The number of defenders is about [-], which is just a piece of cake for the Yangzhou Army.But it took a lot of thought to distinguish between rebels and surrenderers.

Zhao Yun broke through the door all the way to Dong Zhuo's family, and women's screams kept coming from inside.

"Take them all under control and don't cause trouble for us." Zhao Yun said.

There are many loyal servants of Dong Zhuo who fought desperately with the Yangzhou army, but they only have dedication, but they don't have enough fighting power.

The killing was still going on, Zhao Yun was not familiar with the terrain, so he could only lead the army to rush around, wherever there was a battle, he would go there, until the shouts of killing in the whole Wuwu gradually subsided.

Chen Gong imprisoned all the captives together, focusing on the strong men.

After dawn, they took control of the whole Wuwu.

"This is too simple." Many sergeants began to discuss.

Zhao Yun also agreed with them, but the real battle is to stick to it for a month, so he couldn't help reminding:

"Don't take it lightly. When Dong Zhuo's army returns to help, you will have something to play with."

Only then did everyone silence.

Dong Zhuo's Xiliang army was still very brutal.

At this time, Chen Gong was sealing up the government treasury. In order to appease the people, he did not open each of the treasury, and directly put a seal on it.

The Yangzhou army is all good, but who can guarantee that they can keep their hearts under the temptation of endless money.

Therefore, Chen Gong simply did not do anything, and did not open a single treasury, because there would be a bloody battle in the future.

"Gongda, will there be hidden dangers in doing this?" Zhao Yun couldn't help but ask.

Direct storage can indeed put an end to people's greed, but they don't know what's inside.

"We'll talk about it after the lord arrives." Chen Gong said stubbornly.

In this regard, Zhao Yun had no choice but to concentrate on consolidating the city defense.The two of them have a clear division of labor, and he can't force it.

At this time, Chang'an's defender commander was Zhang Ji. When he received news that a large number of troops had landed on the waterway, he strengthened Chang'an's defense.

After three days of slow watch, no one came.

Zhang Ji was about to scold his mother, so he severely reprimanded the scout, but the scout proved it with his death, Zhang Ji was in shock for a while.

So, a large number of scouts were sent out, but no wool was found.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that there was another place that had not been notified, and that was Meiwu.

It's not too late to make up for it.

Zhang Ji sent envoys to Meiwu, and returned within a day, claiming that everything was normal.

But Zhang Ji became suspicious. Under his questioning, the envoy finally recalled that the guard was a strange face.

"Damn it, the bandits must have captured Meiwu!" Zhang Ji said painfully.

Where is Meiwu?Dong Zhuo's painstakingly managed treasure land!

Such an important place is lost, how can I explain to the master?

Zhang Ji made up his mind, led [-] people to Meiwu, and ordered the defenders to open the city gate.

"What does General Zhang mean by this?" Yangzhou pretended to be the defender and asked.

No, it's not a Xiliang accent!

Zhang Ji knew immediately that his guess was true, and immediately sent Meteor Horse to inform Dong Zhuo that he would set up camp outside the city.

At this moment, he can only hope that Dong Zhuo will come back soon. Chang'an has only [-] defenders, which is extremely empty.

Zhao Yun was quite speechless when he saw that the Chang'an troops refused to leave. He finally blocked the news, and after a few days of delay, he was still discovered.

Although the city wall of Meiwu is not as good as Hangu Pass and Hulao Pass, it is worse than the big cities like Luoyang Chang'an, and there is no problem in holding on to it.

However, Zhao Yun was a brave and careful general, so he attacked Zhang Ji's camp that night, defeated [-] enemies, and beheaded [-].

Zhang Ji was terrified, and withdrew to Chang'an, he couldn't help feeling, are these people crazy?

It's fine if you don't attack the city yourself, but they dare to come out?

However, after this battle, Zhang Ji obtained an important piece of information. There is only one person in the world who can have such an elite army, and that is Dongyang Hou.

They are also good at raiding.

Dongyang Hou's tentacles have reached Chang'an?

It can only be said that he deserves to be the Marquis of Dongyang!

After Dong Zhuo received the letter, he couldn't believe it, and then flew into a rage, saying, "They are all rubbish!"

Even if Changan is lost, he can accept it, but what the hell is Meiwu lost?

It's all Dong Zhuo's painstaking efforts for more than ten years!

After looting Luoyang, and then Chang'an, all the painstaking efforts accumulated with great difficulty are lost as soon as they are said to be lost!

Dong Zhuo thought of Ma Teng. Besides him, who else has the ability to attack Chang'an?

"Ma Teng, I am at odds with you!"

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