Sure enough, the lord's goal is Runan!

Guo Jia seemed to have guessed it a long time ago and was not surprised.

Although the plan is to go north first and then go south, the situation cannot be opened in Xuzhou, so there is no need to waste it.

On the contrary, Cao Cao was on the siege side in Runan, and it was easier to fight.

The reason why Liu Ke made such a decision was greatly influenced by Yuan Shu.He did not respond to Yuan Shu's request because Yuan Shu was capricious and untrustworthy.

Now, Yuan Shu fought Cao Cao badly in Runan, and even killed Cao Cao's envoy. Liu Ke believed that Yuan Shu would not betray.

This is Yangzhou's opportunity.

Moreover, this is also a strategic deception.Everyone knows that Liu Ke is in Xuzhou. At this moment, he suddenly rushed to Runan, and there is a high chance that he can inflict heavy damage on Cao Cao's army.

Just do it!

Where Liu Ke camped, there were no villages or people nearby.Farther away, there is no one.

The common people have already had their own way to deal with the war and hid in the mountains.

So Liu Ke can do it without anyone noticing.

However, he did not choose to leave at night.Because the night is a blind spot for Yangzhou scouts to patrol, they sometimes miss one or two scout troops.

On this day, Liu Ke dispatched more scouts, and then he swaggered out of the camp.

More than [-] Yangzhou cavalry marched in neat steps, drifting away.

They were not traveling fast, and Liu Ke was worried that the sound of running horses' hooves would travel too far.

To be sure, not a single enemy scout was nearby.

Liu Ke didn't take away Zhang Yun's heavy cavalry, because they were not suitable for long-distance raids, and left some cavalry for Tai Shici and others to encircle and suppress the Allied scouts, so he only had more than [-] cavalry on hand.

The frightening thing is that these [-] cavalry are all one man and two horses, which is extremely extravagant.

Originally, Liu Ke could form more cavalry troops, but in the past two years, he only cared about developing the economy.

Moreover, the maintenance of the cavalry unit is also very high, which also dissuaded Liu Ke from thinking about it.

The battle of the Central Plains was more about siege and defense, and the role of cavalry was not highlighted.

But Liu Ke intends to teach the princes a new lesson, cavalry is always the most terrible weapon of war.

"The whole army, advance at full speed!" Liu Ke said loudly.

The [-] cavalry suddenly increased their horse speed and galloped across the field, dust flying.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Battle of Runan is still going on.

Cao Cao's army is elite, but for Yuan Shu who has been dealing with the Yangzhou army all year round, it is nothing more than that.

Yuan Shu now has only one thought, and that is to make Cao Cao regret it!

Small people also have big anger, not to mention Yuan Shu is also a big prince!

"Half a month! Our army has stood firm for half a month!" Yuan Shu suddenly laughed.

If Cao Cao were here, his face must be very ugly.

What does half a month mean to the Allied Forces?

The fighter opportunity was fleeting, and Cao Cao was delayed in Runan for half a month.

Yan Xiang didn't disturb the lord's yy, at this critical moment, he needed great confidence to persevere.

One of Yuan Shu's few pleasures was to thwart the Allied attack.

"My lord, we can guard for another half a month." Yan Xiang said.

Hearing this sentence, Yuan Shu was very happy at first, but later he realized something was wrong.

Can I only stay for another half a month?

Runan is Yuan Shu's foundation, and it was never breached even in the most difficult times.Now, it's time for life and death.

It's really sad.

"Hold on for another ten days, if the situation is not right, let's retreat." Yuan Shu said.

God knows how determined he was.

It's just Runan County. As long as Yangzhou can survive, it can help him regain it in an instant.

At this time, Cao Cao was very impatient, because he suddenly discovered that the allied army was like a pile of shit.Regardless of Sun Ce and Liu Yan, Liu Bei and Yuan Shao must be.

He made no progress in Runan, so he urged Xiapi to send troops, but Yuan Shaoniao was not a bird, so he wrote back directly:

When we were in the alliance, we agreed that we were only responsible for holding back the main force of Yangzhou. Now that we have done it, we will wait for you to attack!

This tone, as if Cao Cao was the one holding back.

Cao Cao almost yelled, but he restrained himself.

The plan is indeed like this, but the plan can't keep up with the changes, why can't you take some practical actions?

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