Later, Guan Yu fell into a tight siege in order to break the heir, and Zhang Fei had an inescapable responsibility.

"Okay, third brother, the incident has already happened, so don't blame others." Liu Bei taught.

"But, what about the second brother?" Zhang Fei said.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei was very upset, and said: "Yun Chang was just captured alive, and there will definitely be a chance to meet in the future. When we defeat the Yangzhou Army, the Marquis of Dongyang will definitely release him."

Thinking of this, Zhang Fei felt relieved. After all, Dongyang Hou let him go, and he would definitely not harm Guan Yu.

"You are not allowed to fight privately in the future!" Liu Bei said.

Zhang Fei nodded in agreement.

Li Ru saw Liu Bei reprimanding Zhang Fei lightly, and while lamenting their brotherly love, he also felt that things had become very difficult.

This time, he really achieved the prestige of Dongyanghou.

The whole barracks was talking about this, and Li Ru was helpless.

No problem!

"My lord, it's a time of crisis. General Guan's capture has dealt a huge blow to morale," Li Ru said.

Of course Liu Bei understood this truth, so he stared at Li Ru eagerly, waiting for his idea.

Guan Yu was captured, Zhang Fei was injured, who else could Liu Bei appoint as his cronies?

Therefore, Li Ru could only say: "I'm afraid my lord will have to rely on the influence of the Cao family, the Chen family, and the Sun family."

To be honest, Liu Bei finally kicked them aside, he really didn't want to use them, and now, he had no choice but to do so.

Therefore, Cao Bao and Sun Qian were directly appointed as the commanders-in-chief of the first army, and Chen Deng was also reactivated.

Liu Bei's decentralization this time did not get gratitude, but instead nourished more people's ambitions.

However, in a short period of time, the effect is still very significant.With the help of Xuzhou's local gentry, Liu Bei finally stabilized people's hearts.

Yuan Shao's army also arrived at Xiapi as scheduled.

Hearing bad news as soon as he arrived, the vanguard was wiped out.

Therefore, Yuan Shao's face was ugly the whole time, and Liu Bei could only keep a smile on his face.

"Xuande, you are too impulsive." Yuan Shao said in a big brother tone.

"I was too careless." Liu Bei said embarrassedly.

Liu Bei used to be the county magistrate in Pingyuan, but he ran to Xuzhou because he was afraid of Yuan Shao.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bei created a new world here, and Yuan Shao was very envious.

Anyway, Yuan Shao is Liu Bei's senior, so he speaks old-fashioned, ready to suppress Liu Bei's arrogance.

Although Tian Feng did not win the position of leader, Yuan Shao was compensated accordingly.

"Xuande, where are my supplies?" Yuan Shao asked suddenly.

Liu Bei's face suddenly became very ugly, faltering.

Yuan Shao's heart skipped a beat, did Liu Bei swallow it himself?

"Xuande, you are now a prince, you must always remember your identity."

Liu Bei could only sigh and said, "It was snatched by the Marquis of Dongyang."

"..." Countless muddy horses galloped past Yuan Shao's heart.

However, he was an old fox, and he didn't feel well in his heart and didn't fully express it.

Yuan Shao even wondered, could he make a fuss about this matter?

Compensation is necessary, but in addition to compensation, it can also be exchanged for political capital.

Yuan Shao was very regretful that he did not get the position of the leader of the alliance, but he must win the command of the North Road Alliance.

Originally, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan had a good relationship, but Yuan Shao had no strength to intervene, but now it is different.

First, Liu Bei was defeated and lost his vigor, and needed Yuan Shao's help.

Second, Liu Bei felt guilty for losing Yuan Shao's supplies.

Therefore, taking advantage of Gongsun Zan's absence, Yuan Shao planned to take down Liu Bei.As long as Liu Bei supports it, then things will be much simpler.

Therefore, next Yuan Shao beat Liu Bei to death and threatened him, but left room for him.

How dare Liu Bei refuse?Can only go down the steps.

Li Ru didn't show up, because Yuan Shao's army might have his acquaintances, so no one reminded Liu Bei.

Finally, the conditions were finally negotiated. Liu Bei only needs to compensate Yuan Shao for half of the supplies, but he must obey the command.

When Liu Bei was defeated, he had no idea at all, but when he heard Yuan Shao's request, he immediately agreed.

He returned to the mansion happily.

After listening to Liu Bei's explanation, Li Ru looked at him like a fool.

"My lord, how will you explain to General White Horse after he arrives?"

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