Since it wants to develop, there must be a crooked technology tree.

When Liu Ke came back in a while, he cleared up all kinds of problems, which made Cai Yong and Sima Hui amazed.

This time the imperial examination, Cai Yong is the chief examiner, and Sima Hui is the deputy chief examiner.

However, due to the war, Liu Ke directly intervened in the exam and took Cai Yong's position as the chief examiner.

As a result, the whole Yangzhou was boiling.

The top three in this exam can call themselves Dongyang Hou disciples!

Such benefits are unique.

Scholars spread the news to ten, ten to hundreds... The news that Liu Ke was the chief examiner spread like wildfire.

The response was overwhelming, and people who hadn't planned to take the exam actually wanted to try their luck.

Unfortunately, they suddenly discovered that they were not qualified!

Because before the imperial examination, there was a unified examination, and only those who passed it were eligible.

While everyone was clapping their thighs, Liu Ke spread a piece of paper all over Yangzhou.

It doesn't matter if there is no quota, as long as there is a recommendation from the prefect.

The whole of Yangzhou continued to cheer.

With a dark face, Lu Su found Liu Ke, and said straight to the point: "My lord, we are still fighting."

Only then did Liu Ke express his purpose, to improve morale and lure the snake out of the hole.

"My lord, don't forget Jiaozhou." Lu Su added.

Only then did Liu Ke come to his senses, reflect on himself, and said, "Keep the quota for the imperial examination in Jiaozhou."

Only then did Lu Su nod his head and leave to busy himself.This period of time is really too busy, if Liu Ke is not too ridiculous, he will not appear.

It was Lu Su's reminder that saved Liu Ke from making a few mistakes.

With such a virtuous minister as his assistant, what will the allies use to fight him?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The imperial examination in Yangzhou is under intense preparation, and Cao Cao's face is very ugly.

What he was holding in his hand was an article about him.He and Yuan Shao, where is there a story that has to be told?

It's clearly slander.

But such slander is very lethal.

"I never thought that Liu Dingfang would be such a despicable villain." Cao Cao said viciously.

In order to hit his prestige, such indecent means were used.

But this article is really attractive. Even Cao Cao wants to read the follow-up development story.

If he is not the protagonist in it.

This is the legendary broken chapter dog.

"My lord, it's a mediocrity not to be envied by others, so what's the point of being wronged?" Xi Zhicai said frankly.

Cao Cao thought so.

Xi Zhicai also read this article. At first he thought it was Guo Jia's handwriting, but after careful study, it was not his style.

However, the literary skills are very sophisticated.Yangzhou is full of talents!

"Unlucky!" Xiahou Dun suddenly approached the tent, feeling very depressed.

"General Xiahou, what's the matter?" Xi Zhicai asked, if I remember correctly, Xiahou Dun should have been sent to fight, why did he come back so quickly.

"Don't mention it, the Yuan Shu rats dare not go out to fight, and even speak ill of the lord." Xia Houdun said.

Is the ridicule not enough to be ridiculed?

Xiahoudun is a veteran of fighting, but...

Cao Cao understood immediately, his face became even more ugly, and he secretly hated: what can I do not do with Dongyang Hou, and what can I do with Yuan Gonglu?Yuan Shu, just wait for me!

Yuan Shu, who was patrolling the city defense, sneezed and muttered to himself, "Cao Mengde must have missed me."

Yuan Shu purchased a thousand copies of the stories Cao Cao and Yuan Shao had to tell, and posted them in the streets and alleys of Runan City.

Basically, they can read and read.

Cao Cao is Yuan Shu's enemy, and Yuan Shao is also Yuan Shu's enemy. Now that the story of the two of them is so exciting, why not share it with everyone?

Yuan Shao's reaction was much calmer, and he just laughed it off. As for what he thinks in his heart, who knows.

Liu Bei didn't dare to ask, but Gongsun Zan couldn't help laughing when he saw Yuan Shao.

Laugh again, and the entire Allied Army will become a joke.


The whole Yangzhou is busy, the soldiers are busy guarding the territory, and the students are busy preparing for the exam.

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