Cao Cao was in a dilemma all of a sudden. It would be fine if he won, but he would be doomed if he lost.

At the most critical moment, Xi Zhicai smiled and said: "This matter is very simple."

This sentence attracted everyone's attention, not only the main fighters, the main peace faction, but also Cao Cao, staring at Xi Zhicai eagerly.

Xi Zhicai said slowly, "After Dong Zhuo was punished, Li Jue always wanted to take the position of grand master, but Guo Si is not a cheap lamp. As long as he provokes him, Chang'an will be in chaos."

"Okay!" Cao Cao clapped his hands and immediately asked Xi Zhicai to arrange.

Xi Zhicai's method is very simple, that is, he keeps giving gifts to his younger brother Guo Bang, whether he accepts it or not, he just gives it to him.

The gift-giving convoy was mysterious and even hid its identity, and Li Jue happened to find the clue.

Li Jue couldn't help wondering, is Guo Si going to join Cao Cao?

Finally one day, Li Jue couldn't bear the showdown, and directly questioned Guo Si: "Recently, you and Cao Cao have gotten very close!"

Guo Si jumped up and retorted: "If I really take refuge in Cao Cao, you will cut off my dog's head directly!"

Seeing his sincerity, Li Jue believed his words.

However, when Guo Si returned home, he was full of surprises, and Cao Cao's envoy took the opportunity to bewitch him and said, "Master Li is suspicious of you."

Just this one sentence made Guo Bang's imagination run wild, so he decided to act first.

Cao Cao's emissary sent an anonymous letter to Li Jue's mansion. Li Jue opened it and was surprised. It happened that Guo Si invited him to drink and eat.

This shit is clearly the Hongmen Banquet!

So, the two of them fought with their servants.

I didn't think it was enough, so I mobilized the army again, and the whole Chang'an was flying like dogs and dogs, and the ground was covered with corpses.

After Cao Cao got the news, he laughed three times, and ordered Xiahou Dun to be the commander, with [-] troops to recover Chang'an, and Cao Ren, the guard of Hangu Pass, with [-] troops to assist.

The [-] Cao Cao army took Chang'an effortlessly.

After entering Chang'an, Xiahoudun looked at the devastated Chang'an, deeply moved, and ordered to search for the subordinates of Li Jue and Guo Si.

First, he defeated Guo Bang's main force and forced Guo Bang to death.

Guo Bang's death finally made Li Jue wake up, and immediately led the remnant army to flee to Xiliang, and was ambushed by Cao Ren on the way.

Li Jue died.

In this way, the two major powers in Chang'an, Li Jue and Guo Si, died in their own internal struggle.

Xiahou Dun incorporated their deployment, and Cao Cao's army became stronger.

Soon after, Cao Cao officially became the great prince who controlled Yanzhou and Sizhou, and he had the capital to compete in the world.

Not to be outdone, Liu Bei worked hard in Xuzhou.

Since the last time he suffered a dark loss in Liu Ke's hands, Liu Bei began to hoard goods and open up new business avenues.

At the same time, Xuzhou Mu Taoqian's health deteriorated day by day, and he finally died.

Liu Bei finally waited until this day and began to completely take over Xuzhou.

In order to show that he is a righteous prince, Liu Bei held a grand ceremony for Tao Qian.

However, some forces in Xuzhou are ready to move. They plan to support Tao Qian's son and compete with Liu Bei for power.

For this reason, Liu Bei turned his head with sorrow.

How should I put it, Tao Qian has kindness for recommending Liu Bei, so it is impossible for Liu Bei to deal with Tao Qian's son.

In this critical situation, Li Ru, whose pseudonym Li Shang, showed his wisdom, saying:

"The Taixue established by the Marquis of Dongyang in Yangzhou is famous all over the world, and it is a good place for young people."

Liu Bei understood in seconds, and directly packed the potter and Tao Ying to Yangzhou.

In order to appease people's hearts, Liu Bei even said: "When the two of you return from your studies, I will support you to become Xuzhou shepherds."

When Tao Shang and Tao Ying heard the words, they wept bitterly and expressed their gratitude to Liu Bei.Not only sending them to the long-awaited Yangzhou, but also giving them such a grand promise, is indeed Xuande Gong!

Liu Bei smiled slightly, as if to say, I am a good person.

The two idiots were betrayed without knowing it. Will Xuzhou be the Xuzhou you know when you come back?

Sun Qian was helpless, as one of the forces opposing Liu Bei in Xuzhou, he had no choice but to take refuge in Liu Bei.

Chen Deng hesitated, and returned home to discuss with his father Chen Gui.

In the history of later generations, Chen Deng guarded the gate of Yangzhou for Cao Cao and resisted the attacks of the little overlord Sun Ce several times, so he himself is a tough character and will not compromise easily.

Chen Gui is an old Jiang Hu, let Chen Deng avoid the limelight and no longer fight against Liu Bei.

"Father, my son is not reconciled, why can Liu Xuande be in the top position?" Chen Deng said.

"Just wait for the sky to change in Xuzhou." Chen Gui said calmly.

In just six words, Chen Deng benefited a lot.

Liu Bei is hostile to Dongyanghou, and he will definitely put himself in a situation where he will never be restored.

At that time, it will be the time for Xuzhou's Chen family to make a comeback.

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