Before the siege, morale plummeted.

The corner of Li Jue's mouth twitched. Today he is the protagonist of the siege, but he really wants to escape.

Otherwise, double the supervisor team?

For morale, it is definitely worse.

But Li Jue had no other choice, in order to have an effective attack and to show off in front of the lord.

Brothers, you can only rush forward!

Dong Zhuo's army set off, and the dark supervisory team behind them was more terrifying than the Yangzhou army on the city wall.

"The first person to climb the city wall will receive a reward of one thousand!" Li Jue shouted.

Although it did not cause a sensation, it was finally a consolation.

"Kill three enemies, and you will be promoted to a higher rank!" Li Jue said again.

Too many people have died recently, and many official positions have been vacated, so Li Jue is also very generous.

Only by being promoted can you not have to die as a big soldier, so Dong Zhuojun cheered up again.

The army is mighty, like waves hitting rocks.

Zhao Yun often takes the lead in his actions, and his bravery is incomparable.

This is an army of faith, which has long put life and death aside.

Chen Gong tried again, but with little effect.

The throwing money technique can only be used once.

"Kill!" Zhao Yun brandished the gentian gun, harvesting one life after another.

His white robe was all stained with blood, like a devil crawling out of hell.

It is precisely because of the bravery of the general that the Yangzhou Army can carry out its beliefs.

Life is definitely precious, but on the battlefield, it is nothing more than that.

Life for life, blood intertwined.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Will you go to Hangu Pass?" Liu Ke asked.

Cao Cao fell silent all of a sudden. Although he didn't know what happened, it must have something to do with the tens of thousands of people who disappeared.

Dongyang Hou has worked so hard to help him, can he not help?

But before that, they discussed with their subordinates.

The generals all agreed to attack, firstly to return favors, and secondly, of course to take revenge.Dong Zhuo had already called home, why didn't he call back.

Xi Zhicai expressed a different view, after all, the strategic goal of Cao Cao's army has been achieved.

Why bother to provoke Dong Zhuo again?

Dong Zhuo was not injured in this battle.

"My lord, it is understandable to attack Hangu Pass out of friendship, but you should ask why Dong Zhuo retreated, and why Marquis Dongyang insisted on attacking Hangu Pass." Xi Zhicai said.

After all, it was only their guess that the Yangzhou army captured Chang'an.

Cao Cao found Liu Ke and asked Xi Zhicai two doubts.

"Zhicai is still so difficult to deal with, why do you need my lord to agree to this matter, I can answer it." Guo Jia said.

Sure enough, it was for those [-] people!

Cao Cao suddenly realized, but those people are heroes and deserve to be rescued.It was because of them that Dong Zhuo withdrew his troops.

So Cao Cao assembled an army of [-] and followed Liu Ke to Hangu Pass.

Looking at the majestic Hangu Pass, everyone felt a tingling sensation.

Even Cao Cao couldn't help feeling regretful.

In his eyes, Hulao is already the most dangerous pass in the world.But in front of Hangu Pass, the big witch is still insignificant.

"This is a grand pass in the world, Feng Xiao, you will be in big trouble, hahaha!" Xi Zhicai laughed suddenly.

It turns out that both he and Guo Jia are from Yingchuan, and they are like-minded friends.

Guo Jia pouted, he just wanted to be an idle fish.Now that Hangu Pass lies here, it is really a big deal.

The guard of Hangu Pass was Dong Min, and Dong Zhuo left [-] soldiers here, plus the original defenders, a total of [-].

There are not many troops, but with the help of Xiongguan, they can fight two with one.

The Yangzhou army is elite, which is the consensus of the whole world. In the siege battle, many casualties can be reduced.

And that's all.

"It's just Hangu Pass, why have my Yangzhou army been afraid?" Guo Jia said.

"Don't be disgusted by Fengxiao, why not negotiate a peace with Dong Zhuo directly, with Dongyanghou's face, how dare he not give it?" Xi Zhicai said solemnly.

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