To determine the number of enemies and the direction of the ambush, I also have a number in my heart.

Liu Ke ordered the soldiers to deploy while waiting for Dong Zhuojun.

Half an hour later, Huang Zhong came back with a very ugly expression, and whispered a few words in Liu Ke's ear.

Good guy, is it possible that Dong Zhuo is crazy?

One hundred thousand people were ambushed!

He really treated Liu Ke like a blind man!

"My lord, our army is too dangerous in this way, we should retreat." Huang Zhong suggested.

An army of one hundred thousand flying bears can scare people to death.

Uncharacteristically, Liu Ke said firmly: "The enemy's army is concentrated here, and they will not notice Zilong, so we should try our best to buy time. Don't worry, I let Meng De take care of us."

Huang Zhong didn't know whether to be moved or angry for a moment. For Zhao Yun, the lord is too risky.

Since the persuasion was ineffective, he had no choice but to guarantee a retreat, and told Cao Cao the news behind him.

Cao Cao was also shocked. Originally, he thought this was a response, not a decisive battle, so he only sent [-] troops. After all, Hulao Pass still had to be guarded.

However, Dong Zhuo ambushed one hundred thousand soldiers![-] people are not enough to fight.

For this reason, Cao Cao made up his mind, and first persuaded Liu Ke to retreat, but was rejected, so he had to continue to transfer troops from Hulaoguan.

"My lord, why are we so active, let the Marquis of Dongyang..." Before Yu Jin could say the next sentence, Cao Cao interrupted him.

"With Marquis Dongyang's martial arts skills, it's not difficult to break out of the encirclement. He just wants to protect his subordinates. Besides, although I, Cao Mengde, is not a good person, I still need a basic reputation, right?" Cao Cao said.

Seeing this, Yu Jin couldn't say anything more.

The two protagonists are so self-willed, but it's hard for them and their subordinates.

Cao Cao increased his troops by [-] at once, bringing the total to [-]. He ordered his generals to hide and wait for the Marquis of Dongyang to attract Dong Zhuo's army, maybe he could inflict heavy damage on them!

Today, there are only [-] horses left at Hulao Pass, and they are reinforcements dispatched by Cao Cao from all over Yanzhou.

Another half an hour later, Niu Fu appeared with five thousand soldiers.

This time, he was still the general who played the battle. After losing once, he was not at all cowardly, but ready to move.

Nonsense, with [-] people as the backing, he has no reason to be afraid.

Now is the best chance to make amends.

As long as he can hold back Dongyang Hou, it will be a great achievement!

Niu Fu calculated that it would take about two quarters of an hour for the Flying Bear Army to arrive at the battlefield.

So, he just has to persevere.

For this reason, he asked his subordinates to wear thick heavy armor and a large shield.

In this way, nothing is lost.

Under heavy protection, Niu Fu moved forward step by step, victory and merit beckoning to him.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The two armies faced off.

Under the heavy protection of his own people, Niu Fu stepped forward and said, "Marquis Dongyang, we meet again, haha, my tortoise formation, do you dare to break it?"

dare not!dare not!

The corner of Liu Ke's mouth twitched. How fierce the Xiliang army is, they are now wearing shackles, and everyone is armed to the teeth.

A soldier without a shield is not a good soldier!

"Niu Fu, stop talking nonsense, why did Dong Zhuo send you, a defeated subordinate, to die?" Liu Ke said.

Niu Fu prepared a lot of excuses in order not to betray the gang, saying: "Hou Dongyang is famous all over the world, not to mention the Yangzhou Army under him, he is a first-class elite. As long as I delay enough time, or as long as I cause the Yangzhou Army to suffer heavy damage , that’s victory! Hahaha, I’m not burdened by fame!”

I also lost to the Baibo Yellow Turban Army!The protagonist Dong Zhuo also lost to Zhang Jiao!

So for failure, Xiliang people will never be ashamed.

But Liu Ke is different. He has never lost since he set off.

Of course, this is the view of the world.

Liu Ke dismissed such a false name.

With the sound of trumpets, the Yangzhou Army launched a charge.

Halfway through, they all took out their hand crossbows and shot at [-] degrees towards the sky.

What a rich man!Every soldier is equipped with a crossbow bolt!

Niu Fu was envious, but he didn't hesitate at all, so he used rogue tactics, and countless soldiers raised their shields.


The sound of crossbow bolts hitting the shield was endless.

"Hahaha, Marquis of Dongyang, you need to work harder!" Niu Fu mocked.

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