It's a pity that Xiahou Dun is not here this time, otherwise Cao Cao would be more confident.Those [-] new troops are really easy to use.

Cao Cao didn't continue to chat, and directly arranged tasks for the ministries.

Xia Houyuan was in charge of the left wing, commanding an army of [-], and Yu Jin was in charge of the right wing, commanding an army of [-].Cao Ren's defensive ability is the most outstanding, and the [-] troops in command are responsible for coordinating with Huang Zhong.

As for the remaining [-] horses, they were handed over to Commander Cao Hong, who was responsible for protecting the formation, that is, Cao Cao himself.

When Cao Cao saw the momentum of Dong Zhuo's army in formation, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle.

There are too many people, all over the mountains and plains, stretching for dozens of miles.

In a normal field battle, with such a disparity in strength, it is impossible to win.

But the Yangzhou Army is full of variables. They are too strong and have no limit at all.

"My lord, it looks like the battle will start in less than half an hour," Guo Jia said.

"I understand, have you found Dong Zhuo's location?" Liu Ke said.

"My lord, there are three places on Dong Zhuo's carriage, it seems that he is spreading suspicious soldiers." Guo Jia said.

"Is there no way to be sure?" Liu Ke said disappointedly. Guo Jia didn't continue to say, so there must be no way to judge directly.

Sure enough, Guo Jia nodded.

Dong Zhuo knew the strength of the Yangzhou army, so he deliberately arranged his positions.

Coincidentally, Liu Ke planned to use the beheading operation as a breakthrough point.

As long as Dong Zhuo is killed in public, the outcome will be easy.

"What's so rare about this? I, Hua Xiong, and the lord are all together, and we can kill them directly. Who can stop them?" Lu Bu said, very confident in his own force.

But in this way, the troops will be dispersed, and no one can guarantee the absolute completion of the task.

"What if Dong Zhuo is not in these three places?" Guo Jia asked back, and suddenly Lv Bu was speechless.

This is the worst possible situation.

"So, it depends on General Hua Xiong." Guo Jia said.

Liu Ke also thinks so, Hua Xiong is a hole card enough to expose Dong Zhuo.

Suddenly, there was loud drumming from both sides.

"The former army has started fighting!" Lu Bu said excitedly.

They can't see anything from their current position.

So Liu Ke and his party boarded the high platform that had been erected, and they were able to intuitively control the overall situation.

Cao Cao's plan is obvious, which is to resist the pressure on the two wings, stick to the middle, and maintain the formation.

This is the best way to deal with the shortage of troops.

Before the formation is broken, it is absolutely impossible to attack in an all-round way.

The archers on both sides fired wildly, covering the entire battlefield.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Keyao was deeply shocked.

Even if he is in the rain of arrows, he will be cool without a shield.

Huang Zhong is a master at playing bow and arrow. He is very experienced in how to defend against the enemy's arrow rain. Coupled with the hard armor of Yangzhou, basically not many people fell down.

Cao Caojun was miserable, almost swapping with Dong Zhuojun.

In order to reduce the loss of Cao Cao's army, Huang Zhong decisively led his army to charge, disrupting Dong Min's archer formation in an instant.

It was Dong Zhuo's younger brother Dong Min who was in charge of the attack in the middle of Dong Zhuo's army. He took a step back, causing the archers to face the Yangzhou army directly and was caught off guard.

Seeing this, Cao Ren immediately ordered the archers to step forward and continue shooting, avoiding the chaotic area in front, and shooting toward the rear of the enemy formation.

After this round of coordination, Dong Zhuojun's follow-up troops couldn't keep up, and Huang Zhong ate part of it.

Huang Zhong won the victory, without arrogance or impetuosity, he ordered the troops to retreat and continue to form.

I am afraid that only the Yangzhou Army can order and prohibit and command freely.

In this case, if it was Cao Cao's army, they would probably be red-eyed and kill Dong Zhuo directly with the rhythm.

Sadly, Dong Min moved another step slower, allowing the Yangzhou army to breathe.

It wasn't that he was slow, but that the Yangzhou Army moved too quickly, and Dong Min couldn't grasp the rhythm.

However, for the melee of hundreds of thousands of people, this is just a small battlefield.

Among them, Xia Houyuan was the most aggrieved. What he had to face was the flying bear army led by Li Jue.

Those reckless riding and shooting made him miserable.

First, it rushes up to give you a round of bows and arrows, then turns to the side, comes back with another wave of bows and arrows, turns around and goes back, and repeats itself.

Three thousand people were lost in one fell swoop.

Xia Houyuan had nothing to do, and the initiative in the battle was entirely in Li Jue's hands.

Yu Jin on the right wing is not much better, Guo Bang is like going crazy, constantly attacking the formation, compressing their living space.

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