This is also a task assigned to the leader.

It's ridiculous to say that in the entire alliance, only Sun Ce is unswervingly implementing the combat goals.

After all, the conquered territory belongs to him.

Of course, there is also the competitor Liu Yan.

After Sun Ce took Hepu County, he cut off the entire Jiaozhou in the middle. If he doesn't participate in the war at this time, when will he wait?

Therefore, Liu Yan sent veteran Yan Yan as commander, Zhang Ren and Wu Yi as lieutenants, and Yan Xing as vanguard, leading an army of [-] to invade Jiaozhou.

Because of the rough road, the army walked for a long time.As soon as they entered Jiaozhou, they occupied the counties of Jiaozhou.

These are all credit!

Yan Xing attacked crazily, even "down" forty-five counties, and gained fame.

At the same time, being cautious, he did not forget to inquire about the main force of Jiaozhou, and soon learned that Jia Xu had gathered [-] troops in Jiaozhi, ready to hold on.

"Marquis Dongyang has made great achievements in battle, but his subordinates are just a bunch of rats!" Yan Xing laughed loudly.

Yan Yan soon received a report from his son Yan Xing, and he also guessed Jia Xu's intentions.After leaving some troops to garrison various places, he led an army of [-] and went straight to Jiaozhi.

This is the main battlefield. Only by eliminating the Jiaozhi defenders can Yizhou truly rule here.

Jia Xu had been prepared for a long time and was not afraid at all.

According to Yangzhou's policy, Jiaozhou needs to stick to the South China Sea and Jiaozhi, waiting for rescue.

However, Liu Ke did not restrict Jia Xu's actions, after all, the chance of fighting is fleeting.

Jia Xu had [-] defenders in Jiaozhi, and he made various arrangements and recruited [-] young and strong to participate in the training.

Therefore, the longer the delay, the better for him.

That's the power of population.

During this time, Jia Xu continued to receive immigrants from Yangzhou and gained their trust.His strength lies here.

However, the news of the fall of the half county of Jiaozhou was still spreading all over the Central Plains.

Under the impetus of people with good intentions, Jiaozhou was corrupt, and the Marquis of Dongyang was about to be defeated soon.The news spread like wildfire.

The Allied forces vigorously publicized this matter in order to hit the morale of Yangzhou.The originally sluggish Yangzhou battlefield suddenly regained a round.

The allied army, which was originally called a million-strong army, has now been confirmed.

It's really a million!

It's a pity that the Yangzhou battlefield was not strong enough, and nearly [-] were lost.

Cao Cao's crusade is flying all over the sky, to the effect: All classes in Yangzhou, don't resist. When Jiaozhou falls, Liu Yan and Sun Ce's [-] troops will go north. What do you use to resist?

A real strategist would definitely laugh it off.

But many people in Yangzhou don't know why, so it still causes panic.

Especially scholars, as intellectuals, their every move will become the benchmark for everyone's actions.

Now even they are restless.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The restlessness of Yangzhou scholars was not because of fear, but because of anger.

Before the war, they took to the streets to denounce the Allies.

Now that the Allied Forces are so arrogant, how can they bear it?

Scholars published various articles, criticizing Cao Cao, the white-eyed wolf, and really accused him of treachery and not the Son of Man.

A well-written article can be sought after by everyone.

So, no matter what, let's play with literary talents first.

In their grotesque articles, Cao Cao has become a fat head and big ears, sleeping too many women, which leads to atrophy in some aspects.

This is still light. According to the "Shan Hai Jing", some people described the attacking princes of the six routes as various monsters, and even added pictures.

Needless to say, sales are good.

Later, the love story of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao appeared in the market. The twists and turns were bizarre, and the two fell in love and killed each other.

The love and hate in it are soul-stirring.

The article is written in the so-called new martial arts style.

"Zhou Buyi, do you want to die that much?" Cao Pi accused loudly, it was the first time he confronted Zhou Buyi like this.

The martial arts style is a form of literary expression in which Liu Ke casually expresses it in words and Zhou Buyi directly expresses it in words.

Needless to say, in private, it is very popular.

Blue comes from blue and is better than blue, which is Zhou Buyi.

The love story between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao was written by Zhou Buyi, which has high literary value.

So as soon as it was printed, it was sought after by everyone.

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