Then let's see who has the toughest head.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Cao established the anti-Yangzhou alliance and made public the crusade.

The general meaning is that the Marquis of Dongyang launched an army, and the people of Yangzhou were in dire straits. As the army of justice, the allied army would go through fire and water for the people.

It also gave an example that the Marquis of Dongyang brutally forced the people to build roads, and [-] people suffered heavy casualties, and now only [-] are left as laborers.

"Fart, how is my life, I don't know yet?" A Yangzhou farmer couldn't help retorting.

At this moment, after working all day, he found a tavern to rest, only drank a bowl, and fell in love with it.

Gradually, he became a regular customer, from a bowl of wine every day to a pot of small wine every day.

His current goal is to work hard for another two or three years to try to order one or two side dishes.

Everyone in the village scolded him and told him not to spend money recklessly, but to deposit the money in the bank and marry a wife in the future.

It's a pity that he just likes going to pubs and bragging here.

"Isn't it? The reason for the lack of laborers is because the Marquis of Dongyang kept his promise. Once the labor period expired, he gave the fields and sent them to various places. Now even the emperor is talking nonsense!" A traveling merchant said, they These people travel far and wide, and they are the most well-informed.

Business is not doing well now, so he simply stopped running and planned to rest for a while.

"They are jealous! We are living a great life, we have fish and meat, and I heard that there are people starving to death in other states." The farmer said.

This statement was confirmed by the businessman.

"So, I'm barefoot now, and I'm here to grab some food," said the farmer.

"Yes, beggars are the hardest to deal with. They are shameless. In fact, Cao Mengde is the most shameless. Marquis Dongyang kindly helped him eliminate Dong Zhuo, but he actually repays his favor!" said the businessman.

"The Marquis of Dongyang can kill Dong Zhuo, so he can kill him, so what are you afraid of!" the farmer said excitedly.

"It's different this time. Cao Mengde is smarter than Dong Zhuo. He knows how to recruit a group of younger brothers. How about six princes? Don't they have millions of troops?" A lot of "secret".

Sure enough, after the million-dollar army said it, the farmer was immediately frightened.Yangzhou has only half of their troops, how can they resist?

"Don't worry, Marquis Dongyang won't let them get what they want." The shop waiter vowed.

Thinking of Dongyang Hou, everyone felt relieved.

That is Yangzhou's Dinghaishenzhen!

"However, this force is too small. When the Marquis of Dongyang expands his army, maybe I can still participate!" The farmer patted his strong chest.

At this time, he was only thirty years old, and he worked hard in farming, so his body was very strong.

"As long as the Marquis of Dongyang needs it, I can also carry a gun to the battle!" The shopkeeper stood up and said, with a round belly, and this figure probably weighs two hundred catties.

So, everyone started joking.

"Shopkeeper, with your strong body, I'm afraid you can hit three with one!"

"What's one to three? If our Yangzhou lads can't hit ten, it would be a shame!" The fat shopkeeper said loudly.

"The shopkeeper is right!" Everyone regained their confidence.

"I'll tell you something good. As long as you go to war and kill a few enemies, I will treat you with good wine and meat when you come back. If you are unfortunate enough to be missing an arm or a leg, as long as you are not bankrupt, I will support you all the time!" The fat shopkeeper promised.

Bankruptcy is a term that has only become popular recently, and it is said that it came from the mouth of Dongyang Hou.

The farmer was so excited!

The same thing happened all over Yangzhou, they waited quietly for Dongyang Hou to expand his army.

There are people who are more anxious than them, and that is the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce.

Liu Ke reminded them in advance to avoid major losses.

They either reduced their holdings in other states, or sold their properties directly, and returned a large amount of funds.

All arranged for the receiver.

Of course, there are also courageous ones who continue to operate with a new look.They didn't use Yangzhou's name from the beginning, so they don't worry about being affected.

However, the war stopped them from commercial activities, and the losses were immeasurable.

Therefore, they all hope that the war will end soon.

Unlike ordinary people in the market, they are powerful, and while denouncing Cao Cao, they visited Liu Ke.

They are willing to donate one million gold, hoping that Liu Ke will expand his army.

But Liu Ke is not stupid, how could he agree to their request.

In later generations, Shen Wansan, who was as wealthy as the enemy, made a mistake, that is, to reward the three armies instead of Zhu Yuanzhang.

Shen Wansan's ending was tragic.

Liu will not let the Chamber of Commerce expand without restriction, and the army will not let anyone get involved.

For a long time, Yangzhou has implemented a policy of elite soldiers and strong generals. Even if recruits are recruited, it will not have much effect.

So Liu Ke didn't plan to recruit recruits.

However, the enthusiasm of the scholars to participate in the war was high.

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