"Thank you." Cao Cao sighed.

"It's not hard work, I still have a merciless request, and I also ask the lord to issue an order to crusade Dongyanghou!" Xi Zhicai said.

At first Cao Cao was very confused, but later he gradually understood.

Xi Zhicai intends to force Tian Feng to recognize Cao Cao's position as the leader through the imperial decree.

This is also the advantage of supporting Xiandi, otherwise why would you support an old man?

Cao Cao has a good face, and he can't help but sigh at this moment, it would be great if Cheng Yu was here.Cheng Yu has already persecuted Emperor Xian once, so he doesn't care about the second time.

Seeing this, Xi Zhi had no choice but to volunteer to be the bad guy.Originally, he was just unrestrained and unrestrained, and he couldn't reach the level of cruelty, but now for the sake of the lord, he went all out.

Cao Cao did not refuse, but acquiesced to the matter.Xi Zhicai went directly to the distraught emperor, explained the ins and outs, and of course deliberately blackmailed Liu Ke.

"Isn't Marquis Dongyang an ally of Duke Cao? Why did you do this?" Emperor Xian was about to cry, but he couldn't make any decisions other than being a stamping machine.

Compared with Dong Zhuo's time in power, his situation has not changed in any way, but the scope of activities has expanded a little, the difference between fifty steps and one hundred steps.

Xi Zhicai got the imperial decree, and Tian Feng was speechless the next day, and with Zhou Yu's help, his advantage greatly increased.

Tian Feng was almost drowned by spittle, he couldn't help looking at Jian Yong, this old man was still at ease, as if he didn't care when the sky fell.

The last hope was dashed, and Tian Feng was defeated.

Xi Zhicai won the final victory. Before he had time to laugh, Tian Feng launched a sharp counterattack:

"My lord, Yuan Shao, will send a thousand troops to support everyone!"

Nima, a piece of horse is more useful than a thousand people like you.


Xi Zhicai sent Zhou Yu and Jian Yong away, and talked with Tian Feng alone, intending to compromise on cooperation, such as providing food and grass.

Tian Feng obtained practical benefits, he had an explanation to Yuan Shao, and no longer competed for the position of leader.

Cao Cao became the leader of the anti-Yangzhou alliance worthy of the name.

After discussing for so long, the news must not be hidden.

Zhou Buyi got the news from his uncle Liu Xian, and then told Cao Pi.

At this moment, Cao Pi already has the appearance of a young adult, and his spiritual wisdom has been raised crazily by Zhou Buyi, and he can still tell right from wrong.

Dongyang Hou stayed in Yangzhou honestly, who is in the way?

Cao Pi was very angry, and what made him speechless was that his father was still the leader of the alliance. This is because Mr. Eat Dead is easy to bully, and he would not kill his precious son.

"Sir" naturally refers to Liu Ke.

In the past two years, Liu Ke stayed in Yangzhou. Apart from handling government affairs and accompanying his family, the rest was teaching his apprentices.

Cao Pi admired Liu Ke's knowledge very much, and studied with Zhou Buyi every day.

So when this happened, Cao Pi was very sad.So, he pulled Zhou Buyi to apologize to Liu Ke together.

"Hey, hey, it's your father who made the mistake, not mine. Why should I go?" Zhou Buyi was extremely reluctant when he reached the door.

"Brothers? We promised to have the same blessings and share the same difficulties!" Cao Pi said.

"Sir won't deal with you, what are you afraid of?" Zhou Buyi said loudly.

Liu Ke was in the study room, and he could hear clearly that these two little bastards didn't go to the house for a day.

"Get out!"

Cao Pi glared at Zhou Buyi, and opened the door first to enter.Zhou Buyi never dared to disobey Liu Ke, so he had to hang his head and follow in.

"Sir, please punish the students!" Cao Pi cupped his hands, with a sincere and sincere attitude.

"Okay." Liu Ke stopped what he was doing, and seemed to be thinking about how to punish Cao Pi, "Well, punishment... Zhou Buyi copied the "Tao Te Ching" a hundred times."

"Ah?" Zhou Buyi was frightened dumbfounded.

The child who was originally a child prodigy suddenly became stupid.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Zhou Buyi came out of Liu Ke's study, he felt a lot of resentment.

Then his head lit up and he said, "From today onwards, you will be Zhou Buyi, and I will be Cao Pi!"

Cao Pi was taken aback for a moment, and soon thought of what Zhou Buyu was up to.But when he thought that Zhou Buyi was tricked into such a situation by himself, Cao Pi felt very sorry and said, "Can this work?"

"Why not?" Zhou Buyi asked back, looking like a big brother.

"It's not impossible for me to punish you for copying, but sir, you can't make it through, right?" Cao Pi reminded, the handwriting of the two people is still somewhat different.

Zhou Buyi chuckled and said, "I've already prepared, just come and help me!"

Cao Pi was puzzled, but still nodded.

In this way, Zhou Buyi took Cao Pi to his secret workshop, which was Ma Jun's home.

Ma Jun once said that the things in his house can be used by Zhou Buyi to play with.

This time, Zhou Bu doubt's goal is movable type printing.

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