he'll be promoted to three ranks!" Niu Fu promised.

The remaining three knew they were invincible, but they still bought time for Niu Fu.

In the end, only one person escaped back, and said to Niu Fu, "Commander, can I be promoted?"

Niu Fu was so angry that he killed him with a knife, and even spat out, "I've been thinking about getting promoted all day long, no wonder martial arts are so poor!"

Everyone saw that the commander in chief fled back in embarrassment, the Xiliang army is now like a limp woman.

Under Liu Ke's signal, the whole army began to attack.

Niu Fu hurriedly asked Fan Chou to attack. Fan Chou looked at the freshly bandaged wound, miserable, and still led his army to resist.

The war didn't last long, and Niu Fu couldn't hold on anymore, and ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops.

The Xiliang army dispersed in a hurry.

Cao Cao pursued frantically for more than twenty miles, and he could vaguely see Luoyang, so he gave up.

Niu Fu ran all the way with the Feixiong army, and finally returned to Luoyang.

Fortunately, the Flying Bear Army remained relatively intact, and most of the losses were ordinary troops, so it can be regarded as an explanation to the lord?

Niu Fu would like to thank the Feixiong Army, if not for their four legs, he would have died long ago.

Fan Chou, who stayed behind, led the army to resist desperately. When he learned that Niu Fu had escaped, he surrendered.

Damn Niu Fu, if the Feixiong Army were here, how could they have lost so badly?

Chapter two hundred and fifteen

After returning to Luoyang, Niu Fu looked embarrassed and pleaded guilty tremblingly.

Dong Zhuo seemed to have expected it a long time ago, but seeing his son-in-law in such a mess, he still couldn't help reprimanding him.

You said steady and steady, why did you suddenly drift away?

Fortunately, it's not too embarrassing to win a game and lose a game.

"My lord, it's all because of Liu Dingfang's shamelessness. He couldn't beat him single-handedly, but all of them overwhelmed him. Our army really can't stand it," Niu Fu said.

Fan Chou was one of Dong Zhuo's confidantes. Dong Zhuo knew his bravery and believed Niu Fu's words.

"Okay, go down and reflect on yourself!" Dong Zhuo waved his hands and said, this time Niu Fu's biggest mistake was not bringing Fan Cong back, so Dong Zhuo is also a small punishment.

Niu Fu stepped aside obediently.

Dong Zhuo shook his head helplessly, he still can't rely on courage to deal with Dongyang Hou, he has to outsmart him!

So, he smiled and looked at Li Ru.

Li Ru knew that he couldn't hide, so he quickly said: "My lord, I have a plan!"

"Tell me about it." Dong Zhuo said.

"The Marquis of Dongyang relies on the elite Yangzhou army and doesn't pay attention to us. Why don't you ask him to come out to fight? Five thousand soldiers on each side." Li Rudao.

Before Dong Zhuo could speak, Li Jue asked in surprise, "If this is the case, isn't our army asking for trouble?"

It's not that he doesn't have confidence in the Feixiong Army, but that he has difficulties.Dongyang Hou's tent is like a cloud of fierce generals, apart from him, there is no one in Feixiong's army who can fight.

Therefore, there are natural defects in generals.

Li Jue was well aware of this point, if a fight was really going to break out, what would they use to resist it?

"Our army must be sure when we go to battle." Li Ru vowed.

"Could it be that fighting soldiers do not fight generals?" Guo Si further guessed.

"No, our army sent [-] troops to fight, and then [-] flying bears ambushed and wiped out the Marquis of Dongyang in one fell swoop! It would be even better if he could be captured alive." Li Ru said.

The corner of Guo Si's mouth twitched, it seems that I still overestimated your integrity!

One hundred thousand people beat five thousand people, is there any reason to be invincible?

Li Jue also thought it was impossible, but what about the lord's prestige?

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