Dong Zhuo glanced at Guo Si, making the latter frightened, did he say something wrong?

It took a long time before Dong Zhuo calmed down.

Meiwu, there are countless treasures inside.

If Guo Si had seen it, he probably wouldn't have said such a thing.

But this proposal is also in line with the current situation.

Dong Zhuo is in a very difficult situation. Now he has three roads to go.

Li Jue's suggestion is straight and risky; Li Ru's suggestion is pertinent, but Chang'an may not be able to stick to it; Guo Si's suggestion is the worst policy, which is funny because it can save everyone.

It's a pity that Dong Zhuo never knew that Liu Ke wanted his life, and it was impossible for him to agree to Guo Si's conditions.

Dong Zhuo seems to have returned to the era of the crusade against the Yellow Turban. Zhang Jiao, who was once extremely powerful, may be so helpless when facing the Marquis of Dongyang.

But Zhang Jiao was also happy, and died in a daze, while Dong Zhuo was extremely sober at the moment.

His orders determine everyone's fate.

When he was in Luoyang, he made the decision to move the capital, and then his military strength was inexplicably reduced by half.If I make another mistake now, I am afraid that the other half will be gone.

Dong Zhuo believed in force, and he could not survive in the world without force.If you want to do whatever you want, you must have enough troops.

This point, Dongyang Hou did it.

Therefore, Dong Zhuo also wanted to do it once, and he agreed with Li Jue's suggestion with difficulty.

"Wen You, will you blame me?" Dong Zhuo said.

"No, my lord's decision must be right! I firmly believe in this point." Li Ru said.

"Okay, well said, then let Dongyanghou and I have a good fight to the death! Hahaha!" Dong Zhuo suddenly laughed wildly.

Perhaps, this is his last battle.

Then go crazy with everything, and don't let Dongyang Hou take it lightly!

Don't run away anymore, let's have a good fight!

"My lord, I would like to be the pioneer!" Guo Bang stood up and said, in order to fulfill his promise.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was originally a battle to defend Luoyang, but it suddenly turned into a war against Dong Zhuo.

Dongyang Hou is so powerful!No reason!

Cao Cao was deeply moved. He was in a very complicated mood at the moment. With the help of Marquis Dongyang, maybe he could take the opportunity to win Chang'an.

With Yanzhou and half of Sizhou, Cao Cao's development can be described as rapid.

Moreover, Emperor Xian was also welcomed!

With the tiger skin of Xiandi, the future development will be unimpeded.

Who can compare to such an achievement?

As long as he defeats Dong Zhuo, he can become the second prince!

Cao Cao's heart was burning, and he ignored Xi Zhicai's dissuasion and increased his troops by [-].

As a result, a situation of [-] troops surrounded Chang'an was formed. It can be said that Cao Cao moved all his family property here. This was a big gamble, and he lost nothing.

But following Dongyang Hou, how could he lose?

Cao Cao didn't believe it!

Guo Jia also reminded Liu Ke of this point, saying: "If our army takes Chang'an, it is impossible to garrison troops. We can only take advantage of Cao Cao. It is better to negotiate peace with Dong Zhuo."

But how could Liu Ke give up, let alone the endless treasures in Meiwu, not to mention the system tasks.

Needless to say about Meiwu's wealth, the system's rewards will definitely greatly enhance Yangzhou's strength.

The development of Yangzhou's science and technology is mostly guided by the system, and Liu Ke also obtained knowledge from it to drive forward.

"Feng Xiao's words are not unreasonable, but you underestimated Dong Zhuojun's tenacity, Chang'an will not be pacified so quickly." Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia knew that Liu Ke had already made a decision in his heart, so he didn't stop him anymore. After all, it was the master who made the decision, and the counselor only needed to remind him.

So far, Liu Ke has not made a missed decision, and Guo Jia chose to believe it.

Liu Ke's plan was that Cao Cao's army would be responsible for attacking Chang'an, and Liu Ke would lead the army to Meiwu, but a letter from Dong Zhuo disrupted his plan.

Another appointment!

This time it was not a conspiracy, because Dong Zhuo blatantly said that he would lead an army of [-] to fight Liu Ke.

The army surrounding Meiwu and Chang'an's army converged, which was almost the same number. It was impossible for Dong Zhuo to find other reinforcements in a short time.

On Liu Ke's side, there were [-] horses, and Dong Zhuo really bullied the few with the more.

In the military meeting.

"Brother Meng Dexian, what do you think?" Liu Ke asked.

As an ally, Cao Cao's opinion is very important.

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