"I'm curious. Li Shang helped you take down Xuzhou. It stands to reason that he should be your confidant. Why haven't I met him?" Yuan Shao asked intriguingly.

"Li Shang sits in Xuzhou and coordinates all supplies, and his contribution is indispensable." Liu Bei said.

"It can be seen that you respect him very much." Yuan Shao said.

"Of course, my elder brother slept with Li Shang." Zhang Fei shouted loudly.

His injury has healed, and as Liu Bei's confidant, of course such a meeting will be brought.

But Liu Bei was very embarrassed. What do you mean having slept together? It was after a long talk, sleepy and tired...too lazy to move.

Seeing the change in Liu Bei's expression, Yuan Shao kept sneering inwardly. After all, in this day and age, being a virtuous and virtuous corporal, sleeping with him shows his intimacy.

The closer Liu Bei and Li Shang got, the more unhappy Yuan Shao felt.

"Call this Li Shang here, maybe he has a plan to attack Yangzhou?" Yuan Shao said.

Liu Bei didn't know why Yuan Shao wanted to target Li Shang, but he was vigilant and found something was wrong. The tougher Yuan Shao was, the more he opposed it.

"Xuzhou is my foundation, so I can't lose it." Liu Bei evaded.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know, Li Shang dare not come, maybe there is something wrong in his heart?" Yuan Shao suddenly said loudly, startling Liu Bei.

Gongsun Zan's heart skipped a beat, and he looked around carefully. Sure enough, there were many strange soldiers, all of whom were Yuan Shao's subordinates.

"I, Liu Xuande, am a dignified clan member of the Han family, and I do things openly and aboveboard. If Li Shang is wrong, Master Yuan Shao might as well just say it." Liu Bei was beating his heart, but his tone was righteous.

Yuan Shao didn't bother to make excuses, and said, "Don't think I don't know Li Shang's identity, Liu Xuande, do you still want a gift to argue?"

"What identity?" Liu Bei asked blankly, he really didn't know that when Li Shang introduced himself, he was just a down-and-out scholar with extraordinary conversation.

"He is Li Ru!" Yuan Shao patted the table and said, and soon shocked Liu Bei.

What?Li Shang is Li Ru?

Liu Bei shook his head and said, "How is it possible? What is Li Ru's status, would he condescend to become a swordsman in Xuzhou?"

"Liu Xuande, you still dare to quibble? When we form an alliance, we should open the sky and speak clearly, but you keep hiding it everywhere. What kind of behavior is this?" Yuan Shao angrily scolded.

Then, he was embarrassed to find that no one responded to him. After all, there were only three allies now, and Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan were in the same group.

Yuan Shao felt even more chilled.

"I didn't hide anything, let alone quibble." Liu Bei retorted. At this juncture, he should speak up for Li Shang.

"Then you bring Li Shang to me!" Yuan Shao said domineeringly.

Liu Bei was suddenly embarrassed, no matter whether Li Shang was Li Ru or not, Yuan Shao's tone of command would definitely hurt Liu Bei's prestige, so he couldn't agree, and said, "Yuan Shao, do you have to force me?"

"You colluded with Dong Zhuo's old department, why, you dare not admit it?" Yuan Shao bit him to death.

Liu Bei complained incessantly, secretly hating the instigator, there must be someone sowing discord, otherwise Yuan Shao would not go crazy.

"How do you admit that something is created out of nothing?" Liu Bei said.

"Do you dare to swear as a clan member of the Han family?" Yuan Shao forced.

"You..." Liu Bei was too angry to speak.

Seeing Liu being humiliated, Zhang Fei shouted, "Yuan Benchu, do you want to die?"

"Come on! Take it!" Yuan Shao stood up and waved his hand.

Yuan Shao's cronies rushed in, and Zhang Fei wanted to resist, but Liu Bei stopped him.

"Third brother, don't mess around, you wait for me outside the camp!" Liu Bei persuaded.

Zhang Fei snorted coldly, glanced at Yuan Shao, and exited the tent.When there was no restriction outside, he directly picked up the Zhangba Snake Spear, majestic and majestic, Yan Liangwen Chou was not to be outdone, and the two sides confronted each other.

If the quarrel continues, won't this fragile alliance be over?

Gongsun Zan hurriedly tried to persuade him, "Yuan Shao, you're still so small? What's wrong with Dong Zhuo's old department? Is it hindering you?"

Do you really think that I don't know that you two conspired to seize Jizhou?

Yuan Shao smiled and said nothing, "Let Li Shang come and confront, otherwise I will retreat immediately."

"Do you dare?" Gongsun Zan threatened with his eyes, not to be outdone.

It was this aggressive look!

Yuan Shao was annoyed when he saw it, and said: "Everyone has their own ghosts, do you really think that I, Yuan Benchu, am a vegetarian?"

Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan felt guilty all of a sudden, but their expressions didn't change.

"Xuande, why don't you ask that Li Shang to come over, isn't it over?" Gongsun Zan said, "If he wasn't Li Ru, Yuan Shao would apologize, after all, he is the little leader."

Liu Bei originally wanted to refuse, but Gongsun Zan talked about this, and Liu Bei didn't say anything, just acquiescing that Li Shang was Li Ru.

"Okay, I just don't know if Master Yuan Shao can make a promise."

The right to choose was pushed to Yuan Shao again, and in order to verify the answer in his heart, Yuan Shao also fought hard and agreed.

So, the three of them went back to the camp.

Liu Bei sent a document to Xiapi and asked Li Ru to come to the front line.Liu Bei asked Li Ru to come to the front twice, but was rejected, but this time it was different. Liu Bei stated Yuan Shao's persecution and asked him to come.

After Li Ru received the letter, he was in doubt.Yuan Shao actually found out his identity... After this trip, can he come back?

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