For talents, Liu Bei has always been very eager. He thinks that he is not as good as Dongyang Hou because he doesn't have enough advisers.

Li Ru grasped Liu Bei's ambition, and said with arrogance: "Mr. Xuande can capture Xuzhou first, and then Qingzhou. Kong Rong in Beihai is weak and not to be feared. Once the army arrives, he will definitely surrender. You who own the land of two states will have The capital to compete for the world. Gongsun Zan in the north has a good relationship with you, but you can attack Yuan Shao back and forth, and Jizhou can get..."

Liu Bei's blood was boiling with excitement, but he was stumped by the first step of Li Ru's plan.

This is Li Ru's real purpose, so he boldly suggested that Liu Bei seize Xuzhou.

"Tao Gong treats me well, how can I betray him?" Liu Bei sighed.

Li Ru looked down on such a person very much. He was obviously very honest, but his mouth said no.

"Leave this matter to me!"

So Liu Bei took Li Ru to visit Tao Qian.

Li Ru eloquently explained Xuzhou's current predicament, the most famous of which is the "Dongyang Marquis Threat Theory".

Tao Qian's eyes widened in disbelief.

"If the Marquis of Dongyang had no ambitions, why didn't he welcome Emperor Xian? As long as he welcomes Emperor Xian and ascends to the top, Duke Tao will definitely sacrifice Xuzhou, and there are countless loyal officials of the Han Dynasty like Duke Tao, such as Liu Yu of Youzhou and Liu Biao of Jingzhou Wait.

With such an advantage, half of the country can return to the rule of the Han Dynasty, and another million troops will be raised. With Dongyanghou as the commander, the world can be peaceful.However, Dongyang Hou did not welcome Emperor Xian! "

Li Ru emphasized the last sentence.

Tao Qian was emotionally aroused by Li Ru's impassioned statement, which caused the last sentence to hurt him even more.

Therefore, he willingly handed over Xuzhou, appointed Liu Bei as the governor of Xuzhou, and presented himself to the court.

No matter what Chen Deng and Sun Qian tried to persuade, even deadly remonstrance was useless.

Liu Bei began to take over many things in Xuzhou, full of vigor, and admired Li Ru even more.

Such talents should be kept by your side!

He even hugged Li Ru while sleeping, for fear that he would run away and make Zhang Fei jealous.

With the help of Li Ru, Liu Bei easily became the governor of Xuzhou.

After gaining power, Liu Bei drifted away and directly imposed heavy taxes on Yangzhou goods, which seriously violated the agreement signed by the Eighteenth Route princes when they crusade against Dong Zhuo.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Recently, Liu Bei is very swollen, either this is being detained, or that is being detained, and it is completely difficult to get along with Liu Ke.

Liu Bei was also worried about this, and said, "If the Marquis of Dongyang sends troops to attack, what should we do?"

Xuzhou is weak and has an army of [-], but for Yangzhou, it is just a piece of cake.

So Liu Bei was a little timid.

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured that the Marquis of Dongyang is hypocritical and righteous. As long as Tao Gong does not die, he will not raise troops to cause chaos." Li Rudao.

For Li Ru, Liu Bei can be said to trust 100%, so he became even more arrogant, and even pretended to be a robber to attack the caravan.

Originally, Liu Ke was furious, but Guo Jia laughed and said, "Yangzhou has been comfortable for too long, and the chamber of commerce has become inflated. This is a good thing."

Liu Ke thought for a while, and finally understood what Guo Jia meant.That is to use Liu Bei's power to let the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce understand a truth. Without Liu Ke and the support of the government, they are nothing.

Sure enough, the Chamber of Commerce couldn't bear the loss and came to Liu Ke to complain.

Liu Ke's sanction method is very simple, just stop the trade with Xuzhou directly.

Goods destined for Jizhou and Youzhou are shipped directly by sea.

This time, Liu Bei became even more arrogant, because he thought that Liu scared him.

"Dongyang Hou is really not worth mentioning, he succumbed to a little trick." Liu Bei snorted coldly.

Tao Qian has started trading with Yangzhou in the past few years, and both sides have made a lot of money.Especially the Chen Deng and Sun Gan families, at first they thought they would just grit their teeth and pass.

Unexpectedly, Dongyang Hou was determined this time. Half a month later, still no caravan entered Xuzhou, and the caravan sent to Yangzhou was also driven back.

Therefore, Chen Deng and Sun Gan went directly to Liu Bei for a showdown and demanded the resumption of trade.

Liu Bei's reason was very sufficient, and he said directly: "Now the Marquis of Dongyang has canceled the trade with us, what's the matter with me?"

The more anxious Chen Deng and Sun Qian were, the happier Liu Bei was. After all, they were obstacles to ruling Xuzhou.

But soon, more and more people came to the government to complain.

"Lately there's no more salt! What's going on?"

"The waterwheel in the village is broken, will the government help repair it?"


Only then did Liu Bei realize that something was wrong, and hurriedly bought table salt from various states, not to mention twice the price, and it was particularly unpalatable.

"Fuck, this is salt? The rock is so big!"

"This is coarse salt, and coarse salt is salt! It just sucks!"

The people complained a lot.

"I'm afraid that Xuzhou's family and businessmen are behind the scenes." Li Ru analyzed.

Liu Bei thought so, but he had nothing to do with it. Tao Qian wasn't dead yet.

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